Sentences with phrase «academic foundation while»

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While Berger's rightward drift isolated him from a left - leaning academic establishment, it also connected him to a new and wider world beyond the ivory tower, a world of D.C. think tanks and private foundations, of government officials and Texas billionaires.
While guaranteeing an impeccable academic foundation and excellence for the doctoral degree programme of the Senate of Serampore, KC provided a genuine leadership to introduce an interdisciplinary approach to theological studies.
Our goal is to enable each child's potential to unfold by developing creative and imaginative capacities while building a strong academic foundation.
Academics such as reading and writing are left until grade school, while a foundation for literacy is built in the early childhood classes.
While Merseth's professional experiences combine intimate knowledge of both teaching and academics, she is perhaps most celebrated for her foundation and reformation of HGSE's Teaching Education Program (T.E.P.).
«College and Career Readiness: The Importance of Early Learning» by Chrys Dougherty This short but powerful report by an ACT principal research scientist shows the importance of a knowledge - rich, well - rounded curriculum through which all students master basic skills while also building an academic foundation in the early grades.
If now there's more compulsory student enrolments in «hard» STEM subjects than earlier, while academisation of the sector is occurring, academic results will (initially) take a dip, regardless of schools being academies or foundation schools.
Because, while academic excellence forms the foundation of the Pace experience, we understand that a true citizen of the world must bring varied abilities, passions and perspectives to the global community.
Through experience, Oak Meadow will provide a firm foundation for academic excellence, while offering new opportunities for learning.
While noncompliance is certainly a critical concern and risk factor, the overall costs of a poorly planned and executed parent communication strategy result in much more impactful consequences: lost dollars that could be spent furthering success in the classroom and a failure to actively engage all students and parents in a way that serves as a foundation for achieving sustained and long term academic achievement.
Epiphany Learning engages learners and makes learning purposeful to maximize learner achievement and academic outcomes while building a foundation for students» long - term success.
While parents / primary caregivers attend classes, their children under the age of three are provided with early childhood enrichment in a developmentally appropriate classroom setting which aims to build the academic, social, and physical foundation necessary for school readiness.
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