Sentences with phrase «accept anything in»

Now, since you probably don't accept anything in the IPCC report link, why don't you answer my question: what evidence would convince you that doubling the CO2 in our atmosphere is a dangerous thing to do?
Speaking of MORONS, you are saying no one should accept anything in the Bible without checking the original language.
Accepting anything in exchange for coverage would get me fired in a heartbeat.

Not exact matches

«If you can accept the worst that can happen to you and live with it,» he tells Inc. entrepreneurs, «you become superman or superwoman — you can do anything — because your mind doesn't get in your way.»
«That allusion was something Kevin Feige really wanted to put into this script, because it sort of embodies the internal struggle that Peter Parker is facing throughout, where he is his own greatest enemy in some ways, to have to accept himself before he can do anything helpful for the world.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement to the Times.
If you want someone to invest in you, confidence is key, and that starts with not accepting anything less than the best in your team, your product or anything you do.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Mr. Kalanick said in a statement.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement.
«Our goal here is to get a complete ban on assault weapons in the state of Florida, and we will not accept anything else,» student Spencer Blum said.
In light of this refusal to respond seriously to the substantiated and well - researched concerns of civil society, the members of the Trade Justice Network can not accept this empty and meaningless Declaration as anything more than public relations.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement late Tuesday, according to an Uber spokesperson.
And so I think what we're going to try to do in our program is to be skeptical of the whole Cryptocurrency movement and be open to the potential benefits that it offers, but not like we're not going to accept anything just uncritically.
But the unpleasant reality that I have had to accept is that there will be no «new» Donald Trump, just the same candidate who will slash and burn and trample anything and anyone he perceives as being in his way or an easy scapegoat.
What dismays me about Miley Cyrus is the same thing that dismays me about the current trend of instantly going to the allowable limit (and a bit over) in dress and act: I get the feeling she feels like she's proving something; that this is not an artistic statement of anything but rather, that she feels like she needs to do this to be accepted as a female singer and entertainer.
I accept that in your mind you friend is as real as anything you experience, but that doesn't mean it's real outside your mind.
As for the one god being more valid than any of the other thousands, that things you attribute to him (technically to Jesus), still haven't been proven in anything outside of the bible, which no one of a scientific mind can accept as convincing proof.
Yup that the excuses you have to tell yourself so you can accept where you are at in this world, but the reality is if you could choose to do anything in the world regardless of money or any other limitations you would not be living the life you have now.
You wouldn't accept in allah we trust or anything else so don't make the rest of us deal with your crap.
In general they seem to accept it as far more cousinly to their own doctrines than anything else Protestantism has produced since the days of the Reformation.
In a time in which the human body seemed to lose any iconic significance, in the weakness of his failing body, John Paul participated, as Cardinal Lustiger noted, in the suffering of his Redeemer, for the «mystery of salvation happens when Christ is on the cross and can not do or decide anything other than to accept the will of the Father.&raquIn a time in which the human body seemed to lose any iconic significance, in the weakness of his failing body, John Paul participated, as Cardinal Lustiger noted, in the suffering of his Redeemer, for the «mystery of salvation happens when Christ is on the cross and can not do or decide anything other than to accept the will of the Father.&raquin which the human body seemed to lose any iconic significance, in the weakness of his failing body, John Paul participated, as Cardinal Lustiger noted, in the suffering of his Redeemer, for the «mystery of salvation happens when Christ is on the cross and can not do or decide anything other than to accept the will of the Father.&raquin the weakness of his failing body, John Paul participated, as Cardinal Lustiger noted, in the suffering of his Redeemer, for the «mystery of salvation happens when Christ is on the cross and can not do or decide anything other than to accept the will of the Father.&raquin the suffering of his Redeemer, for the «mystery of salvation happens when Christ is on the cross and can not do or decide anything other than to accept the will of the Father.»
In order for any of your comment to have meaning to me, I would first have to accept that ANYTHING is capable of removing the Divine from that which it has created.
If we are to speak truly to our age, therefore, we can assume, not (1) the complete ignorance of Christian principles, such as existed in the decaying civilization of early Greece and Rome; (2) the thoroughgoing knowledge and acceptance of Christian principles, such as existed in the time of most of our grandparents; or (3) the vigorous antagonism to the gospel, such as now exists among those who accept either the Marxist or the Fascist interpretation of history; but (4) a vague and tenuous residuum of Christian piety, devoid of any intention of doing anything about it.
But it's telling that the first comment from, you, Steve, when David suggests not even cracking down on, but simply not being apethetic to abuse of people in churches, is that there is no utopia, so just accept it and don't bother trying to change anything.
