Sentences with phrase «accept religion as»

Then children can make an informed decision on whether, and to what extent, they want to accept a religion as they get older.

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They want everyone to accept their agenda as their new religion.
A number of the major religions have even accepted this as you're not actually worshiping Buddha, just following his examples and teachings as to how to be a better person in life.
Unless world - wide Islam leeaders don't appologise to the world and the shut down their extremists internally America will never accept this religion and its followers as peace loving.
Maybe not quite similar, because the religion you accept does depend on some arbitrary factors out of our control, such as the country of our birth.
Circular religious logic will still never fully justify the fact that religion asks for special rights and protections, which it gets, and then turns those rights and protections on other groups as a defense mechanism for when they are accused of discriminating... i.e. «We can choose who we accept and who we don't because of our beliefs... wait, what... how can you say you will not accept our religious organization, that's religious discrimination!»
I haven't given up on them entirely: some of them will migrate toward religion as they accept some of life's responsibilities and meet some of life's challenges.
One thing abt the major religions is that they make U accept a ridiculously impossible thing as the center of one's faith like the nailing to a cross a human body & not having it tear away.
Some religions accept evolution as true and assume that god left it to run it course, with some» direction» of course.
If you can't accept what humanity is you can make up another story as many religions have, but it will be just that... a story.
That is, if Wilson's purely functionalist explanation of religion were to become widely accepted by religious people, it would then be rendered false» for the adaptive features of religions depend, on Wilson's account, upon religious people thinking it false that their religions are best understood as adaptive social organisms.
Neither public schools nor liberals hate any god, they have just accepted that as there are many peopleon this planet, so to are there many religions.
That doesn't make the theology more believable to discerning people, but it does provide evidence for the innocuousness of the faith which causes the greater society to accept it as a «mainstream religion».
The second is where most «atheists» can be found... unwilling to accept the logical consequence of their utterly meanigless lives as atheists, they cite humanity as being self - transcendent, in the end, this becomes a religion with themselves as its god — think Nietzsche.
But, if you find an answer not deemed «correct» by your religion, and accept it as the truth, then won't you probably find yourself outside of that faith?
Until this is accepted, the Abrahamic religions are going to have an increasingly difficult time, as fewer an fewer people will accept arbitrary rules based on irrational principles.
Islam has reached the bottom of cesspool, new generation would never accept Islam as a religion, but terrorist organization.
Furthermore, if the Christian teachings regarding salvation and necessity of accepting Jesus as your Savior is so critical, why have the vast majority of the worlds religions not contained that doctrine?
Today, the religions of Christendom display a similar disrespect for the truth of the Bible, by giving preference to scientific theories, such as the Catholic church accepting evolution.
It appears that all is going as planned... accept all the worlds religions as truth and denounce the one source that reveals me as what I am... i will see you soon.
«Theology of religions» is the generally accepted term for how we as Christians articulate our faith in the light of the religious plurality of the world.
As can be seen through comparative religion, no human philosopher or religious leader has ever invented the idea that God fully and freely accepts human beings without any effort or work on their part.
But to preclude the imposition of a priori evolutionary categories on the nature of religious belief, let us accept the definition of religion as given by the historians and sociologists of religion.
«First we affirm that we desire to follow Scripture alone as a rule of faith and religion, without mixing it with any other things which might be devised by the opinion of men apart from the Word of God, and without wishing to accept for our spiritual government any other doctrine than what is conveyed to us by the same Word without addition to diminution, according to the command of our Lord.»
So, I guess religion is harmful in a sense as well as providing a sense of tranquility (which is beneficial) to those who are unable to accept and deal with reality.
«If an atheist has belief or faith in anything, it's that believers of religion accept propositions as evidence, and possibility as fact.»
@God hates religion, since Jesus promises that whatever we ask for, if we have faith we shall receive, I am afraid no person of faith should be willing to accept «No» as an answer from God.
Wall off a piece of land and build a room with a thatched roof...» (Malfoozat Vol 2, p. 42) «Jamaat» is a form of jihad (today's word is Terrorism) against all other religions not following Islam or accepting Islam as the only true religion.
I'm glad to see you are honest about it ROCKWOOD, but I think this comment — «The Muslim influx is a bit more difficult for me to accept, but I often pray that I have the ability to accept them as much as I accept other religions, or concpets of relgions such as Atheism, and Agnosticism..»
