Sentences with phrase «accept religion for»

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Yet you refuse to accept that the doctrine that they follow — the Quran — is a violent religion even though it specifically calls for the destruction of any one who refuses to accept the prophet Mohammed.
I personally ping - ponged back and forth between religion and non-religion for a long time before accepting that we humans are truly only guessing at things, and likely inventing things, that are impossible to know for sure.
Fred, I accept that people have the right to believe whatever they want, but I will never be happy for people who chose the ignorance of religion instead of curiosity and the desire for real answers.
Circular religious logic will still never fully justify the fact that religion asks for special rights and protections, which it gets, and then turns those rights and protections on other groups as a defense mechanism for when they are accused of discriminating... i.e. «We can choose who we accept and who we don't because of our beliefs... wait, what... how can you say you will not accept our religious organization, that's religious discrimination!»
So, unless you are willing to accept your daughters from being excluded from education, your sons from being forced to pray to Allah in school, women being second class citizens, women being sent to prison for adultery after being raped, etc., you may want to consider what it truly means to have freedom of religion.
Religion has little to do with ethics... for example... is it right for you to allow someone else to accept your just punishment... of course not, we do not allow that in our legal system, because it is not ethical... but your religion is based on that one unethical behavior.
If it weren't for religion, I bet we'd be a lot less accepting of people's rights to brain - wash their children.
That is, if Wilson's purely functionalist explanation of religion were to become widely accepted by religious people, it would then be rendered false» for the adaptive features of religions depend, on Wilson's account, upon religious people thinking it false that their religions are best understood as adaptive social organisms.
That doesn't make the theology more believable to discerning people, but it does provide evidence for the innocuousness of the faith which causes the greater society to accept it as a «mainstream religion».
I accept that the RCC is in competi.tion with other religions and sects of Christianity for souls, but it really seems over the top.
In this fashion, accepting the framework of Whitehead's metaphysics, it is possible to account for the justice of God which is basic to Biblical religion.
Today, the religions of Christendom display a similar disrespect for the truth of the Bible, by giving preference to scientific theories, such as the Catholic church accepting evolution.
Who has ever applied for a job and refused to accept it because of the owner's religion?
I think that many of them at one point believed in Jesus alone for eternal life, but over time, have come to accept the lies of religion that they need to have the performance and good works in order to keep or prove their eternal life.
«Theology of religions» is the generally accepted term for how we as Christians articulate our faith in the light of the religious plurality of the world.
«First we affirm that we desire to follow Scripture alone as a rule of faith and religion, without mixing it with any other things which might be devised by the opinion of men apart from the Word of God, and without wishing to accept for our spiritual government any other doctrine than what is conveyed to us by the same Word without addition to diminution, according to the command of our Lord.»
Go out and murder someone, and then come join our for - profit religion in prison, we'll accept you and you will go to heaven.
@God hates religion, since Jesus promises that whatever we ask for, if we have faith we shall receive, I am afraid no person of faith should be willing to accept «No» as an answer from God.
I'm glad to see you are honest about it ROCKWOOD, but I think this comment — «The Muslim influx is a bit more difficult for me to accept, but I often pray that I have the ability to accept them as much as I accept other religions, or concpets of relgions such as Atheism, and Agnosticism..»
Marx's critique of religion can not be accepted or refuted merely on the basis of religious dogmas, for the dogmas themselves are to be evaluated on the basis of the «truth of man» and not outside it.
The Muslim influx is a bit more difficult for me to accept, but I often pray that I have the ability to accept them as much as I accept other religions, or concpets of relgions such as Atheism, and Agnosticism..
Or, for that matter, might God be accepting and rejecting the worship of individuals scattered about in a number of religions despite what their organizations teach?
The Big Bang has been an accepted cosmological model for decades and I haven't recently heard of a mass drove of scientists joining religion.
Let me guess, all Jewish own business or Investments will not accepts profits on Saturday, and Muslims also wants Friday off to Pray, Devil worshipers I am sure have a special day, Monday is not good for me because it's against my religion, which I observe on Sunday but makes me tired on Monday.
In contrast, constitutional stipulations that are substantive contradict the provision for constitutional change because they falsely assert that they must be explicitly accepted by any political participant who seeks to change them democratically The contradiction becomes fully apparent if we recognize that the argument for permitting substantive constitutional prescriptions also permits an established religion.
Apart from being a smooth con to support their respective clergy, religions continue to be nothing more than primitive soporifics for the weak, gullible and stupidest people who can not accept responsibility for and limits to their own lives.
