Sentences with phrase «academic gains over»

Despite some significant academic gains over the years, serious achievement gaps persist among many of our students, particularly those from several racial and ethnic groups.
We are a network of six schools that have demonstrated game - changing academic gains over the past three years.

Not exact matches

Natalie M. Houston is an English professor and personal productivity coach who works with academics, writers, and entrepreneurs who want to stop procrastinating, gain more control over their time, and move forward on the projects and goals that matter most to them.
In the Science perspective, the researchers discuss the gains they have made in understanding latency over the past five years and the challenges that remain as the team of academic and industry investigators — from UNC, Duke University, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, the University of California at San Diego, Emory University, MacroGenics, and other institutions — embark on the next steps in HIV cure research.
► Also on Thursday, Martin Enserink provided an update on virologist Ron Fouchier, who for the past 3 years «has battled the Dutch government over a fundamental question in the balance between academic freedom and biosecurity: Did he need a government license to publish his hotly debated gain - of - function (GOF) studies on the H5N1 influenza strain?»
AMSTERDAM — For more than 3 years, virologist Ron Fouchier has battled the Dutch government over a fundamental question in the balance between academic freedom and biosecurity: Did he need a government license to publish his hotly debated gain - of - function (GOF) studies on the H5N1 influenza strain?
Students who practiced the Transcendental Meditation program showed significant increases in math and English scale scores and performance level scores over a one - year period.A significant portion of the meditating students — 41 percent — showed a gain of at least one performance level in math, compared to 15 percent of the non-meditating students in the control group.Among the students with the lowest levels of academic performance, «below basic» and «far below basic,» the meditating students showed a significant improvement in overall academic achievement compared to students in the control group, which showed only a slight gain.
Whether this gain remains constant over a student's academic career is a question on which the scholars differ.
• If each state achieved basic level academic proficiency over a 10 - year period, something akin to achieving the goals of NCLB, gains would equal about $ 32 trillion.
While there is more emphasis on academics at all grade levels today and evidence that the middle school burden can be overcome (Williams and colleagues showed in a major 2010 study, called «Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades: Why Some Schools Do Better,» that an intense focus on academics can work), it is odd that Walcott would favor reforming middle schools instead of doing what the research suggests is better and easier — creating smaller, «elemiddle» (K — 8) schools — and what the trends are showing is happening all over the country — as David Hough, managing editor of the Middle Grades Research Journal, told me, «the trend is definitely away from stand - alone middle schools.»
Although students in the Southeastern region of the United States appear to have made some of the greatest academic strides over the long term, the overall picture of student performance in the nation is one of some early gains followed by a recent stabilization, a new U.S. Department of Education study reports.
The report, titled Reading in Kindergarten: Little to Gain and Much to Lose sounds an alarm over a perceived shift «from play - based, experiential approaches to more academic approaches» in early - childhood classrooms starting in the 1980s.
But skeptics warned that the academic gains made by retained students would diminish over time and that they would ultimately be less likely to complete high school: nationwide, students who are unusually old for their grade are far more likely to drop out.
This activity should extend over a substantial period of time, even an academic year, serving as a fulcrum for integration of the knowledge and skills students are gaining in their academic studies.
And while we know that young children need a healthy dose of playtime in school, a new study reminds us why academics are important at that age: Over the course of a year, preschoolers who spent more time on language, literacy, and math activities than their peers gained, on average, 2.5 months of additional learning.
A 2011 meta - analysis looking at over 270,000 students, for example, found that students who participated in an SEL program showed academic gains of more than 11 percentile points over those who had not participated.
Recently, a meta - analysis of over 200 studies by Joe Durlak and colleagues published in Child Development found that in schools intentionally implementing comprehensive and continuous social - emotional learning programs, students attitudes toward school and learning improved, they gained an average of over 10 points on standardized academic tests, and their problem behaviors, including violence, diminished.
In the second year of implementation — the 2013 - 2014 academic year — gains among TTO students were almost 47 % above national norms (effect size = 0.35 SD), a sizable improvement over the first implementation year.»
The northwest Tennessee district has maintained a trajectory of increasing academic expectations for many years, netting strong gains in math over the last three years and ACT test scores above the state average.
Over the past six years at Blue Engine, Aisha has spent the majority of her time in schools coaching teachers and teaching apprentices on how to become highly functional teams that support dramatic academic gains for students.
What are the long - term academic gains of students who experience repeated in - depth arts integrated deep learning over the course of several years?
And in New Orleans, which was almost completely taken over by charter school operators, significant academic gains have been made by students — but it's a situation not easily replicated as the city had reached rock bottom status thanks to Hurricane Katrina.
Over the course of time, public charter schools enrolled more students, stabilized financially, witnessed academic gains, and then began to hear from parents who wanted more; robust athletics, fine arts including, music, dance, and theater, a slew of extra-curricular activities, and more recently, dual credit courses or additional Career and Technical Education offerings.
