Sentences with phrase «academic life drawing»

This exhibition takes its leave from the academic life drawing classes of old, not with examples of their output, but with paintings of 18th - century wood - panelled classrooms teeming with bewigged students studying muscular torsos.
«Suddenly this opened up a whole new way of representing the body that was not about a formal academic life drawing class.

Not exact matches

Whitehead states the wrong: «Mr. Russell, a scholar known in every major university of the world, impelled by motives which religion dare not disown, has been driven out of academic life and deprived of academic encouragement...» Whitehead «leave [s] the question here,» without drawing the conclusion explicitly: restore the lectureship to rectify the wrong.
BBC2 has produced «a presenter - led do - cu - mentary series» on the life of Muhammad (pbuh) which «draw on the expertise and comments from the world's leading academics and commentators on Islam.»
Although analogies drawn between civic and academic life are far from perfect, I would insist that something like Nash's analysis of Philadelphia better captures the fabric of his and others» academic lives at UCLA than does the language of Gesellschaft.
Some element must be introduced into faculty life that draws professors toward modes of inquiry, interpretation and assessment that transcend academic specializations.
There I met luminaries such as Avery Cardinal Dulles, leaders in the fight for the cause of life, and any number of academic and literary types who seemed drawn to Richard's table.
«It is clear that many of these matters are now academic as his life is drawing to a close,» Andrew Mitchell, international development secretary, said.
For more than three decades I have been fascinated by the lessons that can be drawn from the military to strengthen the academic and, yes, social skills of youngsters who are struggling in school and in life.
A brief survey of representations of life - drawing sessions reveals: an all male clientele drawing from the female nude in Rembrandt's studio; men working from male nudes in 18th - century representations of academic instruction in The Hague and Vienna; men working from the seated male nude in Bailly's charming painting of the interior of Houdon's studio at the beginning of the 19th century; Mathieu Cochereau's scrupulously veristic Interior of David's Studio, exhibited in the Salon of 1814, reveals a group of young men diligently drawing or painting from a male nude model, whose discarded shoes may be seen before the models» stand.
Born Leonore Krasner in Brooklyn on October 27, 1908, she received academic training at the Cooper Union, National Academy of Design, and Art Students League (the basis for her confident life drawing) before joining the Public Works of Art Project in 1934.
His commanding portraits and tableaux of recent years combine familiar representational forms, such as the portrait of the artist or the academic life - drawing class, with political references that frame deeply probing historical narratives.
How important is it for artists today to learn the technical disciplines of life drawing and other traditional modes of academic training?
Through his vocal rejection of academic norms in painting, Henri encouraged Davis and his other students to find new forms and ways to express their art and to draw on their daily lives for inspiration.
EDUARDO RESTREPO CASTAÑO examines, through a practice that draws from academic research and lived experience, the relationship between social imaginaries surrounding nature, gender difference, and the diasporic condition.
And as life drawing has become disentangled from its historical academic context, it has been gradually reinvigorated, as is demonstrated by projects like Jeremy Deller's Iggy Pop Life Class (20life drawing has become disentangled from its historical academic context, it has been gradually reinvigorated, as is demonstrated by projects like Jeremy Deller's Iggy Pop Life Class (20Life Class (2016).
To see Still engaged in drawing from a life model, a basic academic exercise, lends new irony to Pollock's later comment that «Still makes the rest of us look academic
After a brief geometrical phase in Hamburg, and inspired by her last academic teacher at the Hamburg Art College, the Brazilian op artist Almir Mavignier, it was in New York that Hanne Darboven found her characteristic drawing and writing «system»: «In New York, I tried to find something that I could work on for my whole life.
Drawn to symbol and metaphor, her academic interest in Judaism focused on identity markers of daily life — particularly clothing and hair — for insight into views on sexuality, beauty and modesty.
The guests heard from two scholarship recipients who spoke about the difference the scholarships made in their academic lives: Jerad Beauregard, in his second year of the undergraduate Drawing & Painting program, and Madeleine McMillan, pursuing her Master's degree in Contemporary Art, Design and New Media Art Histories
Myers disagreed with the League's rigid academic approach to art, finding more interest in reacting to urban life, so he often left his studies to paint and draw the city.
As a service to the artists in our community, we host a life drawing session every Wednesday throughout the academic year, 6 - 9 p.m. in Olin...
That Kline repeatedly chose to work from the photographic image indicates that despite his academic training, which included drawing from a live model, he preferred to work from a medium that artificially, or a priori, flattened and circumscribed reality within a frame and drained it of colour.
At the Otis Art Institute, Guston felt unfulfilled by the academic approach which limited him to drawing from plaster casts instead of the live model.
In comparison, a similarly sized drawing, «Still Life (Bowl, Pitcher, and Jug)» (c. 1921), made while de Kooning was a student in the evening program at Rotterdam's Academie (where, by the way, no oil painting instruction was offered), is not only confirmation of de Kooning's abilities to fulfill the rigorous requirements of academic drawing (not to mention the stamina to work on something for what was likely a year), but also a powerful reminder that his respect for tradition would never waver.
Draw upon what you enjoy; use examples from your academic, professional or extra-curricular life that suggest you're strongly motivated for the role and can relate closely to the organisation.
Recall experiences that can be drawn upon from your previous full - time and part - time teaching employment, volunteer work, professional encounters, university or academic encounters, extracurricular activities, and life experiences.
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