I say that we can teach tolerance and love and caring and morals to each other and our kids and to just accept everyone for who they are without religion.
People need to accept that extreme passion for ideologies can become dangerous, no matter what the ideology / religion may be.
The Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, New Jersey (where I work) is now accepting applications for six summer seminars, on topics ranging across ethics, politics, law, medicine, philosophy, and religion, for every age cohort from high school to post-baccalaureate students.
Judge made the biggest mistake of his life to let that mosque to be built.and problem is that people will pay heavily for that decision.Islam is the source of problem, Koran is the source problem.They use our freedom of religion, they sneak in cities under the name of peace and love then they strike hard, though other religions have no rights in their contries.Here is statement from Omar Ahmed chairman of the Board of council on America Islamic Relation:» Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth «Does this sounds to you religionf peace, love and logic?or terrorist thresd for thr future?
Even if we accept this definition for the moment, there is still the question whether it is appropriate to the actual content of religion.
Additionally, Baha'is who regard Islam as a revealed religion have a keen interest in reducing Islamophobia in the west as our own beliefs are not valid if Islam is not from God, and do not accept donations from non-Baha «is, thus are clearly not «funded» for anti-Islamic purposes.
My friend Kofi Annan in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize pointed out that at the center of all of the great religions is each person's responsibility for others.
Azariah who later became Bishop of Dornakal argued that the church in accepting the position of a communal political minority with special protection would become a static community and it would negate its self - understanding as standing for mission and service to the whole national community, that in any case the Indian church is not a single social or cultural community since it consists of people of diverse background, each of whom would have its own political struggle to wage in cooperation with the people of similar background in other religions; and therefore theologically and politically Christians should ask only for religious freedom for its mission and service to all people, not as a minority right, but as a human right (ref.
As a culture we have accepted this (more or less) and therefore it would not make sense to now add a holiday for another religion when these people have spent so much time and effort to remove all religion from school.
As we read this history, the furor over stem cells was fueled by numerous factors: the near - universal human desire for magic; patients» desperation in the face of illness and their hope for cures; the belief that biology can now do anything; the reluctance of scientists to accept any limits (particularly moral limits) on their research; the impact of big money from biotech stocks, patents, and federal funding; the willingness of America's elite class to use every means possible to discredit religion in general; and the need to protect the unlimited abortion license by accepting no protections of unborn human life.
If you want to marriage your dog and you can not find a single religion that accept your view... Create one for yourself!
Actually, if the idiots in Iran would just stop and understand their own religion, It tells them that this is a religion for those who choose to accept and you are only a Muslim if you have the faith in your heart.
If I decide for example to be a vegan, because meat / eggs are against my religion I have to accept that I'm going to live in the world with people who eat meat.
Call me crazy but i'll take the mountain of evidence that is demanded in order for a theory to be accepted over the complete lack of evidence that is religion.
Indeed, this concept provides Hinduism with an absorptive quality which enables it to accept any religion from any source as simply a phase of the ultimately real Brahman — so long as it does not make exclusive claims for its deity as do Christianity and Islam.
Notwithstanding all that archeology has done for us, and the careful reconsideration of accepted positions in study of the Pentateuch, it still remains that as historic source material the Pentateuch is at its best only hazy - and we have no other for the religion of Moses, except such light as subsequent events can reflect upon it.
The best and only way is to present our religion as best we can and let the person chose for themselves if they will accept it.
According to the commonly accepted criteria for defining cults, the line between cults and religions is fuzzy indeed.
If, as William James said, all religions are about an uneasiness and its solution, then for empirical theologians to accept history and just to leave people with that acceptance, as sometimes they did, may show people what they should be uneasy about but gives them no solution (VRE 400).
For it is Jesus who declares the publican justified and not the man himself, since the publican has accepted and internalized the judgment of religion over him («a sinner»).
Rather than prolong such a dispute, I am willing to accept almost any name for the personal religion of which I propose to treat.
Is the church composed only of those who call themselves Christians, or followers of Jesus, and who accept a certain dogma; or does it consist of those who dwell in the Spirit, by whatever religion or label they identify themselves, those who live according to the principle of love for one's fellow man, and of recognizing the holy spirit within each?
Most christians will not accept that Genesis is not supported by evidence as it undermines credibilty for their personal god and for the original sin which is the basis of the religion.
People and governments sometimes scapegoat religion or use it as additional motivation for the massive, but that is not religion's fault and generally not an accepted part of many religious doctrines.
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