Sentences with phrase «academic priorities»

He oversees course and curriculum planning, support of faculty - and student - led initiatives for innovation in learning and teaching, and other ongoing academic priorities of the dean's office.
As educators interested in schooling's civic purposes, we maintain that it is not enough to argue that democratic values are as important as traditional academic priorities.
The counselors were also «painfully aware» that the whole football program would have to change how it aligned on - field expectations with academic priorities.
The restructured finance system, which grants local school boards greater authority over spending decisions, requires local educational agencies to submit detailed plans showing how they are meeting a set of eight state academic priorities — among them, the creation and maintenance of a positive school environment or climate.
· Analyze instructional data, including student achievement outcomes, and leverage insights to inform academic priorities.
The Every Student Succeeds Act hands states plenty of flexibility to define school success, figure out new ways to intervene in their worst - performing schools, and set academic priorities for schools.
And California will shift powers back to school boards to pick their own academic priorities and even decide whether to ask the state for help to improve academic outcomes.
In 2015, as members of the district leadership team recognized literacy challenges across schools, they sought the RBL grant to redesign learning in the district while addressing a key academic priority.
All we need to do is help him recognize the need to reconsider his academic priorities just a bit.
In that job, I was often confronted by the glaring disconnect between my school's academic priorities — I was charged with preparing students for the New York Global Studies Regents exam — and my students» nonacademic needs.
Academic priorities have shifted as the wavering economy has had a significant impact on the poverty level of our student population.
The provost is responsible for creating and implementing a school's academic priorities and determining how to best allocate resources to support those priorities.
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