Sentences with phrase «accelerator mass spectrometry measurements»

In a study published in a recent edition of Nano Letters, the Laboratory's Mike Malfatti, Heather Palko, Ed Kuhn and Ken Turteltaub report on accelerator mass spectrometry measurements used to investigate the relationship between administered dose, pharmacokinetics (PK), and long - term biodistribution of carbon 14 - labeled silica nanopartocles in vivo.
In a study published in a recent edition of Nano Letters, the Laboratory's Mike Malfatti, Heather Palko, Ed Kuhn and Ken Turteltaub report on accelerator mass spectrometry measurements used to investigate the relationship between administered dose, pharmacokinetics (PK), and long - term...

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The calcium 41 technology, an isotope measure to trace calcium deposits through accelerator mass spectrometry in the Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME Lab), can measure atomic quantities.
Measurements were made in Purdue University's PRIME Lab, a research facility dedicated to accelerator mass spectrometry.
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