Sentences with phrase «academy status allows»

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Our Academies Act takes the existing programme further by allowing any publicly - funded school to convert to academy status.
For the first time, our Act also allows for primary schools to obtain the freedom that academy status offers.
Allowing unqualified teachers into the classroom — as Michael Gove has done in academies and free schools — without any pathway to achieve qualified status creates a dangerous precedent.
As local authorities are allowed to top - slice less and less of maintained schools» money, the financial premium of academy status is shrinking.
Gove's earnestly pursued and widely touted «academies» scheme, which allows district - operated public schools to convert to charter - like status and be managed by outside groups, has led to a major scandal in Birmingham, where a handful of such schools were taken over by fundamentalist Muslims.
And one of the points made in opposition to the move to allow individual schools to convert to Academy status post 2010.
After the election the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, announced plans to allow all schools in England to convert to academy status.
Mr Twigg criticised the education secretary for allowing free schools and academies the freedom to employ staff who do not have qualified teacher status.
There are wide variations within the academy category, with sponsored academies, which are forced into academy status after poor Ofsted ratings, predictably faring worse than converter academies, which must be rated good or outstanding before being allowed to convert.
In England, only schools with academy status are allowed to form trusts to sponsor weaker schools.
According to the Indianpolis Star, the judge «soon dissolved Todd Academy's nonprofit status, saying Todd was «entirely unaware» of how to run a nonprofit, and it was in the public interest for the school never to be allowed to operate again.»
The changes also allows special schools and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) to become academies and sets out the conditions for faith schools to take on this status.
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