Sentences with phrase «academic debate over»

There has been academic debate over what the terms «game» and «experimental games» infer or give context to.
It apparently topped the best - seller list in Ur for quite some time... and, yes, there are multiple versions, and some academic debate over which are most canonical...
Paul E. Peterson and William G. Howell's article, «Voucher Research Controversy» (Check the Facts, Spring 2004), was informative regarding the academic debate over school choice.
And while the academic debate over patient outcomes is a heated one, a rough consensus does emerge when it comes to more complicated surgeries — such as radical prostatectomy, where the prostate gland and some of its surrounding tissue is removed, usually to treat prostate cancer.

Not exact matches

I am referring to abortion polemics, specifically to the political, judicial, academic, and popular debate over its legality.
A culture of bullying has taken over in this area, and the idea of academic freedom, wide enquiry, and genuine debate and analysis is no longer seen as essential in university life.
I thought of this recently as I re-read Harvard's report on the humanities «Mapping the Future» in light of the debate over academic freedom that Peter Lawler addressed.
It is interesting to note that National Statistics, reported by The Daily Telegraph, not long after the debate indicated that homosexual persons make up 1.5 \ % of the United Kingdom population; a figure consistent with Academic research over twenty five years.
Global science, by the way, is not unified and spends most of its time bickering back on forth over every issue, not to advance debate, but to justify academic publishing requirements.
By suggesting a correlation between how well a college actually succeeds in forming and shaping students» lives during their academic journey and well - being after graduation, the report offers an opportunity for further debate over how best to cultivate the life of the mind.
Over the last several decades the academic study of religion has been marked by a debate that, put much too simply, pits a «Yale school» against a....
The Cambridge academic has become a central figure in the debate over whether the personal information of millions of Facebook users was used in US elections without their consent.
Erie Community College's construction of a new $ 30 - million academic building on it's north campus has brought up an old debate over whether the college should have three separate campuses or one central location downtown.
The debate over the use of race in admission decisions has been wrenching, because it demands a trade - off among three worthwhile goals: race - blindness, academic selectivity, and a semblance of racial diversity on selective campuses.
Two Australian academics serving on a government climate panel have publicly criticized their own committee's latest report as «untrue and dangerous,» stoking a long - running debate over the country's carbon emissions reduction strategies.
Such conflicting opinions are part of the debate over how to rank graduate research programs, a debate that has sharpened in recent months as the NRC gears up for its third attempt since 1982 to plumb the world's best academic research system.
► Also on Thursday, Martin Enserink provided an update on virologist Ron Fouchier, who for the past 3 years «has battled the Dutch government over a fundamental question in the balance between academic freedom and biosecurity: Did he need a government license to publish his hotly debated gain - of - function (GOF) studies on the H5N1 influenza strain?»
AMSTERDAM — For more than 3 years, virologist Ron Fouchier has battled the Dutch government over a fundamental question in the balance between academic freedom and biosecurity: Did he need a government license to publish his hotly debated gain - of - function (GOF) studies on the H5N1 influenza strain?
During his tenure, he oversaw a significant enrollment increase, the implementation of six new academic programs, the acquisition of over $ 3.5 million in grants and donations, the building and refurbishing of key academic spaces, created an office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Teaching and Learning Center, and revitalized the Honors Program and Debate Team.
Gross illuminates the Catholic struggle to create an alternative school system in sober, academic language free of the hysteria surrounding much of the contemporary debate over school choice.
In the debate over the future of the No Child Left Behind Act, policymakers, educators, and researchers seem to agree on one thing: The federal law's accountability system should be rewritten so it rewards or sanctions schools on the basis of students» academic growth.
A forthcoming study by a pair of Stanford University researchers is further stoking the debate over whether states» high - stakes testing programs can positively affect academic achievement.
My hope is that this exercise helps spur conversation about which university - based academics are contributing most substantially to public debates over education and ed policy, and how they do so.
