Sentences with phrase «accept it at»

Apple Pay is now accepted at over half of all American retail locations, Cook said on Thursday, and purchase volume has tripled from a year ago.
«Donated to charities, accepted at local businesses, and found tacked up in pubs around the world, many consider Canadian Tire to be Canada's second currency,» said Allan MacDonald, the retailer's chief operating officer.
Frazier applied to and was accepted at the United States Military Academy, at the height of the Vietnam War.
Banks receive government bonds or central bank deposits in exchange for their bad debts, accepted at face value rather than at «mark - to - market» prices.
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But they all paved the way for Ms. Fowler to be heard and believed, and for subsequent stories about sexist tech culture to be accepted at face value.
Accepted at monetary exchanges, coin dealers, and banks around the world, the bullion we offer is among the most liquid forms of precious metal on earth.
Teddy was accepted at his parents» top choice, P.S. 307 in the DUMBO neighborhood, which is a magnet school for STEM studies: science, technology, engineering, and math.
As the value of a Bitcoin soars toward $ 10,000, consumers haven't quite caught on to the alternative currency accepted at a number of local businesses.
Bitcoin is currently accepted at just three of the top 500 online merchants tracked by the trade publication Internet Retailer, down from five last year, Morgan Stanley payments analyst James Faucette wrote Wednesday in a report, highlighting the «striking» discrepancy between virtually no merchant acceptance and bitcoin's recent gains.
The wallet is free and bitcoins are accepted at some stores and coffee shops.
Bitcoin payments may be accepted at over 260,000 stores in Japan by this summer following partnerships between the country's Bitcoin exchanges and major retailers...
All Future Shop gift cards will be accepted at any Best Buy Canada location and at
Accepting this at the start can help enormously.
It's equally foolish to accept it at face value and underestimate the great achievements of liberty and law that we as Americans rightly take pride in and must work to protect.
You speak as if you have done so yourself... or have you accepted at face value what Dawkins and many others claim: that there is no evidence of God?
Accepting at face value the assertion that Rick Perry has a Divine calling to run for the Republican nomination, we are lead to the question of whether it was a call to Mr. Perry to become the nominee or whether it was, instead, a call to Mr. Perry to teach a lesson about how people should not take the Name in vain in order to obtain political office.
Broadening horizons requires that we accept at least some degree of discomfort if we are to break free from social programming.
Kind of like what elite liberal socialists do all the time — trumpeting their atheism credentials to be accepted at their wine and cheese parties.
However, I do not accept at face value your characterization of all of the events as malicious on our part.
What makes Wasserstein's formulation eccentric is his insistence on Arendt's tendencies to accept at face value, without explanation, neo-Nazi historical formulations of the Jewish question and plain old Leninist approaches to the imperial tradition.
In The Oak and the Calf he recalls: «Later, when I popped up from the underground and began lightening my works for the outside world, lightening them of all that my fellow countrymen could hardly be expected to accept at once, I discovered to my surprise that a piece only gained, that its effect was heightened, as the harsher tones were softened.»
I offered you my sincere and honest reason for choosing to stay anonymous and you're refusing to accept it at face value.
Rather you see it or understand it or accept it at all.
It gave freedom from the tyranny of already antiquated forms of thought; freedom from the necessity of accepting at their face value, as part of a divine revelation, puerile and sometimes revolting survivals from primitive times.
It is interesting to me that the notion of eternal damnation does not appear to have been accepted at all in the first 3 or 4 centuries and then as you say, by the 6th the damnation crowd had won the battle.
christ was beaten and cruxified on a cross bc he preached of being the SON OF MAN, the only what to get to heaven but gays who are living in sin and refuse to repent are accepted at work and everywhere they go and society cheers them on when they get married or when a state recongizes them, and anytime they are killed society comes to their defense, but i say to you, is will not be man that will judge them iw till
Greed has been accepted at all levels of society and the portrayal of cruelty is considered an acceptable form of entertainment.
Had you and your wife not opened your lives to me and accepted me at the time you did... I would have left the church completely... I had no where else to turn.
This worker - priest or bi-vocational model soon became accepted at St. Andrew.
In fact, the article says it is actually not widely accepted at all.
Funny, the normal person when they mention that they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc, people accept them at their word.
While trying to take the «pro-life» claim seriously, I have not accepted it at face value, but rather have conducted research to find evidence.
I'll accept it at face value.
«There are things in the Jewish tradition that I can not accept at all,» Buber has said, «and things I hold true that are not expressed in Judaism.
Why should any rational adult accept at face value a claim that if made about anything other than religion, would be scoffed at as a lie?
If the Old Testament were flawless, Christ would not have been considered a radical or a blasphemer (i.e. what He said would jive entirely with what was commonly accepted at the time).
Unless we are to suspect Austen of a hyper - ironic stance where Austen's lack of irony toward Fanny is a way of reinforcing irony, then we should accept at face value that Austen considers Fanny morally and intellectually exemplary.
As such I must reflect on these principles further rather than accept them at face value.
The modern reader accepts it all at face value without understanding this.
D. E. Nineham points out that «most commentators accept at any rate the basic facts of the story, arguing that Christians would have been unlikely to invent a tradition in which Jesus receives hurried burial from a pious Jew, and his own followers have no part in the proceedings ’15 and then goes on to add that «scholarly opinion has perhaps been a little inclined to overlook the possible influence of the Old Testament on the story».16
The prologue justifies the popular image of Job as a man of unparalleled (indeed incredible and unhuman) patience; but in all the poetry that follows there is nothing to confirm this quality in Job, not even in the Job who accepts at last the rebuke of Yahweh (40:4 - 5 and 42:2 - 6).
Not accepting does not mean rejecting.It is not accepting at this time, and reserving judgement until there can be some kind of validation.
It is a paradox of truth which I accept at this point.
And we render thanks unto thee for this ministry which thou dost deign to accept at our hands... 2
Unless he accepts it at a heart as well as at a head level, he will convey a judgmental attitude in spite of his conscious intentions.
I don't quite know what to think of their stories, but am inclined to accept them at face value, and find their explanations a «mystery».
People, whether educated or not, generally accepted at face value everything written in the Bible.
Reimarus showed that it was impossible to reconcile the stories of Jesus as told by the four different Gospels (and particularly their accounts of Jesus» Resurrection), so the Gospels could not be accepted at face value as genuine records.
I am willing to accept at face value the Benham's claims that in their professional capacity they do not discriminate against anyone.
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