Sentences with phrase «accept the book then»

If the recipient does not accept the book then it will return back after seven days.

Not exact matches

If this book called the Bible is accepted as the doctrine for Christianity, then that means all the craziness in Revelation is also accepted.
You know as well as I do that the current accepted canon is not what has always been accepted and there are dozens of 1 century letters and books that were written and included and then removed by the Church in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
We must accept it as a whole or none at all because if the book or collection of books which I would rather say the Bible is wrong in geology then what good is its theology?
One needs to work hard to get out of these lies... one should spend time to study the basic principles of the all the books we have around us this time which include the book of Mormon and LDS... then you think what make sense and what not... the accept the true one... I can assure you that there is only one Truth as two can't be truth... you just have to look for it and use ur intellectuals...
As Theophilus read this book, he was faced with a choice — to accept or deny the message, to live as he had up until then, or to change and live in light of what Luke wrote.
Refined through the sifting process commonly called canonization but now realized to have been merely a growing recognition of what was of worth, cherished in crisis after crisis when individual and even national life was at stake, accepted by the nascent church, which presently added its own documents and formed the Christian Bible, then carried by both Jews and Christians in their far dispersion, the Bible became the supreme book of the Western world.
Had Paul been put in his place at Antioch, and Gentiles been required to accept the Law in order to be Christian, then the Church Fathers would have selected different books, ones supporting that view, when they canonized the Bible hundreds of years later, and you would very likely be arguing the other side now, right?
Evangelical had to choose between science books and a zombie book... and then implies those that don't accept the zombie book are being dumb.
Again, if you think you can show a big, gaping hole in the theory, then do your academic work and publish your findings and accept your Nobel prize and your theory's addition into every science book in the world..
And then at the other end of the spectrum are the churches who are so welcoming that they end up with congregations that spend all their time at the baths, in the book stores, or watching porn, which gives you a church full of sex addicts who are not seeking recovery because the church accepts gays with open arms.
If Joel and Victoria neted $ 43 million per year then it must be from the books the both of them have written because the both of them have stated on Larry King Show that they» DO NOT ACCEPT ANY SALARY FROM THE CHURCH» what so ever.
If you accept as I do that the owner and the Board insist that the books balance and we don't take on any further debt, then we can not afford the quality additions you crave.
My problem with it only comes when you're dealing with a hellaciously stubborn baby who will accept every tip in the book... and then still freak out and cry as soon as you leave the room.
Best, then, just to accept the book as a prosaic account of Hawking's life, and the film as a lyrical celebration of it.
I'm none to good at this but I am a single parent raising two very loving children other then that I'm just looking for someone who can accept the fact that I am a single parent and that I'm a packaged deal if you can't find me here find me on my face book del king I'm not hard to find
Many details about the SUV weren't known then, but now the dealers have officially started accepting bookings for the said vehicle.
Of course, once you accept that you can't serve anyone who doesn't know about your book, you then have to decide how to let them know about it.
However, if your book is accepted for publication, then we will need for you to re-format your book to the following specifications.
Well, if we defer to Amazon and accept that their marketing knowledge (especially within their own system) is far superior to ours, then we need to take a look at changing the way we discount our books.
As if that story you labored over for several years to get written, edited, accepted by a publisher, and then edited some more until it was fit to ship is somehow less worthy, less real, than books manifested in paper and ink.
If you find out about a company from their advertisements, and they say they're «accepting manuscripts» and ask for a phone number, and then call you and say «we'd love to publish your book, we just need you to pay for x, y, z... be careful.
She isn't known to have accepted payment directly, but she received truckloads of free books, which her son then sold on eBay.
While my book review blog was originally meant for books I had purchased and reviewed just because I loved the book, I then began to blog about the giveaways I got and have only lately begun to accept books for reviews.
If you've procured enough early reviews for your books, then you might even find yourself accepted to one of these promotions.
