Sentences with phrase «academic failure down»

Not exact matches

Described as «academic but down to earth,» Dr. Rowell addresses concerns about underweight, overweight, picky eating, food aversions, feeding therapy «failures,» and children who are hoarding or food - preoccupied.
«The «culture of testing» has harmed our students physically and intellectually,» said Zhang, adding that suicides have become common among students worn down by fears of academic failure.
Parents and other community members — thanks to some local gadflies who began to get the message out — also began paying attention and, for the first time in memory, voted down a school budget in large part because of academic failures.
Fourteen percent of Michigan's charters are both low - performing and do little to improve student achievement, according to Stanford University's Center for Research on Educational Outcomes; while just one of the 11 charters shut down in 2015 - 2016 were closed because of academic failure, according to data from the Wolverine State's Department of Education.]
Described as «academic but down to earth,» Dr. Rowell addresses concerns about underweight, overweight, picky eating, food aversions, feeding therapy «failures,» and children who are hoarding or food - preoccupied.
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