Sentences with phrase «abundance of habitat»

The impacts of anthropogenic climate change so far include decreased ocean productivity, altered food web dynamics, reduced abundance of habitat - forming species, shifting species distributions, and a greater incidence of disease.
The impacts of anthropogenic climate change include decreased ocean productivity, altered food web dynamics, reduced abundance of habitat - forming species, shifting species distributions, and a greater incidence of disease.
As a result of degradation, overharvesting, and human activity, the global abundance of this habitat has declined by 85 percent, according to the Nature Conservancy.

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provide habitat that is suitable for supporting increased abundance and diversity of waterbirds within the Ral Ral floodplain.
Furthermore, B. nipponica adults have intrinsic traits that may facilitate their actions as dispersal agents for this mycoheterotrophic herb: (1) their abundance in the plant habitat; (2) they are ground - dwelling, which means they defecate on the forest floor where M. humile's fungal partners, Russulaceae, reside; and (3) the long transit times of seeds through their gut (3 - 10 h) providing occasional long - distance seed dispersal.
Better understanding of golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) abundance and distribution across the developing western United States is needed to help identify and conserve their habitats in the face of anthropogenic threats.
The researchers collected data on a wide variety of ecological variables that could affect gloomy scale populations, including habitat characteristics, the temperature at each tree site, and the abundance of predators and parasitoids.
More than 540 international expeditions sailed to coral reefs, hydrothermal vents, seamounts, and open ocean waters to assemble a comprehensive picture of the diversity, habitats, and abundance of animals and microbes living in the sea.
One of the most popular explanations for species abundance holds that seemingly homogeneous habitats consist of many niches.
Although there had been a strong decline in diversity and abundance of unionids before the Dreissena invasion due to habitat destruction and deterioration of water quality, the appearance of Dreissena accelerated that decline dramatically.
Enduring swarms of biting black flies, numerous flat tires, and even a night spent stranded in the woods with a broken ATV, they also collected a variety of data on habitats where the birds nested, including vegetation density, spruce and fir cone production, and red squirrel abundance.
From their privileged vantage point, satellites are particularly well - suited to observe habitat transformation and help scientists forecast impacts on the distribution, abundance and migration of animals.
«Seven new species of night frogs from India including four miniature forms: Scientists were surprised by the relative abundance of the 4 new miniature species and believe that these frogs were overlooked because of their insect - like calls and secretive habitats
• More effective management and protection of large areas outside of formally protected areas; • Increased law enforcement combined with improved legal frameworks and stiffer sanctions for poachers; • Coordination across all sectors on land use and protection of natural resources with a priority on conserving great ape populations; • Conservation advocacy for wildlife and law enforcement to effect behavior change; • An enhanced understanding of diseases such as Ebola to guide conservation actions; • Monitoring of great ape abundance and distribution, habitat loss, and illegal activities.
Yet for all the diversity of the Ozarks, the region's natural habitats pale in comparison with the abundance of the past, when more than 4 million acres were covered with old pines, some more than 100 feet tall and almost four feet thick.
By increasing the abundance and distribution of elements like phosphorus, plants grow faster, meaning large herbivores are responsible for producing their own food and contributing to their lush habitats.
The abundance of foraging wading birds was also tied to the phases of the moon, but this turned out not to be driven directly by changes in the availability of shallow - water habitat.
This information will be used to map distributions, identify important habitats, locate areas of nesting abundance, and detect roadways with high traffic - related mortality.
Extant counterparts live in a variety of habitats, but their relative abundance in the fossil assemblage indicates that Ardipithecus lived in a wooded area.
In comparison with waters outside the MPA, animal abundance in reefs was as much as 50 times higher, «highlighting the importance of both habitat complexity and protection from fishing for fish populations.»
By analyzing the sediments, scientists can predict how much coral and algae were present on mesophotic reef environment, this new information has important implications from interpreting ancient reef environments found in fossils, where the abundance of diverse habitat forming species can not be analyzed visually.
«Increases in Common Raven distribution and abundance in the American west mirror declines in distribution and abundance of Greater Sage - Grouse, where energy transmission corridors and other land use changes have altered sagebrush steppe habitat,» said David Delehanty of ISU.
Snow leopards function as a keystone species — although they occur in relatively low abundance, snow leopards play a critical role in regulating the populations of other species, preventing any one species from dominating the habitat.
