Sentences with phrase «academic content area»

During the development phase, MCPER will adapt and test the feasibility of Collaborative Strategic Reading for high school students with autism spectrum disorders in academic content area courses.
These candidates must complete either a major in the core academic content area, or its coursework equivalent, or pass the Praxis II content test.
With the objective of promoting bilingualism and biliteracy, students receive academic content area instruction in English and the partner language (e.g., Spanish).
Within each school pair, the artists and classroom teachers focused on a different academic content area with which to integrate the arts.
On one end of the spectrum are schools that use PBL as a vehicle to teach all academic content areas, including literacy and math.
In addition to improving outcomes in academic content areas, there are some overarching considerations for using technology well in the classroom.
Many of the nation's top education researchers have launched new studies into topics such as how best to teach reading in the academic content areas, how best to teach writing at the high - school level, and how best to support the literacy development of adolescent English language learners.
Writing is also important for the development of reading skills and can improve learning in other academic content areas.
This requires educators to ensure rigor and integrity across academic content areas, while also integrating opportunities for students to learn transferable skills and to cultivate essential habits of mind.
Writing is also important for the development of reading skills (Graham & Hebert, 2010) and can improve learning in other academic content areas (Bangert - Drowns, Hurley, & Wilkinson, 2004).
However, in the LoS approach we extend that commitment by recognizing that significant potential exists among many more students than have traditionally been identified and served in both academic content areas and many talent domains.
A holistic model of education and workplace success must be anchored in core academic content areas.
Her particular area of interest is working across the academic content areas, helping teacher develop focusing questions, selecting and using complex texts, developing strategies for building knowledge and oral processing, writing structures, and providing formative feedback.
Competency - based learning: Seat time requirements are waived in full or in part; students progress through school as they demonstrate mastery of academic content areas.
English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies instruction is supplemented by a wide range of elective classes in academic content areas, visual arts, drama, music, physical education, technology and Spanish.
«The CMT assesses approximately 250,000 students on their application of skills and knowledge in the academic content areas of mathematics, reading and writing in Grades 3 through 8, and science in Grades 5 and 8.
SEL Teacher Scholar Ruanna Owens is a third grade teacher at Garfield Elementary in Oakland Unified, where she is part of the SEL lead team responsible for supporting staff with the integration of SEL into academic content areas.
• Follow - through activities and planned opportunities for using skill prompts in academic content areas, classroom management and everyday interpersonal situations at school and in the home and community.
SEL learning standards and benchmarks articulate what students should know and be able to do in SEL from PreK to grade 12 and allow districts to outline intersections of SEL with standards in academic content areas, including the Common Core State Standards, if applicable.

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By drawing from one academic strength, a student builds needed confidence to tackle deficient skills in another topic or content area.
Harvard Graduate School of Education will work with the Strategic Education Research Partnership and other partners to complete a program of work designed to a) investigate the predictors of reading comprehension in 4th - 8th grade students, in particular the role of skills at perspective - taking, complex reasoning, and academic language in predicting deep comprehension outcomes, b) track developmental trajectories across the middle grades in perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension, c) develop and evaluate curricular and pedagogical approaches designed to promote deep comprehension in the content areas in 4th - 8th grades, and d) develop and evaluate an intervention program designed for 6th - 8th grade students reading at 3rd - 4th grade level.The HGSE team will take responsibility, in collaboration with colleagues at other institutions, for the following components of the proposed work: Instrument development: Pilot data collection using interviews and candidate assessment items, collaboration with DiscoTest colleagues to develop coding of the pilot data so as to produce well - justified learning sequences for perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension.Curricular development: HGSE investigators Fischer, Selman, Snow, and Uccelli will contribute to the development of a discussion - based curriculum for 4th - 5th graders, and to the expansion of an existing discussion - based curriculum for 6th - 8th graders, with a particular focus on science content (Fischer), social studies content (Selman), and academic language skills (Snow & Uccelli).
For these reasons, Word Generation focuses on all - purpose academic words and attempts to increase content area teachers» willingness to teach them.
Most educators and parents agree that the main goals in educating students with a native language other than English are mastery of English and of content in academic areas.
Its academic standards for all four core subject areas at every grade span have been rated as clear, specific, and grounded in content by the American Federation of Teachers.
A child who can't speak English may have academic knowledge in other content areas, and may have strong speaking, reading, and writing skills in their first language.
