Sentences with phrase «accept my dogma as»

Scientists don't blindly accept dogma as fact.
Religious faith means abandoning rational inquiry and accepting dogma as truth.

Not exact matches

However Christians demand that society accept the existence of their god as fact and validate their religious dogmas by incorporating them into civil law.
Tenderness separated from the source of tenderness thus supports a «popular piety» that goes unexamined, a piety in which liberalism in its decline establishes dogmatic rights, rights that in an extreme» as presently in the arguments for abortion in the political sphere and for «popular culture» in the academic» become absolute dogma to be accepted and not examined.
Faith is the willing suspension of critical thinking in order that one might accept supernatural dogma as fact.
«Knowledge» must come after faith... it is faith to accept religious dogma as knowledge.
'' Once you remove man's dogmas and get back to the teachings of Jesus Christ» Which is one of man's dogmas... Men wrote the bible.You haven't removed anything, you have accepted one of man's dogmas as if it were truth.
If I appear ignorant to you perhaps it's because I don't blindly follow the theocratic dogma, or accept the creative translations and cultural contexts that particular preachers try to pass off as the only «true» way to interpret the Bible.
Teaching Creationism as a scientific theory teaches people to reject the value of evidence and accept dogma and tradition.
For centuries his theological teaching was accepted as official dogma by most Catholics.
are you not just blindly accepting dogma that's been honed over centuries as truth when, in fact, it's just people's ideas about things they don't understand?
To accept the Bible as the authority of the Christian faith, therefore, is not to accept merely some static dogma that lays the dead hand of the past on the fresh life of the present.
The church gained in so far as it accepted a critical attitude to dogma.
This dogmatic intolerance becomes all the more difficult for non-Catholics when it is associated not only with distinctly religious dogma, but also with elements of natural law that are not accepted as divinely sanctioned moral demands by most non-Catholics.
«Heresy is in the eye of the beholder... no one thinks that their beliefs are heretical, so denouncing another's theology as «heretical» is meaningless and purposeless, for what one judges to be «heresy» is dependant upon one's accepted church's dogma.
I propose doing so, in challenging what he states as accepted dogma: that any time - series less than 25 or 30 years is meaningless.
As anyone can see, the article is about politics, bias, confirmation bias, groupthink, dogma, prejudice, the stubborn refusal of the left to accept data on IQ studies, sneering and smearing (see ATTP's latest childish sneer / smear at the Conversation).
I originally accepted the climate science / IPCC dogma, but my background as an electrical engineer with experience in developing spice models led me to look closer at the details.
«As a fundamental element of religion, the term «dogma» is assigned to those theological tenets which are considered to be well demonstrated, such that their proposed disputation or revision effectively means that a person no longer accepts the given religion as his or her own, or has entered into a period of personal doubt.&raquAs a fundamental element of religion, the term «dogma» is assigned to those theological tenets which are considered to be well demonstrated, such that their proposed disputation or revision effectively means that a person no longer accepts the given religion as his or her own, or has entered into a period of personal doubt.&raquas his or her own, or has entered into a period of personal doubt.»
The notion that there is such a thing as progress of mankind as a whole was unknown prior to the seventeenth century, developed into a rather common opinion among the eighteenth - century hommes de lettres, and became an almost univerally accepted dogma in the nineteenth....
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