Sentences with phrase «academic theories of»

It appears that this is also an issue with academic theories of allowance management.
Texts and slogans recall the aesthetics of advertising as well as political propaganda and combine corporate and academic theories of the world, to create a strange ritualistic undertone.
Most investment techniques used by passive investors bottom on the academic theories of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and Efficient Portfolio Theory (EPT) as for example:
Stuart's approach is a synthesis of academic theories of narrative structure and his hands - on experience as an independent editor, book coach and ghostwriter.
Throughout the process, the team uses academic theories of best practice and current student data to assess and adjust its work.
Until the nineteenth century Western art was dominated by the academic theory of History painting and High art (grand manner).
This post addresses what I believe is a fundamental problem with the academic theory of RGGI allowance management.
One definition is simple: someone who subscribes to the academic theory of that name.

Not exact matches

A good coach will be experienced and will also know the theory of business, so that when they offer ideas you can sure they are based on good academic research.
Some academics are skeptically of the «Matrix theory
There is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis (or SWOT thinking) and more than a fair share of theoretical or academic quadrants within which you can plug your business challenge and find a solution — in theory anyway.
The MBA Global program focuses on academic theory and research - based learning, while the MBA in the Management of Technology and Innovation (MBA MTI) covers management skills while examining complex, technology - related business problems.
Though savvy investors, like Shakespeare's Antonio, have long understood the benefits of diversification, it was not until the 1950s when an academic named Harry Markowitz introduced research on what he called modern portfolio theory that people were able to understand diversification in an objective, mathematical sense.
Its research activities seek to develop actionable, prescriptive theory that can guide general managers in the decisions they must make, re-invigorating general management research by following a proven research process, refining it through collaboration with practitioners, and then distributing it to a broad audience In pursuit of these goals, the Forum both hosts conferences to bring together academic experts, leading practitioners, and Harvard Business School alumni to develop current ideas and engages in extensive publishing activities.
Much of the academic work on agency theory in the decades since has focused on ensuring that managers seek to maximize shareholder returns — primarily by aligning their interests with those of shareholders.
Financial industry norms and academic theories — even popular beliefs — have always assumed assets saved for retirement would be systematically withdrawn — following the «4 % rule» or some other rule of thumb or system — by retirees in order to maintain a consistent standard of living.
«In short, we believe market efficiency is a fine academic theory that is unlikely ever to bear meaningful resemblance to the real world of investing» Seth Klarman
In the real world, this is simply not true» Guy Spier «A whole body of academic work formed the foundation upon which generations of students at the country's major business schools were taught about Modern Portfolio Theory, Efficient Market Theory and Beta.
«All of modern portfolio theory and all the way most academics and many advisers and managers look at the world just seems kind of insane when you really boil it down to ownership shares of businesses that you're trying to value.»
The formulation of its underlying theory is traced to 1980s academic research.
Alternative Money University will help 30 qualified students to develop such an understanding by participating in an intensive academic workshop about monetary history, the theory and practice of monetary policy, and the workings of unconventional monetary arrangements.
Through training and cultivating talents, FCAS helps prepare the right workforce for the banking sector, provide an internship scheme to students that combines both academic theory and practice, and build bridges between academia and the industry to make university curricula more relevant to the needs of their future employers.
Religious believers are likely to get further in discourse with the current generation of secular academics by 1) continually demonstrating, as Posner himself seems to intuit, that only a moral theory founded on God can actually «work,» in the sense of bridging the gap between «is» and «ought»; and 2) demonstrating the inherent self «contradictions of the moral theories advocated by the «secular liberals.»
Academic moral theory, like preaching, «stiffens the backbone» of one's coreligionists (or co «ideologues) by «convincing people who think like you that they are not alone in their beliefs [and] have the backing of someone who is confident, competent, articulate, and thoughtful.»