The CALS construct is defined as a constellation of the high - utility language skills that correspond to linguistic features prevalent in oral and written academic discourse across school content areas and that are infrequent in colloquial conversations (e.g., knowledge of logical connectives, such as nevertheless, consequently; knowledge of structures that pack dense information, such as nominalizations or embedded clauses; knowledge of structures for organizing argumentative texts) Over the last years, as part of the Catalyzing Comprehension Through Discussion Debate project funded by IES to the Strategic Educational Research Partnership, Dr. Paola Uccelli and her research team have produced a research - based, theoretically - grounded, and psychometrically robust instrument to measure core academic language skills (CALS - I) for students in grades 4 - 8.
By middle school, academic outcomes in multiple content areas are inexorably dependent upon students» ability to independently learn from text and express what they know through text.
Achievement Test: A standardized test (usually multiple choice) that measures content - area knowledge (e.g., science, math, English, and social studies) and academic skills.
Integrate academic vocabulary into content - area lessons with this engaging resource for grade 1!
With 17,300 students, the district receives an abundance of information, including data from PARCC tests, districtwide pre - and post-common assessments in all content areas, Measures of Academic Progress in elementary and middle schools, Eureka Math and Achieve 3000 achievement scores, and professional - development surveys given to all teachers.
Academic language acquisition isn't just the understanding of content area vocabulary.
Each of the applications will be subject to peer review in the context of five priority areas: supporting effective teachers and principals; promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics education; supporting the implementation of high academic content standards and high - quality assessments; turning around low - performing schools; and improving graduation rates in rural schools.
Humanitas connects three classes at each grade level (usually English, history, and science) that work together to build academic skills and make connections between the content areas.
This state - administered, federally funded program provides five - year grant funding to establish or expand before - and after - school programs that provide disadvantaged kindergarten through twelfth - grade students (particularly students who attend schools in need of improvement) with academic enrichment opportunities and supportive services to help the students meet state and local standards in core content areas.
Engagement Based Sheltered Instruction A rich model of student engagement that helps educators understand students» language proficiency levels and the language demands of content areas, texts and tests; develop student academic language in content areas; and plan, teach and observe for maximum cognitive engagement.
A big goal of ours is to matriculate students into a KIPP Austin middle school in the 5th grade with the ability to read, write, and speak in both academic English and Spanish, at or above grade in all content areas.
The schools emphasize high academic expectations, student engagement, and writing across content areas.
Set the stage for effective academic language instruction with strategies that are designed specifically for English language learners and support content - area literacy using informational text.
Content - area material can provide the context for acquiring both social and academic English.
The Office of Academics is responsible for the development and leadership of the district's academic goals and policies, directing the instructional program pre-K to grade 12 across all content areas and special programs, and it engages constituent groups, teachers, principals, other staff, parents, and community in the ongoing process of educational reform, curriculum planning and implementation, and program development.
The survey examined the basic structure of the standards, as well as basic content features such as references to, and support for, the acquisition of academic English and knowledge in the content areas.
The results serve to aid in determining when ELLs have attained the language proficiency needed to participate meaningfully in content - area classrooms without program support and on state academic content tests without accommodations.
The PARCC CCR Determinations in ELA / Literacy and mathematics describe the academic knowledge, skills, and practices in English language arts / literacy and mathematics students must demonstrate to show they are able to enter directly into and succeed in entry - level, credit - bearing courses and relevant technical courses in those content areas at two - and four - year public institutions of higher education.
Students learn how to organize their time, manage their academic responsibilities, and acquire knowledge in specific content areas.
Library lessons are based on the academic standards for the core content areas of History / Social Sciences, Science, English, and Mathematics.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: A bachelor's degree or higher with at least 24 credit hours in content area Valid IndianaTeaching License for Grades K - 5 or 6 Demonstrates strong writing skills as evidenced by a written response included with Application, answering the following questions: o Describe one experience where you made a significant difference in a student's academic achievement.o Describe a time in which you have used student data to drive greater levels of student achievement.o Describe one way you have successfully integrated technology into your classroom.
In workshops conducted over the past two years, 2000 - plus teachers, representing 121 school districts, created and refined curriculum for 10 content areas of the new Colorado Academic Standards (CAS).
This primary purpose is similar to the original 1968 Bilingual Education Act, which states that limited - English - proficient (LEP) students will be educated to «meet the same rigorous standards for academic performance expected of all children and youth, including meeting challenging state content standards and challenging state student performance standards in academic areas
The team mentioned that SDCS must work to create a system for providing academic instruction across the content areas for a growing number of ELL students who currently miss out on content instruction due to language barriers.
As students work through these standards - aligned lessons, they develop reading strategies while also building content - area knowledge and academic vocabulary.
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