If you're willing to focus on online bookstores and accept that your book probably won't be carried in brick and mortar bookstores (though customers will still be able to order it), then you can set the discount to 20 %, rather than 55 %.
That was really the biggest element for me and so, once I realized I had a product that I knew was going to stand out among 20,000 other going on Amazon every day, then I started focusing on the promotion and feature companies that I knew were being successful like BookBub and studying what it is they require to accept the book and then making sure that my book fit those qualifications.»
Submissions are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed and then scored based on an analysis of overall quality, not against other books in the same category.
If your book is accepted for promotion, then you'll be charged an advertising fee based on a variety of criteria.
For example, if a publisher just published a book 101 Ways to Cook Kale, then your book about kale probably won't be accepted by that publisher.
If readers can accept that it's important that authors and publishers profit from the sale of a book since it's their profit that allows them to continue this great service of providing books, then everyone can be happy.
When I started my blog I wasn't a book reviewer, I then moved to taking requests (from all authors) and have since moved on to not accepting requests at all.
If you accept the returns, Ingram charges a return fee and deducts the publisher compensation, then ships you a box of books.
Then are the sensible ones, who have accepted that publishing needs to adapt and embrace digital publishing, while understanding that it's certainly not the end for physical books just yet.
Even then, we had to change the system for accepting books for review to lower the number of requests and the chances that our reviewers would have to read poor quality and not suffer abuse.
If after I accepted the review and that author never responded back or never sent the book, I would then transfer the email to a list I was keeping for authors who sent requests and never sent the books.
One technology site notes that Amazon's preference seems to be keeping book prices low, and wonders whether consumers would accept advertising if it meant that new ebooks were then free?
If you get a contract, work with the publisher to edit and proofread your manuscript, then accept their choice of title, book cover, back - cover copy, etc..
Each author's book that's accepted into Booktrope is then given a project page where the author will build his or her team.
Once it's published, you then have to convince advertisers to take your money (you'd be surprised, but many of them have strict rules for who they will and won't accept) and customers to buy your books.
It would be different, perhaps, if the book were not written yet, because then the selling your voice argument would carry more weight, but girl, you're just trying to sell something you want too much for someone to accept, and it's too hard to say «Please Like Me» or, in your case, your book.
He accepted memorial gifts from a steady stream of people — cash or packets of yellow worship paper, a hundred sheets from some, two hundred from others — and entered them into his account book, while the Inspection Station's assistant head, Xiao Han, manning a squat table behind him, stamped the paper with the mark of an ancient copper coin, thus turning the paper into spirit money that could then be burnt for the deceased.
He accepted memorial gifts from a steady stream of people - cash or packets of yellow worship paper, a hundred sheets from some, two hundred from others - and entered them into his account book, while the Inspection Station's assistant head, Xiao Han, manning a squat table behind him, stamped the paper with the mark of an ancient copper coin, thus turning the paper into spirit money that could then be burnt for the deceased.
If a company accepts your proposal, you sign a contract, which may give you an advance and then a royalty on the book's sales after the advance.
One - you should never ask a book reviewer to buy your book first so they can review it; if a reviewer has accepted your request then send them a free copy.
It was interesting to learn that Bookbub creates exclusivity by now accepting every book, which then increases the trust for those books accepted.
Hi TimeTraveler, I just took a look in google, it should be accepted, not sure to be honest, I did write an ebook myself, I don't think you need to convert it to pdf, go to CreateSpace, that's where you should be able to change to a print book, I have nearly done it myself, then it said something about having to write out a form and sending it off to america!
If your book is in one of the less «fashionable» genres and has its own niche such as a specialist medical book, then many publishers will accept unsolicited manuscripts.
If you are ready to accept the challenge, to move beyond the traditions, rituals, and lifeless expectations of religion, then this is the book for you.
Traditional publishing refers to the established system of getting a book deal, which involves submission to agents over a period of time, usually a number of rejections and then (hopefully) being accepted.
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