Sentences with phrase «accept any religions concept»

I lean toward liberal, believe in a creator but do not accept any religions concept of the creator.

Not exact matches

Most religions accept the concept of a God so schools should allow a non denominational prayer period teaching children that there is a higher being.
Unfortunately the religion that i follow the basis of makes everyone think that I am not open to the concept that I can be wrong, My religion says that i shouldn't believe in evolution but I do, My religion says that I shouldn't accept gay's, but I do, and my religion says I shouldn't have sex before marriage, but I do.
Indeed, this concept provides Hinduism with an absorptive quality which enables it to accept any religion from any source as simply a phase of the ultimately real Brahman — so long as it does not make exclusive claims for its deity as do Christianity and Islam.
One can not understand the religions of Asia without having learned the basic religious concepts, the accepted religious writings, the important religious leaders, and the places which have sacred connotations for the people of Asia.
The Enlightenment thinkers also accepted the concept of religio naturalis or a universal religiosity underlying all historic religions which was to be perceived by reason without the aid of revelation.
In 1958, Michael Argyle wrote: «Although intelligent children grasp religious concepts earlier, they are also the first to doubt the truth of religion, and intelligent students are much less likely to accept orthodox beliefs, and rather less likely to have pro-religious attitudes.»
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