Sentences with phrase «abstract illusionism»

The exhibition work highlights the artist's exploration of the relationship between color, structure, and abstract illusionism, beginning with his paintings of the early «60s and «70s.
Visiting Robert Ruello's third solo exhibition at Inman Gallery, I was reminded of the term «abstract illusionism,» which critic Barbara Rose coined in the late 1960s to describe painters using trompe - l'oeuil devices to create spatial and other pictorial illusions in non-representational painting.
This includes paint (another tool at her disposal); Color Field painting; the brushstroke, squiggle, and line; Chinese and Japanese art; Indian miniatures; abstraction; figuration; abstract illusionism; inspirational posters; children's book illustrations; greetings cards; thrift store merchandise; wheels from bicycles, go carts, and strollers; buttons; embroidery and appliqué; mythology; essays on other artists.
The continuation of abstract expressionism, color field painting, lyrical abstraction, geometric abstraction, minimalism, abstract illusionism, process art, pop art, postminimalism, and other late 20th - century Modernist movements in both painting and sculpture continued through the first decade of the 21st century and constitute radical new directions in those mediums.
«In a 50 - year career, James Havard has painted in many styles, from realism to trompe l'oeil «abstract illusionism» to multimedia collage to his current mode, which recalls art brut.
The next phase of Havard's career, during the 1970s, was devoted to this «abstract illusionism,» as the dealer Allan Stone dubbed it.
She recalls another time when abstraction was chafing against its limits, in what Barbara Rose briefly heralded as «abstract illusionism

Not exact matches

«I'm not interested in illusionism, the way a lot of abstract artists are.
I wouldn't put these in an abstract expressionist camp; like Gomez's, there's a photographic, calculated illusionism makes them look magically impressionistic at first and less interesting upon further inspection.
In this way my paintings integrate traditional illusionism and contemporary formalism: they are convincing representations of actual objects as well as abstract arrangements of light, shape, and color.
Maychack studied art in the San Francisco Bay Area, and absorbed its traditions of assemblage, trompe - l'oeil illusionism and personal mythology; but also the post-minimalist interest in imbuing emotion and presence into abstract structures; he cites the personal, idiosyncratic work of Jessica Stockholder and Martin Puryear as major influences.
In Gate (1983), a photograph of a Rockport pier that he shot a few years later, Rush used his camera effectively to explore the duality of compositional flatness versus illusionism, which was a dominant issue for abstract painters working in the 1950s - 70s.
The contemporary abstract artists are of an almost religious temper in their sense of dedication, and will themselves into a highly conscious pictorial celibacy in defiance of traditional, nineteenth - century illusionism.
Thus, despite the power of the photographic illusionism, the abstract qualities are strong.
They are abstract illusions without the cheap schtick of Abstract Illusionism.
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