The Muslim influx is a bit more difficult for me to accept, but I often pray that I have the ability to accept them as much as I accept other religions, or concpets of relgions such as Atheism, and Agnosticism..
We are forever putting conditions and qualifications on the love of God: «If you rid yourself of your racism, if you vote Democratic, if you accept Jesus as your savior, if...» Such conditional, achievement - oriented, self - made - men religion certainly doesn't need Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead to make itself plausible and reasonable in an achievement - oriented, you - get - what - you - deserve capitalistic culture.
science is not everything, the problem is when the critical and objective philosophy of science is accepted as absolute in reality.God is beyond logic at this point of our consciousness, The process of gods will manfistation is evolution which accepts all variables in the process, the input could be not what scienctists wants.Thats why faith or religion is part of reality.
If your a black, white, Asian, Arab, African, gay, a man, a woman, or whatever your religion is you need to accept life as it comes at you and deal with it!!!
However, in living their lives according to universal values they also accept the value that says that all religions and their «gods» are as valid.
Not only would a demonstration of the inconsistency of divine relativity make Hartshorne's thesis of divine relativity and all that depends on it incoherent and also make Whitehead's famous portrait of God as the fellow sufferer who understands inadmissible, but philosophers of religion would have to accept a different picture of the world.
[1] The state was committed to the destruction of religion, [2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, hara ssed and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic propaganda, and generally promoted «scientific atheism» as the truth that society should accept.
[1] The state was committed to the destruction of religion, [2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic propaganda, and generally promoted «scientific atheism» as the truth that society should accept.
Many scientists are certainly skeptical of many of the finer points of evolution, but as a whole, the evolutionary process is accepted as fact amongst any and all biologists that put science ahead of religion.
If any other minority (color / religion), has accepted Obama's treatment by the foul - mouthed, extreme right, as an example of what to expect, then I doubt whether, many would have the courage, to emulate him.
When something can be created out of nothing I will accept the religion of Atheism as being true.
In general, children accept the religion of their parents without question, and then continue to practice it as adults.
However, religion in general just disgusts me, and I can not accept any of it as a whole truth.
The Muslim people have embraced a way of life and a belief that says... we want to live our lives according to the belief in freedom of rights... the way of self - rule... the way of America, which also accepts peoples» worship of «one's faith of choice as their religion».
I do believe that faith comes from your heart and you don't need to be educated about religion to accept Jesus as your savior.
I have studied most all religions, to an extent, and although I can not accept any of them, I'm sure I could do as well as I did on this quiz — 100 percent correct!
It is as if there is almost three tiers of religion M. Scott Peck speaks about this in some of his writings, the bottom tier are those who blindly accept, the middle level is composed of those who came to reject the things they accepted blindly, and the final tier of enlightenment is those who have gone through all the hard questions, accepting nothing blindly, yet eventually find God.
As Collins and Miller illustrate, there are those who accept a divine supernatural realm and methodological naturalism (as opposed to metaphysical naturalism); but because religion is introduced long before science education, your «brainwashing... only ways» statement and your subsequent tu quoque are both faultAs Collins and Miller illustrate, there are those who accept a divine supernatural realm and methodological naturalism (as opposed to metaphysical naturalism); but because religion is introduced long before science education, your «brainwashing... only ways» statement and your subsequent tu quoque are both faultas opposed to metaphysical naturalism); but because religion is introduced long before science education, your «brainwashing... only ways» statement and your subsequent tu quoque are both faulty.
Additionally, Baha'is who regard Islam as a revealed religion have a keen interest in reducing Islamophobia in the west as our own beliefs are not valid if Islam is not from God, and do not accept donations from non-Baha «is, thus are clearly not «funded» for anti-Islamic purposes.
Again you don't go to church to be accepted and get religion you go because you have accepted christ as your saviour.
Azariah who later became Bishop of Dornakal argued that the church in accepting the position of a communal political minority with special protection would become a static community and it would negate its self - understanding as standing for mission and service to the whole national community, that in any case the Indian church is not a single social or cultural community since it consists of people of diverse background, each of whom would have its own political struggle to wage in cooperation with the people of similar background in other religions; and therefore theologically and politically Christians should ask only for religious freedom for its mission and service to all people, not as a minority right, but as a human right (ref.
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