None of the three schools achieved consistent gains over their respective comparison group on measures of academic achievement.
The House budget also provided $ 900,000 in funding over two years for an independent study of the program's academic gains or losses, although neither provision survived conference committee negotiations to make it into this week's budget compromise.
NASHVILLE: Six great books to read to avoid the «summer slide» (when students lose academic gains made over the school year).
To avoid the «summer slide» (when students lose academic gains made over the school year), make it a habit to have your child read independently for at least 30 minutes every day.
As an elementary and a secondary principal, his schools averaged over 500 % of the required stated academic achievement gains as measured by the state Academic Performancacademic achievement gains as measured by the state Academic PerformancAcademic Performance Index.
A recent Cato Institute study concluded that even a near - tripling in per - student spending over the past 40 years has not translated into academic gains.
In September, after Newark students showed academic gains, New Jersey education officials voted to return control of the city's public schools to the local school board, 22 years after the state Board of Education took over the tattered district.
The term refers to when kids lose some of their academic gains from the school year over the summer, and it's a...
Our Lower School Summer Programs are designed to help students develop strong foundational skills for future academic success, gain valuable organizational competence, learn new strategies that can be carried over into the new school year, and have fun!
The school saw significant progress, including an increase in attendance stability from 86.8 % (SY 13 - 14) to 91.4 % (SY 15 - 16), and an impact over two years on State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness Results in Math (20.2 % gain), Science (18.4 % gain) and Writing (20.8 % gain).
The term refers to when kids lose some of their academic gains from the school year over the summer, and it's a very real thing for many students.
Although KIPP students have shown substantial academic gains, when KIPP took over a regular, high - poverty public school, serving a non self - selected population, the program failed, indicating that the academic achievement at KIPP may be due to the high motivation levels of the students, and not the charter program itself.
A peer - reviewed study of academic gains in New Orleans, conducted by Tulane economists and glossed over in the Times piece, compared the performance of New Orleans students with that of other hurricane - affected students, concluding that «we are not aware of any other districts that have made such large gains in such a short period of time.»
Students living with disabilities, whom I teach, often struggle with managing their emotions and actions, and the relationship special education teachers build with them over the course of a school year help them not only make significant gains in overall academic performance, but also social and emotional progress.
Nowadays, higher education is becoming more expensive and academic excellence and related writing skills can help a student to gain mastery over the subject matter of instruction.
Slow to gain ground in the US due to ongoing conflict between the libraries and the publishers over compensation, ebook lending in Europe would be one way for readers to continue consuming high volumes of digital material — academic texts or popular — as a way to avoid the VAT issue.
There is no doubt among academics that college graduates gain a competitive advantage in the job market over counterparts that have merely earned high school diplomas.
Furthermore, over the past decades, the Stedelijk has gained considerable expertise in areas such as conservation and education, often in the context of collaborative projects with academic partners.
The event came on the heels of closed - door discussions of the topic at AEI and «a cascade of carbon - tax advocacy in recent days from the chattering classes and a slate of academic work over the summer,» as the Wall Street Journal noted, lending credence to the newspaper's article title: «Carbon Tax Idea Gains Wonkish Energy.»
More broadly, the debate there is over whether law school should be a «trade school» or rather a place of scholarship where students gain academic and theoretical insights about the law.
The broker has increased its 2011 cost savings estimate by around 20 percent as it expects Reed Elsevier to benefit from the gradual phasing out of print academic journals over the next three years and further efficiency gains.
Over the past eight years as an Academic Counselor, I have gained a solid background in counseling junior high students for their optimum academic Academic Counselor, I have gained a solid background in counseling junior high students for their optimum academic academic futures.
Pointing to patterns of academic improvement over time, showcasing the skills you have gained, or the work or internship positions you have held can all mitigate the low GPA on your resume.
Recently, a meta - analysis of over 200 studies by Joe Durlak and colleagues published in Child Development found that in schools intentionally implementing comprehensive and continuous social - emotional learning programs, students attitudes toward school and learning improved, they gained an average of over 10 points on standardized academic tests, and their problem behaviors, including violence, diminished.
The software, which has gained popularity over the past year or so, provides calendars, expense logs, message boards, and child records (medical, academic, etc.).
A 2011 meta - analysis looking at over 270,000 students, for example, found that students who participated in an SEL program showed academic gains of more than 11 percentile points over those who had not participated.
Therein lies the rub; the more educated one becomes, institutionally only, thus, by others who have been educated institutionally only, by others created off of the same pattern, repeated over and over again by mere academics, most being bereft of real life forces acting regularly upon their perceptions beyond those gained from within the class room, the more slanted becomes the education system in favour of a one - way street view of the world as it «should» be, according to an academic's opinion based upon other academics» opinions, ad infinitum, and the beat goes on.
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