Sentences with phrase «accept relativity»

The Nazis refused to accept relativity because it was Jewish Science.
We tend to accept relativity and quantum mechanics as great ideas without understanding much about them.
It took a fair amount of time to accept Relativity as an improvement on Newton, and the same is being applied to «Saturated GHG» theory based on overall atmospheric energy balance.
If, for example, we accept relativity as an appropriate explanation of reality, then God is related to the world as a changing Becoming, and Jesus is related to God as a changing, growing person.

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If it were left to «logic» Quantum Mechanics, Relativity etc etc would never have been discovered, or accepted.
Theory is a tested, proven conclusion (i.e. a hypothesis becomes a theory once it is proven or accepted as truth, such as the theory of relativity, computational theory, etc..
The ability to transcend one's own relative position through imaginative participation in the relativities of other peoples is the basis for a new, richer universalism, in which the significant partialities of particular groups are encompassed within a sympathetic accepting awareness.
While this relativity can be interpreted to mean that values are wholly defined by the circumstances of culture and are merely expressions of cultural exigencies, the insistent pressures of the human conscience, oftentimes in contradiction to accepted cultural norms, render this interpretation doubtful.
Not only would a demonstration of the inconsistency of divine relativity make Hartshorne's thesis of divine relativity and all that depends on it incoherent and also make Whitehead's famous portrait of God as the fellow sufferer who understands inadmissible, but philosophers of religion would have to accept a different picture of the world.
There is no causal or logical connection, thanks to degrees of relativity, between being objectively immortal and believing or accepting that we are so.
Read Absence of Black Holes means Stephen Hawking has finally accepted that there are serious problems with both Newton's perspective of Gravity & Einstein's General Theory of Relativity because both require Black Holes at the center of the galaxies.
While many scientific theories together, like gravity, thermodynamics, relativity, etc. explain much of what we see today, there aren't many generally accepted scientific theories that both explain something equally well and contradict each other.
Now general relativity is pretty well accepted.
General relativity remains well accepted though incomplete.
There will usually be enough overlap between the assumptions of the two parties that a common core of observations - statements can be accepted by both — even, I would argue, in a change as far - reaching as that from classical physics to relativity.
On the other hand, Whitehead seems to accept (with some reluctance) the physical doctrine of relativity, according to which there could not be a solidarity of entities in a unison of becoming.
Acceptance of this relativity, however, does not mean that theology is forced to accept relativism, the view that nothing is absolute.
The modern preference for fluidity and relativity finds it hard to accept an objective, never mind divinely established, order.
However, his reformulation of relativity was not accepted by physicists, no doubt because he was never able to show any confirmable difference between the predictions of observable fact derived from his theory and that of Einstein.
By accepting the humanists» standards of subjectivity and the relativity of values as a given — that is, as a premise and not as a problem — the liberal religionist has gone a long way toward betraying the grounds for public order.
I do not intend by my remarks about space - time to imply that, if Peirce had known relativity physics, he would have given up his notion of individual identity as consisting in a continuity of reactions and accepted the idea of a definite single event as intelligible by itself.
When one accepts the invariant order derived from our knowledge of the Principle of Relativity, one must supplement this with the Quantum Theory, allowing for chance, which Northrop says «operates within the restrictions specified by its invariant universal laws.»
Now our challenge is to reconcile the two great achievements of 20th - century physics — Einstein's general relativity and his nemesis, quantum mechanics, the theory he helped create but never accepted.
«One may wonder whether the current state of the art in cosmology... resembles the discovery of Neptune, or whether the recalcitrant evidence coming from supernova 1a may not be better explained by a modification of the accepted paradigm (like in the case of the perihelion of Mercury, which ushered in general relativity),» they write.
Now, physicist Clifford Will has calculated another effect of general relativity on Mercury's orbit, he reports in a paper accepted in Physical Review Letters.
After Einstein published the definitive version of general relativity in 1916, he again found that his theory was full of oddities that he neither expected nor accepted.
One paper introduced the special theory of relativity, which dramatically broke with Newton's universally accepted description of how physics worked.
And although Einstein eventually accepted that these oscillations in space - time could exist, they remain the only major prediction of general relativity still to be verified.
Despite his own reluctance to accept it, Einstein's general relativity math did in fact imply what Wheeler later called the «most dramatic prediction that science has ever made» — the expansion of the universe.
For example, do you accept quantum mechanics, general relativity or special relativity?
But it is accepted that General Relativity got it right.
The astrophysics community was loath to accept this result, since overturning Special Relativity would have required either going back to the Newtonian mechanics that had many unexplained anomalies that led to relativity theory in the first place or else developing a better framework than Einstein had (not reaRelativity would have required either going back to the Newtonian mechanics that had many unexplained anomalies that led to relativity theory in the first place or else developing a better framework than Einstein had (not rearelativity theory in the first place or else developing a better framework than Einstein had (not real likely).
Presumably he meant recent and complex topics, not simple scientific facts nor long - accepted theories such as relativity.
HAYSTACKID LLC, an end - to - end litigation support and managed services provider, today announced that three of its applications have been accepted as submissions in this year's Relativity Fest Innovation Awards.
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