The CALS construct is defined as a constellation of the high - utility language skills that correspond to linguistic features prevalent in oral and written academic discourse across school content areas and that are infrequent in colloquial conversations (e.g., knowledge of logical connectives, such as nevertheless, consequently; knowledge of structures that pack dense information, such as nominalizations or embedded clauses; knowledge of structures for organizing argumentative texts) Over the last years, as part of the Catalyzing Comprehension Through Discussion Debate project funded by IES to the Strategic Educational Research Partnership, Dr. Paola Uccelli and her research team have produced a research - based, theoretically - grounded, and psychometrically robust instrument to measure core academic language skills (CALS - I) for students in grades 4 - 8.
I think it is safe to say that Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, the founders of KIPP, have had more influence on the school reform debate than any academic or policy wonk over the past 15 years.
As a researcher who studies both vouchers and other forms of school choice such as charter schools (independently operated public schools) I believe the new Louisiana studies are important to longstanding debates over the extent to which such choice enhances academic outcomes.
A panel of state lawmakers tasked with reviewing the Common Core have opened a formal debate over which set of academic standards Indiana will use next.
But it's not known how much class time students spend preparing for tests that became mandatory, starting in third grade, under the George W. Bush - era No Child Left Behind law and are a flashpoint in the debate over the Common Core academic standards.
Most of the states that first endorsed the Common Core academic standards are still using them in some form, despite continued debate over whether they are improving student performance in reading and math.
L.A. Unified School District's Academic Growth Over Time measurement system, based on students» progress on standardized tests, spurs debate over fairness, accurOver Time measurement system, based on students» progress on standardized tests, spurs debate over fairness, accurover fairness, accuracy.
Assembly Bill 484, which has been approved by the Assembly and is currently being debated in a state Senate committee, would eliminate all of the California Standardized Tests that high school students would have taken over the 2013 - 2014 academic year — tests in subjects like history, algebra, chemistry and physics.
With the debate over a new set of nationally - crafted academic standards at a crossroads in Indiana, the results of a newly - released survey show many outside of education - policymaking circles know much at all about the Common Core.
The lawsuits have partly been fueled by debates within the academic community over whether it's even scientifically valid to use these measures to evaluate teachers.
As Congress begins preparing for debate over the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, state schools chief Tom Torlakson has joined the chorus of voices calling for the replacement of Adequate Yearly Progress with a new growth system - one that not only measures student academic progress but also health and wellness, and school dropout rates.
But in the end, disagreements over how private schools should be held accountable for academic results — as well as legislators» exhaustion after passing a hotly debated gas tax — caused the measure to stall.
People across the world are already seeing their livelihoods and homes destroyed, while the debate over its causes remains academic for others.
The report is the first independent, academic analysis to examine several longstanding questions that remain at the center of discussion over the cap and trade debate.
There's a very lively academic debate going on over whether hot extremes trigger human conflict at all scales from individual to civil wars — my reading of the evidence is that the effect is real,» he said.
These issues have been the subject of debate among policymakers, academics, think tanks and in the media for over 20 years.
The debate over the Anthropocene promises to be an academic tussle that could outstrip all past episodes for its intellectual jousting.
There are many public intellectual debates occurring over scientific and skeptical issues — the place of creationism vs evolution in public science classes, the including of alternative medicine in academic curricula, the validity of debate on global warming, etc..
More broadly, the debate there is over whether law school should be a «trade school» or rather a place of scholarship where students gain academic and theoretical insights about the law.
Just a month ago, I posted here about the debate among legal and academic bloggers over whether the co-author of Bush Administration memoranda condoning torture should be allowed to retain his professorship at the University of California's Boalt Hall School of Law.
The debate over whether scholars should live - tweet sessions from academic conferences, especially without warning, saw a revival this weekend.
And that call has given rise to a blogosphere debate over what Boalt should do and the bounds of academic freedom.
One might think the debate over arson science would have ended once nationally recognized standards were promulgated and courts began demanding reliable evidence, says Case Western Reserve University law professor Paul Giannelli, the co-author of an academic treatise on scientific evidence.
In the U.S., the debate over term limits has recently centred on a 2006 academic paper by two law professors, Steven Calabresi and James Lindgren.
Over the years, I have watched the line between legal academic and paid advocate slowly erode — a trend that is perhaps not uncoincidental with the downward drift of the influence of legal academics in public debate.
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