Law professors write solely for other academics, but since their underlying religious / ideological / political positions are relatively conventional, they can also reassure their co «ideologues outside of the academy that someone really smart who speaks the language of modern moral / legal theory is on their side.
Now he is distressed that his academic epigones have extended deconstructionist theory to his socialist dream, and are not amenable to being converted to his messianic religion of America as the Redeemer Nation of limitless possibilities.
To a young academic such as I was, facing the corrosive impact of critical theory on higher education, Newman's ecclesiastical polemic against the «suicidal excesses» of unfettered human thought retained a powerful relevance.
Furthermore, in my view the refusal to study historical facts when they conflict with theory illustrates the worst features of academic disciplines.
He lives in a world of ideas, he deals deftly with theory, and he trains other academics to do similar things.
Nevertheless, I doubt that you agree with those that underlie economic theory or, for that matter, most of the other academic disciplines.
For example, in «game theory,» an aptly named part of high academic economics, it has been discovered that games (such as the nuclear arms race or participation in an economy) can not be played with prudence - only rules.
Yes, I like thousands of highly credentialed scientists from the world's leading academic and scientific institutions who have written dozens, if not hundreds of books casting doubt on Evolutionary Theory, I do have our doubts about evolutionary theory and DarwTheory, I do have our doubts about evolutionary theory and Darwtheory and Darwinism.
In actual practice, the psychoanalyst does attribute to the «I» of his patient a greater transcendence over these psychic forces than his theories justify, just as the academic psychologist, consciously or unconsciously, attributes to his subjects an inwardness that his science ignores.
When we view the domination of the university by academic disciplines based on modern metaphysics, and the domination of the world by policies that derive from the theories taught there, it is hard not to become deeply discouraged.
Academic quarrying of the Qur» an has produced bold theories, bitter feuds and even claims of an Islamic Reformation in the making.
In academic economics, however, the dedication to pure theory is so strong that the work of Fehr and his school seems almost revolutionary.
Rawls» 1971 book, A Theory of Justice, is justly called the most influential work in political philosophy of the last century, at least among academic philosophers.
[6] At the academic level, the field of New Testament studies has shown its sensitivity to various theories emerging from diverse fields by wrestling with the challenges issuing from such theories.
«People in both camps would quickly discover that some long - cherished divisions — the favorite one, for instance, between the academic and the practical, the reflective and the active, theory and practice — are confounded when you look with any care at the life of an actual congregation, and see the ways that theory is always in practice, that even the act of theorizing is an act of practice.
At the same time, certain complaints recur: traditional curricula are rooted in precritical assumptions, serve academic guilds, pre-empt feminist or minority studies, and are built on unviable ways of relating theory and practice.
On the one hand is the buzzword - laden discourse of academic philosophy (and, presumably, of the critical theory — dominated humanities), while on the other is the work of uncovering «real» knowledge.
Christian religious movements do not usually have as their central dynamic a theory of knowledge, an academic abstraction, but something more personal and affective, typically the example and spiritual guidance of a saint or charismatic leader.
Increasing the debt ceiling is the rational last stage in this sequential game, and it is part of what the academic literature of game theory calls a subgame - perfect strategy.
It is only in terms of this broader context that a political theory's substance can hope to attain insights of greater breadth and validity than those of the myopia of academic «departments» or of the arbitrariness of de facto power.
But to the devout Marxist this interpretation of the past is no mere academic theory.
Dr. Richard Stephens, a senior lecturer at Keele University, has conducted a number of academic investigations over the years in order to prove his theory that that using swear words reduces stress.
He focuses on wider audiences using video material to help communicate the emotional significance of «Attachment Theory,» a potentially dry academic subject with very personally challenging significance.
Her academic training and research has crossed areas of family - community interaction, developmental theory, and educational psychology, all with a focus on how to share information in a manner that supports children's and families» development.
Freud openly criticized Klein's theories and lack of a formal academic degree.
Interestingly, these criticisms generally remain within the domain of philosophical critique: remarkably few writers have tried to understand the genesis of Rawlsian theory within its wider academic context.
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