Sentences with phrase «accept manuscripts»

We can accept manuscripts written in other languages if the author provides an English translation.
Please note that we can not accept manuscripts in PDF form.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept any manuscripts.
Booktrope is not self - publishing, in that we do not accept all manuscripts, nor do we charge fees.
We accept manuscripts from authors from Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States.
We accept manuscripts year round, with the aim to showcase the literary work of accomplished poets.
We do not accept manuscripts that contain a large number of graphic sexual acts of a violent or illegal nature.
It will accept manuscripts in any Word format (doc or doc.x, RTF, or even EPUP), and convert them into eBooks in a matter of minutes.
Requirements: Accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, ebooks, audio books, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 100 + genres.
You just need to do your homework and find out if the publishers that you want to approach accept manuscripts directly from the author and without the backing of an agent.
I would prefer to use a lawyer, and yet most publishing houses won't accept manuscripts except from agents.
I started writing when large NYC publishers would accept manuscripts directly from writers without literary agents.
Literary agents do not usually accept manuscripts from an unknown writer, either.
However, due to the high volume of correspondence, I can't answer your queries personally and do not accept manuscripts for reading or feedback.
However, I am also discouraged from continuing to try to find a publisher to print and market the other books I have ready, due to the fact that so many publishers will not accept manuscripts from unknown authors.
does any publisher accept manuscripts hand written, and absolutely legible.
Some ebook marketplaces will accept manuscripts in MS Word format.
We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140 + genres.
We accept manuscripts from Australia, Canada, Ireland, UK and the USA.
Traditional publishing and digital publishing: We do accept manuscripts for consideration for both kind of contracts, traditional and digital publishing only.
If you consider responses such as «We only accept manuscripts from existing clients» as rejections, then the answer is yes.
These days, most publishers have closed their slush pile (meaning they don't accept manuscripts sent by authors).
Most Christian subsidy publishers will not accept manuscripts with content that is contrary to generally accepted biblical principles.
Digital only seems to accept manuscripts that print publishers might turn away.
Few agents these days accept manuscripts that haven't been professionally edited.
That literary agents can decide whether to accept manuscripts based solely on the marketing plan?
Under no circumstances can we accept manuscripts after the deadline, and we can not offer refunds or credits if you do not submit it on time.
They don't accept all manuscripts, though, so your book first needs to undergo their approval process.
Misty accept manuscripts of the following lengths: novelette (10,000 - 35,000 words), novella (35,000 - 60,000 words), novel (60,000 words and up).
Out of professional courtesy to other freelancers, I will not accept manuscripts with editing markup.
Pacific Book Awards We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, ebooks, audio books, and over 60 genres to choose from.
Thanks to the internet, practically anyone with a pregnancy theory can write a book these days and even pay to have it published if no reliable publishing house will accept the manuscript.
What all these cases had in common was that researchers exploited vulnerabilities in the publishers» computerized systems to dupe editors into accepting manuscripts, often by doing their own reviews.
A combination of iron - oxide nanoparticles and an alternating magnetic field, which together generate heat, have activated an immune system response to tumors in mice according to an accepted manuscript by Dartmouth - Hitchcock Norris Cotton Center researchers in the journal Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine released online on February 24, 2014.
NIH - funded researchers must submit copies of accepted manuscripts to the PubMed Central archive.
After they deposit their papers in the DOE - run archive — either the final accepted manuscript or the published paper — researchers must include the paper's unique identifier when they submit research proposals and reports to their program officers, or else the paper won't count.
Since 2008, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has required its grantees to submit their accepted manuscripts to its PubMed Central repository, which posts full - text manuscripts online within 12 months of publication.
CHORUS: Through participation in the CHORUS initiative, AAPM will make publicly available the Accepted Manuscript version of an article in response to government or funder requirements 12 months after publication.
Unless otherwise noted on the article, the Accepted Manuscript is licensed under the terms of the AAPM Transfer of Copyright Agreement.
Disclaimer: Dr Kibbe is the editor of JAMA Surgery but was not involved in the editorial review or the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.
Click here to learn more about literary agents accepting manuscripts in my Guide to Finding a Book Agent.
If I were an author trying to find literary agents accepting manuscripts, I might just skip the whole time - consuming process of trying to figure out which literary agents are accepting manuscripts (and which ones aren't).
Literary agents accepting manuscripts want your book, but there are three things you need to know before using our free Literary Agent Directory to contact them:
In other words, some literary agents accepting manuscripts this week won't be accepting them next week.
This article from my Guide to Finding a Book Agent reveals the best way to find literary agents accepting manuscripts, an important warning about literary agents accepting manuscripts, and a shortcut that will save you hours of research (something you won't hear from any other publishing agent).
Or, click here to read the next article in this 15 - part series, about Literary Agents Accepting Manuscripts.
If you find out about a company from their advertisements, and they say they're «accepting manuscripts» and ask for a phone number, and then call you and say «we'd love to publish your book, we just need you to pay for x, y, z... be careful.
Home» Finding a Literary Agent — Tips for Finding a Book Agent» Literary Agents Accepting Manuscripts — Book Agents
However, though KDP will accept a manuscript, I'd still suggests hiring someone who knows how to properly lay out and convert your manuscript for the Kindle.
Radiqx Press is accepting manuscripts: Christian non-fiction and speculative fiction manuscripts — but only after I have read them.
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