Sentences with phrase «accelerate a trend among»

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«The consolidation of [Amazon and Whole Foods] is likely to accelerate the trend we have already seen among Millennial consumers who have rejected traditional Big Food brands in favor of more authentic, trendy offerings,» Credit Suisse analyst Robert Moskow wrote in a note to clients.
He says increased price sensitivity among consumers, an accelerated trend of member downgrading their policies, and heightened competitive activity will maintain pressure on the company.
And there is a growing trend among life insurance companies where the chronic illness accelerated benefits rider is already included in newly issued policies in states where the rider is approved.
Social insularity, cultivation of personal celebrity and a relativistic approach to facts and fictions are among a panoply of cultural trends if not created then at least accelerated by online communication, among other factors.
Thus revitalized, post-war American craftspeople became better trained and their studio art more proficient, a process accelerated in the 1960s and 1970s by the feminist art movement - see, for instance, the work of Judy Chicago (b. 1939)- and by the anti-industrialism trend among young people.
And there is a growing trend among life insurance companies where the chronic illness accelerated benefits rider is already included in newly issued policies in states where the rider is approved.
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