Sentences with phrase «absurd because»

For example, the entire literature on sex differences in mate preferences (e.g., men valuing attractiveness more than women) focuses on one trait at a time, and no one said that this literature was absurd because it tested hypotheses that focused on a single trait in isolation.
It's also absurd because no matter how hard an attempt is made to divide the debate between good and bad, funded and unfunded, interested and disinterested, the argument fails.
But the idea that an independent author needs to provide ISBN's for all versions of all editions is beyond absurd because it flies in the face of the software industry's own successful practice.
Conversations about performance on individual «indicators,» as they are called in my jurisdiction, often border on the absurd because most of us realize that reading skills are not something that can be separated out cleanly into discrete abilities.
It's absurd because there is virtually no math in computing.»
The test sounds absurd because Caleb goes into the test knowing that Ava is a robot.
Absurd because I used to eat 1400 / day and feel fine.
While Heppner said that should be Phillips «should be apologizing — not running for the State Senate,» McKenna shot back that Haber's «attack is absurd because, by contrast, he is a high - risk trader who got rich by risking other people's money, and has openly bragged about profiting from market volatility.»
Clegg will at one level regard the fuss as absurd because he was stating the obvious: Liberals have for decades believed in focusing tax on wealth.
«The questioning was slightly absurd because what I was not supposed to do was to overrule Derek Lewis and I didn't overrule Derek Lewis and no one has ever suggested that I did overrule Derek Lewis.
Staring at their young energy makes me feel old, it makes me wish I was the one who was running, which is absurd because it could be.
Even the question is absurd because we have lost any concept of reform itself - even the concept is an illusion.
It is absurd because «there is no right to deny rights to others because there is no right to harm others by immoral dispossession (or injure them in their equal status).»
The question sounds absurd because we would quickly respond, «Of course He is!»
It's absurd because Mary — his wife — is my closest friend: in fact we've both known them both since we were married, so it's not a case of a tall, dark and handsome stranger across a crowded room.
This is absurd because by his actions he denied everything that Christianity is based on.
Tiggy said, on November 9th, 2009 at 8:48 pm It only leads to the absurd because your views are absurd, and seemingly inconsistent.
It is absurd because you really don't look like Gollum, universal because most people can relate to the desire to always look put together, and self - deprecating because, again, it infers that you look like Gollum.

Not exact matches

Speaking by phone from Detroit, Eight Mile Style publisher Joel Martin said he'd been infuriated during the trial by the defense's absurd contention that «Lose Yourself» wasn't original because it used the same chords as other songs.
The number of startups that raise a lot of money, blow through it and then fail because they can't raise additional money is absurd.
This is one of the most absurd ways to pay an adviser, because it simply doesn't make sense, it's costly, and can create conflicts of interest.
Walden took interest in proposing legislation to ban the option because he thought the idea of minting a platinum coin to work around the debt ceiling was a particularly absurd idea that exemplified «the problem of people in Washington not understanding the reality» of the national debt.
«Because nobody called him out early on about his absurd policies.»
«Laughable... they're suing us because the way the trucks look, which is absurd.
I can say with an absurd confidence what your links need to look like in order to rank well, but just because I can tell you doesn't mean you can get those links.
«Because of the cyber aspect of bitcoin, its price has run up to absurd levels,» Singer said.
The idea that Proportional Representation is not good because it does not easily create majorities is another absurd just like the one that capitalism created democracy!!!
No amount of academic self - service on this topic or any other is going to erase the mindless cruelty inflicted on millions of human beings because of slavish devotion to these absurd prejudices.
I'm not touching Abraham gods because their existence does seem even more absurd.
All the nonsense about marrying one's pets is an absurd diversionary tactic that I can only assume you engage in because you can not win an honest discussion on the ethics of the issue and / or the scriptural case for your view.
What is absurd is claiming that when we do a heinous thing it is justified because of our anger..
It's absurd to suggest that only people who are «serious» about finding God will end up seeing things your way, because again... many folks will just never have the chance to learn about Jesus or the bible, because that information just isn't available to them.
Because your attempt to paint abortion as akin to the Holocaust is absurd.
It would be absurd to try to reject Nicolas Cusanus» idea of God as «coincidentia oppositorum» because of the inconsistency of this idea.
But equally far from the subjectivism of the romantic or the «I believe because it is absurd» of the mystic, that sacrifice is called for precisely in the name of objective truth comprehended through the «clear, logical cognition» exemplified by the modern scientist.
I offer it is impossible because when we consider all the relevant variables (the probability that all of Vic's ancestors chose the correct partners, that electricity was discovered, that computers and the internet were invented, etc, etc), we can easily see that the odds far exceed Vic's upper boundary for what is «possible» (and therein demonstrate the absurd nature of these types of probability arguments).
Just because the psychotic killer is a blonde, blue - eyed hippie who makes absurd references to Christianity, that doesn't make him a Christian.
It may be why some people don't take religion seriously, because this sort of thing is absurd.
Christians need a mob to make their opinions heard because their opinions are absurd, and with a mass collective of lowered intelligence reinforcing them, they need not concern themselves with not having a leg to stand on.
Stating we should believe something is true because it makes us better is absurd.
Because of your absurd and historically inaccurate belief that the church changed its position on Evolution and Genesis only after «mountains of evidence» was given to them and they were «backed into a corner.»
While I'm roasting in hell because I couldn't swallow such absurd claims about your baby jeeeeeesus will you have your cat pee on me for a bit of relief?
Freedom of conscience is one of the fundamental rights of humans enshrined in the Qur «an; it is therefore, absurd for anyone to suggest that Islam allows putting people to death just because they convert to another religion.
Plus, I agree, a museum keeps things of historical significance, to argue that an artifact should be disallowed simply because it also has religious significance is patently absurd, if we use that logic, all museums will have is wooly mammoths and a few paintings of turtles.
In truth, he has no answer, because I described this ludicrous ritual perfectly, it just sounds absurd when you call it for what it is.
The idea that because someone identifies as spiritual yet not religious and therefore is indecisive, unable or unwilling to have or be a part of a transformative experience, and is somehow non-realist is absurd.
If the doctrine of sin received a strong emphasis in his writings, it was because he was attempting to save modern Christianity and culture from the sentimentality into which it had fallen «by its absurd insistence upon the natural goodness of man.
Because it is absolutely irrelevant to their job, to say nothing of absurd and life - destroying nonsense.
Robert, it is partly because believer idiots such as yourself also get to vote and impact the laws that the rest of us have to live by, and you are influenced by your absurd religio - dogma.
To say he created the heavens and earth in 6 literal days is absurd, because just as a building requires design and planning, so did God's PLANS!
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