Sentences with phrase «academic exploration»

There are many books, now, to assist professionals who wish to develop their own practice in this arena, as well as academic explorations of the phenomenon.
Further, our integrated approach to learning enhances projects and academic exploration not only because teachers can weave in content from one subject to the other to foster connections between them, but also because students, as unique learners, can access natural cognitive processes through these activities.
But within the context of such a forthright commitment, the school would be open to students of all religions or none, to interfaith relationships and to freedom for academic exploration and inquiry.
It is a type of discussion that can cultivate the kind of deeper learning that Jal Mehta studies extensively, learning that pushes students to sink into material, think critically, and direct their own academic exploration.
In a nutshell: A cautious academic exploration of the impact of photography upon painting during the 19th century and into the Edwardian age.
And given the current tendency of museums to opt for loud, high - calorie shows that often offer little in the way of nourishment, this quieter, more academic exploration of Black Mountain College feels both refreshingly new and substantial.
Although students should be thinking of career alternatives, such academic explorations appear to have the potential of hurting them in the hiring process:
Curated by Sessa Englund, Introductions brings a contemporary mix of video, photo, sculpture, painting and screenprint, offering the audience a view into the works of artists who's practice centers on the individual and academic exploration of self - identity.
This integrated learning enhances projects and academic exploration not only because teachers can weave in content from one subject to the other to foster connections between them, but also because students, as unique learners, can access natural cognitive processes through these activities.
She hardly ever missed an assignment, but it was all transactional, less an academic exploration and more like paying down a phone bill.
There was criticism for placing too much emphasis on standardized tests at the expense of «excellence in instruction, culture, climate and student's academic exploration
Where bright colours may instantly appeal, it is the academic exploration of black tonality that becomes most satisfying.
Creed says that he makes art works not as part of an academic exploration of «conceptual» art, but rather from a wish to connect with people, «wanting to communicate and wanting to say hello».
London — Phillips de Pury & Company is pleased to announce Important Nordic Design, an academic exploration into 20th century and contemporary Nordic design and culture curated by acclaimed architect Lee F. Mindel, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and whose firm Shelton, Mindel & Associates is the winner of the 2011 Smithsonian Cooper -LSB-...]
It fuels the academic exploration and innovation of our students who, relieved of financial burdens, inspire change and solutions in service of a better world.
At the Ethics Center, we welcome SCU students, faculty, and staff into conversation about the critical issues of our time, and we support your personal and academic exploration of ethics.
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