Studies of the influence of natural and anthropogenic alterations or perturbations to habitat on habitat use by fish and value as measured by residence time, abundance, and range requirements.
Deer mice mediate red - backed vole behavior and abundance along a gradient of habitat alteration.
«The potential consequences to amphibian populations are interesting, including the continual masculinization of frog populations for many generations in habitats contaminated with high concentrations of road salt, which could potentially affect the abundance of frogs in these habitats,» said Relyea.
The abundance of invertebrates in the habitat of great bustards was calculated using transects, and compared to the proportion of blister beetles in excrements.
NatureMapping began in 1992 when ecologist Karen Dvornich, working with the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Program, began collecting data on common species and synthesizing it into diversity maps — geographic representations of a species» range, abundance, and habitat.
Exponentially increasing numbers of cars, trucks, paved roads, refrigerators, and flush toilets have drastically reduced the habitat niches for street dogs, so that free - roaming dogs could not return to their former abundance even if the sterilization programs failed.
What other factors (e.g., population density of humans, abundance of other predators, habitat availability and condition, etc.) might have been at work here?
The mild winter weather, the availability of protected waters and nearby farmlands which provide habitat and an abundant food supply all contribute to the year round abundance of bird watching opportunities in the Comox Valley.
The density of females on Sea Lion Island was quite low (about 110 females per km of the coastline suitable for breeding) compared to densities recorded in other sub-Antarctic populations: this low level of crowding of females probably depends on the small population size and the abundance of sandy beaches with a gentle slope, which are the preferred breeding habitat for elephant seal.
New ordinances coupled with an abundance of pristine coastal habitats have made it have made it easier than ever to explore the real wild side of Panama City Beach.
Katmai National Park and Preserve has a wide variety of habitats to support an abundance of different plant communities.
To examine the causes and consequences of the increase, we assessed abundance, body mass, home - range size, spatial resource use (den sites and habitat use), temporal resource use, and diet of island spotted skunks during abundance in 2003 - 2004 and compared it with similar measures during rarity in 1992.
The uniqueness of this structure contributes to both the abundance and variety of coral habitats and marine life.
With an abundance of Costa Rica wildlife, Tortuguero Park is the perfect habitat for river turtles, crocodiles, otters, howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, green macaws, kingfishers and toucans amongst 300 other identified species of tropical birds.
Famous for its abundance of coral habitats and marine life, Laughing Bird Caye is a snorkeler's dream come true.
And if you want to get away from the concrete, Cocoa Beach has an abundance of natural habitats to explore: The Thousand Island Conservation area is a natural wonder, great for hiking, fishing, kayaking, and canoeing.
Then there is a guided tour around the reef where an abundance of tropical fish can be viewed in their natural habitat.
Day Two — Today is spent in the region known as the Fleurieu Peninsula and is rich, not only with beaches and striking seascapes, but also has an abundance of native animals in their natural habitats.
This region is known as the Fleurieu Peninsula and is rich, not only with beaches and striking seascapes, but also has an abundance of native animals in their wild habitats.
You are now in the habitat of Australia's famous wildlife — not only kangaroos and emus live here in abundance, but also many species of unique birds and reptiles.
Day Four — Day four is spent in the region known as the Fleurieu Peninsula and is rich, not only with beaches and striking seascapes, but also has an abundance of native animals in their natural habitats.
It has deep channels on both sides with an abundance of different kinds of coral habitats and marine life.
Along the trail, visitors will pass through small villages such as Wayllabamba, Phuyupatamarca, and over large passes of differing habitats, lush jungles, incredible views, raging rivers and an abundance of wildlife.
«It is a snorkeler's heaven and the uniqueness of its structure contributes to both the abundance and variety of coral habitats and marine life», he added.
It has pristine blue waters, amazing dive sites which have an abundance of coral reefs and 15 hectares of lush, protected wood land which serves as habitat for native plants and animals.
Increased abundances of invasive species: As climate change alters water temperatures, habitat, and fish communities, conditions that once were barriers to alien species become conduits for establishment and spread.91 This migration will alter drastically the fish communities of the Great Lakes basin.
Whales may be particularly affected by changing location and abundance of food sources, changed migration patterns and habitat destruction.
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