Sentences with phrase «academic benefits»

What are the mental, physical and academic benefits of completing classroom activities outside?
All but one of those 13 reports found significant academic benefits for students.
Improving access to school breakfast allows more students to reap the nutritional and academic benefits associated with a morning meal.
These studies support the benefits of mindfulness as a way to reduce stress and increase feelings of well - being as well as producing academic benefits.
While I believe the program offers academic benefits, the reality is that you have to remain flexible and work with existing goals at your school.
It's really like setting up a small classroom at home, for you and your children, but you still get the social benefits, higher academic benefits, etc. of home schooling.
Not only does homework lack academic benefits for young children, but it's also replacing other fun, developmentally appropriate, and valuable activities.
The next generation of choice programs must not only give parents and guardians the freedom to try different methods but must also incorporate incentives for them to consider academic benefits and financial costs.
Providing high - quality mentors to new teachers yields major academic benefits for students, a new study finds.
We believe that our findings present the strongest evidence to date of long - lasting academic benefits, and should be a cause for cautious optimism.
Critics of mandatory retention have long argued that it is harmful to children, offering little academic benefit while increasing the likelihood of eventual dropout.
That's because school advocates say enhancement teachers provide academic benefits to students and respite for core subject teachers to plan during the day.
As measured by state math and reading exams, thousands of public school students enjoyed a modest academic benefit as a result of the program.
These studies support the benefits of mindfulness as a way to reduce stress and increase feelings of well - being as well as producing academic benefits.
Coffey, m., & gibbs, g. can academics benefit from training?
While it said there was «unclear» evidence that free school lunches raised attainment, it pointed to its own research on free school breakfasts in disadvantaged schools delivering similar academic benefits to free school lunches, but «significantly improved» behaviour and concentration, and reduced absences.
Although some research finds that such benefits exist, the available data have not permitted researchers to confirm the causal effects of desegregation on nonacademic benefits for the same reasons that it is difficult to produce convincing findings on academic benefits: the nonrandom sorting of students among school environments and the real possibility that forced busing may produce effects very different from those of living in a racially or socioeconomically mixed community.
No - excuses charter schools can produce long - term academic benefits, say Davis and Heller.
I helped her see that whatever academic benefit Jenna was getting out of completing her homework, it was offset by the stress, unpleasantness and bad feelings that went along with it.
Perhaps because the research literature on the strength of Boston charter schools is so compelling, charter proponents have focused more on touting academic benefits than debating financial costs.
According to research carried out by the National Foundation for Education Research (NFER), students at partially selective schools have «no overall academic benefit» in comparison to those attending non-selective institutions.
The minor academic benefits to assigning mandatory nightly homework simply do not outweigh the substantial drawbacks, which include potentially turning young children against school at the beginning of their academic journey.
It was not just that New York City had already increased its education spending dramatically without showing a reciprocal academic benefit.
Public schools students aren't harmed; in fact, we find evidence that they reap academic benefits due to competition.
On the other side of the debate: «For those opposed to homework, many feel that it creates unnecessary pressure on students for limited or disputed academic benefit, robs children of time to develop other life skills, through recreational and artistic activities and social interaction, and places pressure on family life,» the report says.
Research suggests that providing well - balanced, nutritious school meals not only improves children's general health but also drives up standards in classrooms, with well - nourished pupils showing clear academic benefits.
A recent study of public pre-K in Texas, which is aimed toward poor children and those with limited English proficiency, finds relatively large academic benefits, even though the program itself is not considered «high quality.»
Not only are there academic benefits but studies have shown that both parents and children find reading together as a
Representatives at the NJCSA claim, as do other proponents of charter school expansion, that charters offer superior academic benefits to children: «Across the country and in New Jersey, high - quality charter schools are making a difference.
Another outcome is that vulnerable English learners are constantly adjusting to new classroom activities and strategies that prevent them from reaping the purported academic benefits.
The consortium's subsequent studies found that elite public schools with admissions criteria did not improve academic benefits, test scores, grades or college selectivity, and for lower - income students, these actually worsened.
Once the program is launched school - wide, more than 740 students at Southern will participate in the free breakfast in the classroom program, allowing them to reap the nutritional and academic benefits associated with a morning meal.
Afterschool programs with positive, responsive, and organized environments can have academic benefits for students, finds a new study by NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
This follows IFS research which found that support for a one - year breakfast programme in disadvantaged schools delivered similar academic benefits to universal free school meal provision (though the gains were higher in Year 2 than Year 6).
This is obviously a ripe area for further investigation and analysis, but today it's legitimate to observe, even on the basis of this limited research, that the burden is shifting to the schools and their supporters to measure and make public whatever academic benefit they do bestow on their students versus what similar young people learn in other settings.
Sesame Street's proven ability to produce academic benefits and close achievement gaps bears out in our international efforts as well.
While some earlier studies questioned the role of grade configuration in school success and student achievement, including the 2008 National Forum «Policy Statement on Grade Configuration» and a 2010 study by EdSource, «Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades: Why Some Schools Do Better» in California, «the evidence on academic benefits has become much stronger in the past two years,» West says.
«We have all this evidence that the academic benefits are limited to high - needs kids,» says education expert David Johnson, an economist at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ont.
It's not just that homework itself has no academic benefits for little kids, and may even be harmful, it's also that homework is replacing other fun, developmentally appropriate, and valuable activities — activities that help them grow into healthy, happy adults.
Research on the utility of homework is pretty clear: homework for very young children is of limited - if any - academic benefit.
PLUGGED - IN PARENTING offers two hours of tips, ideas and non-punitive strategies for parenting digital children from babies to teenagers, in every aspect of digital intelligence including internet safety, netiquette, cyberbullying, social media guidelines, health promotion and even the academic benefits of computer and video - gaming.
''... not only is there a preponderance of evidence that there is no academic benefit from retention in its many forms, but there also appear to be threats to the social - emotional development of the child subjected to such practices.»
«We won't know the academic benefits of it for about 8 or 9 years, until the children are in school.»
«Feeling bad has academic benefits: Occasional negative moods can positively impact student success.»
In this way, there is academic benefit to young scientists and the possibility of economic subsidy to research within that country.
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