Sentences with phrase «accelerated aging process»

In a February 2012 study entitled, «Correcting magnesium deficiencies may prolong life (1)» - the International Space Station provided an extraordinary facility to study the accelerated aging process in microgravity, which could be triggered by significant reductions in magnesium (Mg) ion levels in the body.
In the 1930's Dr. Hans Selye first discovered that chronically elevated stress hormone levels accelerated the aging process and shortened lifespan.
And while that will help you feel more alert, it won't slow down the accelerated aging process that accompanies sleep deprivation.
I've experience all the symptoms you mentioned in your video, especially hair lose, dry skin, brain fog and constipation, just an accelerated aging process going on in my body.
«Restricting calories can slow your basal metabolism, and if by - products of metabolism accelerate aging processes, calorie restriction sustained over several years may help to decrease risk for chronic disease and prolong life,» says lead author Leanne M. Redman, associate professor of Clinical Sciences at Pennington Biomedical Research in Baton Rouge, LA.
Inflammation has long been thought to play a role in cardiovascular disease and accelerating the aging process
«Our results suggest that neurodegenerative disorders may accelerate the aging process
Although cells normally multiply during growth and development, the misshapen nucleus can not divide properly, ultimately damaging cells and accelerating the aging process.
Lithgow's recent work at the Buck Institute with the nematode C. elegans (a type of worm) has shown how iron accumulation can accelerate the aging process.
«We found a series of genes involved in regulating autophagy, which accelerate the ageing process
Impaired functioning of telomeres can lead to genomic instability, and so to cancer, as well as accelerate the aging process.
These vegetables help block estrogen, the fiber helps you excrete excess estrogens, and overall the crucifers help cells with programmed cell death, so that senescent cells don't keep circulating and loitering like zombies, wreaking havoc and accelerating the aging process.
Additionally, studies show that being deficient in magnesium accelerates the aging process.
Stress is also implicated in memory problems, accelerates the aging process, causes weight gain, weakens the immune system, and can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.
Inflammation can generate free radicals and accelerate the ageing process.
How trying to lose weight the «diet industry» way is causing a new, hidden epidemic (one that slowly kills your metabolism and accelerates the aging process)
Dr Sara Gottfried in her new book, Younger, details factors in our diet, lifestyle and environment that accelerate the aging process and offers practical ways to combat them.
These glycated molecules induce oxidative stress and enhance inflammatory responses that accelerate the aging process.
These vegetables block estrogen, the fiber helps you excrete excess estrogens, and overall the crucifers help cells with programmed cell death, so that senescent cells don't keep circulating and loitering like zombies, wreaking havoc and accelerating the aging process.
As a high - impact sport, running can be hard on the joints and connective tissue and may accelerate the aging process.
Aging: Cortisol also has the power to accelerate the aging process of the skin, rapidly enhancing common unwanted aging signs like lines and wrinkles, age spots, and skin dullness.
And eating sugar may accelerate the aging process itself.
These are responsible for causing chronic conditions like cancer and heart disease, and they also accelerate the aging process according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
When your skin becomes inflamed, it becomes damaged skin, which accelerates the aging process.
This process rapidly accelerates the aging process and makes an individual's life miserable.
When we have stable blood sugar we aren't having constant insulin spikes and troughs — all of which accelerate the aging process and boost your chances of getting diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, alzheimer's and many cancers.
Drink a cup a day to help keep your skin looking younger and fight off the accelerated ageing process caused by free radicals.
And, let's not forget, prolonged periods of stress accelerate the aging process and can cause premature death.
The side effects of that are accelerating the ageing process of their cells and increasing the level of chronic inflammation.
These compounds aren't just hard to pronounce, they're hard for our cells to tolerate and lead to mitochondrial uncoupling, DNA damage, free radical cascades and other cell - damaging events that accelerate the aging process and contribute to disabling disease.
Free radicals accelerate the aging process and also promote degenerative diseases.
Tugging on skin to remove makeup only accelerates the aging process.
And since drying skin accelerates the aging process, our approach is different.
These extra free radicals disrupt and damage normal cells and can accelerate the aging process.
This guide is designed to give you the straight scoop on how and why the sun accelerates the aging process, causing everything from dehydration and wrinkles to sun spots and sagging... not to mention, skin cancer.
Vitamin C is something that we all need, and acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from the free radical damage that causes diseases and accelerates the aging process.

Not exact matches

«Too much sugar in your diet will lead to an age accelerating process in your body known as glycation and glycation does damage to the collagen in your skin making you lose skin elasticity causing wrinkles to appear,» affirms Dr. Calapai.
Although the cortex grows thinner with normal aging, the study found that smoking appears to accelerate the thinning process.
«What we're seeing is a normal process — cellular aging — augmented and accelerated once a cell becomes cancerous.
Scientists suspect there may be some kind of intrinsic biological clock that runs slower in some people and quicker in others, which would accelerate aging and wear down the body's protective processes.
People carrying the variant might further accelerate the biological aging process if they smoke, are obese or don't exercise — all of which are bad news for telomeres.
«Even more surprising is that the process of trapping occurs by heating the catalyst to high temperatures — precisely the conditions used for accelerated aging of these catalysts,» he added.
Harnessing the power of both the Hubble Space Telescope and the citizen science project Galaxy Zoo, scientists from the University of Portsmouth have found that bar - shaped features in spiral galaxies accelerate the galaxy aging process.
While telomere shortening happens naturally with aging, researches indicate the process is accelerated by psychological and biological stress.
«The effects observed in this study may be part of larger PTSD - related accelerated cellular aging process that is manifested in premature health decline,» she said..
«We discovered that these fatty acids are produced by the brain, that they build up slowly with normal aging, but that the process is accelerated significantly in the presence of genes that predispose to Alzheimer's disease,» explained Karl Fernandes.
When the body's internal connective tissue fails, the aging process accelerates and you start to see wrinkly skin, poor vision, bad muscle coordination and other problems.
«If we can understand that aging process, we can possibly reduce the time and expense of characterizing the waste and accelerate its processing for disposal,» said Clark.
In order to accelerate the development of therapies to bring aging under full medical control, the Forever Healthy Foundation directly supports cutting - edge research aimed at the molecular and cellular repair of damage caused by the aging process.
Inducing some of these enzymes can accelerate the slow, expensive process of cheese ripening, during which the cheese ages and develops its characteristic flavor.
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