Sentences with phrase «academic interest rather»

I read their words with academic interest rather than hurt, because the person had no idea why my marriage really ended.

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Rather, the proposal is that study of every subject matter that is selected for study (using whatever academic disciplines are appropriate) be shaped and guided by an interest in the question: What is that subject matter's bearing on, or role in, the practices that constitute actual enactments, in specific concrete circumstances, of various construals of the Christian thing in and as Christian congregations?
It might be a community of quasi-clergy related to Christian congregations in the way in which clergy are supposed to be related to the congregations they lead, yet distinct because it is constituted by academic interests of special interest to clergy rather than constituted as a church.
Along with a more than academic interest in shape objects and Swiss army knives, Nicki is also drawn to Videodrome, but wants to be a participant rather than part of the audience.
As the recent history of the school district has shown, special interest groups have been a hindrance, rather than an asset, in the drive for academic success.
I am very interested in academic epublications, and I find your article most interesting, but, unfortunately, a rather difficult read: lots of jargon, abbreviations, and so on the meanings of which are not immediately clear to this relative newcomer to the field.
I hope academic folk who are interested find the whole thing useful, and that non-academic folk who read it will forgive the rather clunky writing style that the form demanded I adopt.
Beginning in the Fall of the 2017 - 2018 academic year, many students in the UK will be forced to take on student loans that carry a 6.1 percent interest rate, a rather high rate compared to previous student loan interest rates in the UK.
The «details» are important and interesting, and may in fact be of key importance to society (rather than just of academic interest... for example the stability of the Greenland ice sheet), but they are called details for a reason.
All you skeptics and deniers should be able to answer this rather open ended exam question given your keen academic interest in the Earth Sciences.
There is some real interest in this approach, mainly from academics, and there is also what I would characterize as «strategic interest,» principally from those who recognize that once the focus is on carbon taxes rather than other instruments, political debates will inevitably result in less ambitious targets or, in fact, no policy at all.
[/ note] In fact, the pattern of academic publishing rather better supports the contrary view, that perhaps, very widespread academic discussion of adaptation may have supported and enabled climate deniers and vested interests to resist effective mitigation policy in the US and many other countries.
Instead, focusing on the equal footing criterion, the Court opted for a rather unpredictable ad - hoc approach, which might be considered beneficial for academics and people interested in EU law in general, since it generates more case - law, but which is surely not beneficial to legal certainty.
Facebook says the study is «nonsense», and it probably is: it's an interesting academic exercise rather than a rock - solid indicator of Facebook's future.
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