The Christian who, having accepted the communist regime in the U.S.S.R., protests the violence of that regime, should be «all things to all men» — not to show that a Christian will acquiesce in anything whatever, but to lead some of his compatriots to Christ; that is, in this connection, lead them to renounce violence.
«If an atheist has belief or faith in anything, it's that believers of religion accept propositions as evidence, and possibility as fact.»
He or she might agree with some of the Bible's teachings if those things line up with his view of life, but he or she doesn't accept anything just because «it's in the Bible.»
All scientists have difficulty in accepting anything they can not see, or touch or measure.
In the end, if the Bible teaches us anything, it is that each one of us is loved by God not because of how right we are but because God graciously and mercifully accepts us, sometimes despite the positions we adopt.
I certainly did not get the idea from those verses of anything like total depravity or that fallen man had to experience any kind of supernatural transformation of the will / heart in order to be able to accept God's convicting / convincing / persuading / call / drawing, instructions, teachings, commands, promises and gifts.
You don't have to do anything to be accepted except to accept Him in return.
Creationism is more or less a set of mental gymnastics, necessitated by a dogged refusal to accept or admit that anything in the Bible might be inaccurate, untrue, or mythological.
You don't need to accept ANYTHING about the universe's origins or state to disbelieve in gods.
@sam: You must accept that you are addicted to 24 hour news reports from talking heads who will tell you anything just to keep you logged in (literally) until the next commercial.
Christ accepted everyone and believed more than anything that we should love one another, so stop using religion to shut out an entire group of people in what is really a civil matter.
If God is taken to be like that, it then follows that human love itself is interpreted as being «Pollyanna - ish» sentimentality, prepared to accept whatever happens, tolerant of anything, however vicious, and utterly lacking in vertebrate strength.
I do not recall anything about Gandi in the Bible, and there is no evidence to suggest Hitler ever accepted Christ.
As we read this history, the furor over stem cells was fueled by numerous factors: the near - universal human desire for magic; patients» desperation in the face of illness and their hope for cures; the belief that biology can now do anything; the reluctance of scientists to accept any limits (particularly moral limits) on their research; the impact of big money from biotech stocks, patents, and federal funding; the willingness of America's elite class to use every means possible to discredit religion in general; and the need to protect the unlimited abortion license by accepting no protections of unborn human life.
His inability to accept anything less than perfection and his total disinterest in the glamour and social capital of gaining access to one of the world's most famous entertainers.
He says that if the Bible teaches us anything about God, it is that we learn about God and develop a relationship with Him, not by simply accepting everything the Bible says, but by actually engaging with God in a spirited (both senses of the word are intended there) discussion about the Bible.
I am not sorry to say there will always be blind (to the truth), naive (to reality) and ignorant people who will accept anything and everything in the church because for them it is easier to remain in the dark than to come to the light.
In a time when anything can happen — and usually does — the question is not which point of view is true, but which one we should accept, and then, with God's help, try to make come true.
we started merging in the world which is going to end, some of us are going to church, mosque, temple etc. some of us wants proof before we accept anything.
Lilu, this is as opposed to all the Christians that tell me i'm going to burn in hell for all eternity not because of anything i do, but merely because i do not accept on faith alone that their unsupported version of god is right and all the other unsupported versions of god are wrong?
«I do not accept that your actions here though were anything other than an exercise of free choice repeated again and again when you thought you could get away with it in public lavatories.»
II know that Jefferson accepted the Bible, except for anything miraculous (In fact he commissioned a Bible with all supernatural removed), but I find it hard to avoid some things that can not be explained in my personal lifIn fact he commissioned a Bible with all supernatural removed), but I find it hard to avoid some things that can not be explained in my personal lifin my personal life.
Having never witnessed a miracle (at least anything that would not have normally happened in nature), I am just not sure how people can accept the nonsense thrown at them.
The chemically sensitive are in a sense physically handicapped, and what they need more than anything else is for others to accept this fact and cooperate by helping to provide a pure environment.
I guess if you accept that you can just make up meaningless words like «free will» and claim they fill the gap in your doctrinal logic you can claim pretty much anything.
God, for Tertullian, is one, but not as exclusively one as Jews believe, being also three; father, but unacknowledged by Jews; merciful, forgiving even Jews; just, punishing especially Jews; wise, even in dealing with sinful Jews; consistent, despite the Jews; humble enough to accept death from Jews; patient, despite impatient Jews; revealed, but Jews fail to understand; lord of history, and proves it against Jews; limitless, except that God can not now ask anything Jewish.
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