Sentences with phrase «academic pressure did»

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Pastors, celebrities, academics, sports personalities all can fall foul of this and perhaps face more pressure to do so than those of us that are not in the limelight.
Dalrymple comments: «Mind you, I don't blame the authors for this: after all, the pressure upon academics to publish in reputable journals nowadays is as irresistible as the urge of husbands to strangle their wives.»
Such is the first, superficial impression: our schools, like our churches and our ministers, have no clear conception of what they are doing but are carrying on traditional actions, making separate responses to various pressures exerted by churches and society, contriving uneasy compromises among many values, engaging in little quarrels symptomatic of undefined issues, trying to improve their work by adjusting minor parts of the academic machine or by changing the specifications of the raw material to be treated.
Steve Keen, along with Nouriel Rubini as a non neoliberal economist states, «The first thing that the global financial crisis should therefore do to economics is to galvanise student protest about the lack of debate within academic economics itself, because dissident academic economists will be unable to shift the tuition of economics themselves without massive pressure from the student body».
Einstein once said that if he'd been an academic in his early twenties, he'd have been unable to come up with his great ideas, because he would have been too pressured by the obligation to fit in with what everyone else was doing.
And, as the academic «precariat» grows, said Hackmann, referring to postdoctoral researchers who work on successive contracts without the opportunity to become salaried professors, «so do regimes of competition rather than collaboration, and the pressure to play by business as usual rules persists.»
Many people seem to think that anyone who does not get an academic position either can't hack the pressure or isn't sufficiently brilliant.
Even more troubling is that 45 per cent of girls do not see the relevance of the skills they learn in PE to their lives and ultimately, issues with confidence, self ‑ consciousness, the pressure of academic school work and lack of encouragement from teachers and parents, all hold teenage girls back from being physically active.
«I think as middle school and secondary educators we can get caught up in the pressures of covering academic content and skills, and it sometimes feels we don't have enough time for rituals like this and that students will feel that they're being babied anyway,» she observed.
The takeaway: Don't underestimate the effect of peer pressure in your school — it's powerful enough to get students to walk away from even life - changing academic opportunities.
While providers of public education certainly face the temptation to do what might look like taking the easy way out by letting academic standards decline, there is also countervailing pressure in the direction of higher standards.
But as times changed and more pressure was put on academic performance I did not focus much time on this.
I wish I could teach social and emotional skills, but there's too much pressure to teach academics — I just don't have time!
While providers of public education certainly face the temptation to do what might look like taking the easy way out by letting academic standards slip, there is also countervailing pressure in the direction of higher standards (especially, as long as there are competing standards in other states).
This pressure will also affect university libraries and other academic resources, and the accelerating «open access» movement will do the rest.These developments amount to a «writing on the wall» for our traditional, universities.
We used to have a strong emphasis on character education, but when did the tide tip with increased external pressures that forced our schools to focus too narrowly on academics at the expense of the whole child and their character?
My question: how do we assess the students» academic abilities and progress without penalizing schools and teachers and without the pressure of standardized tests?
Some of the support can be ascribed to the fact that both Brown and the State Board of Education did not succumb to pressures from both the Obama administration and advocacy organizations to apply for waivers from the No Child Left Behind that would have required the state to link teacher evaluations to student test scores or other measures of «student academic growth.»
At what point does academic pressure become too great?
Under pressure to raise academic performance, many central offices are creating new positions - or redefining old ones - that charge administrators like Wheat with helping principals do their job better.
Students face a lot of pressure while writing their academic assignments and do not know how to get out of it.
As of the deep pressure of academic session to get higher marks and do sound, candidates take the help of online essay experts or take different type of measures:
It shows how the academic researchers in this field are pressured to perform only research that helps the industry big shots and to refrain from doing research that would help millions to invest more effectively when publishing such research would undermine the industry's most cherished marketing slogans (the phrase «timing never works» has been repeated so many times that millions of investors assume that there MUST be research supporting the claim).
Hopefully, this will put enough pressure on the academic institutions for them to do a bit of self examination.
Given that law libraries, whether academic, courthouse or private law firm, are constantly under space pressures, does this mean that we should be discarding the other 80 - 94 % of the collection and using the space for something else?
Rare is the child who does not struggle at some time with problems making or keeping friends, knowing how to manage peer or academic pressures, or how to use media or technology appropriately.
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