Sentences with phrase «academic landscape»

This overall dedication to a robust outcomes - based education at the program, school and institute levels ensures rigorous, up - to - date, and fluid curricula that provide the essential learning outcomes of the disciplines while retaining the flexibility to adjust to an ever - changing academic landscape.
But almost all of the authors speak of a dire academic landscape that Ex Corde was designed to address» and correct.
From a very early age, he painted in the open air, a rare habit among academic landscape artists but one which Rousseau mastered to great effect.
The $ 40 million project will fill a void in the academic landscape, while generating new opportunities for medical research and jobs creation.
Ruth Müller, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Research Policy Institute at Lund University in Sweden, who focused her Ph.D. on studying how the academic landscape influences the working practices of postdocs in the life sciences, notes that while the study acknowledges the diversity of the European system, it uses just one European country — Germany — in its quantitative survey.
If a hiring bias did exist, White said, one would find women in fewer physics departments than would be expected if all women in the field were distributed randomly across the academic landscape.
As a scholar of science and technology studies (a social science field that aims to understand the social processes of knowledge production), I focused the 4 years of my Ph.D. on studying how the academic landscape in which today's postdoctoral life scientists develop their careers influences their working practices.
Teich says it is difficult to measure the direct impact these types of restrictions have on the academic landscape of a country — but the net effect is negative.
But what role do words like «creativity,» «freedom,» and «excitement» play in an academic landscape where performance is almost entirely determined through standardized testing?
Legacy's educational model is changing the academic landscape of our community.
All of our weekly essay examples are those crafted from thousands of hours of experience from within the academic landscape, and each and every assignment we complete reflects our utter mastery of the topics at hand.
SUNY has partnered with textbook produce Kno to bring even more options to the academic landscape for college students this spring by working to... [Read more...]
SMU Guildhall brings the functionality and flair of a video game studio to the academic landscape.
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