Sentences with phrase «academic growth rather»

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Previous research has found that «process - oriented praise» — praising children for their actions rather than their characteristics, like «good job» or «great work» — can provide children with a «positive growth mindset» that is associated with more persistence after failure and better academic outcomes, Gunderson added.
Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) follows a handful of promising kids through a system that he suggests inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth.
With better measures of academic growth and a little extra money, states could attract providers to underserved populations, rather than discouraging them as a result of the requirements of current accountability systems.
To illustrate one such practice they could all adopt with a hypothetical that occurs rather routinely, for students entering their schools at a fifth - grade age but reading at a second - grade level and where the district school where the student was formerly enrolled doesn't transfer the students» academic record, the schools could determine a protocol for pre-assessment as soon as a student enrolls so as to create sound individual growth metrics.
As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying «drop - out factories» and «academic sinkholes,» methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems.
No Child Left Behind emphasized academic proficiency, test scores from a single moment in time, rather than academic growth.
How can performance - based assessments promote student learning and growth rather than academic standing?
Rather than focusing on growth and test scores, we take a more holistic approach to improve academics and school culture.
As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying «dropout factories» and «academic sinkholes,» methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems.
Their descriptors for this key factor of student engagement connect to Carol Dweck's work on growth mindset — focus on effort rather than ability, know that you can get smarter, use feedback to promote growth, and build academic stamina and resilience.
A greater emphasis needs to be placed on ensuring that all students achieve at least one year of academic growth each year, rather than on what the average test score for a class or grade is on an assessment.
Green Dot argues that their in - school suspension (ISS) is not a time of learning lost, but rather a time of personal and academic growth:
Tillman said this week he'd be in favor of changing the formula to better account for students» academic growth over time rather than one - day achievement on tests.
Like its Miami counterpart, Untitled remains happily a friendly and unpretentious atmosphere to experience its rather humble arrangement of roughly forty booths brought to you by a variety art spaces, from the more traditional and well known commercial galleries like David Zwirner (New York and London) to community - oriented non-profits like Creative Growth (Oakland), academic - leaning institutions like CCA's Wattis Institute (San Francisco), or research and archival - based foundations like the David Ireland - centric, The 500 Capp Street Foundation (San Francisco).
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