Sentences with phrase «accept the ways such»

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By simply allowing yourself to accept reality for what it is, instead of fantasizing about human nature in such a way that you could be «rescued» from your daily circumstances, you're making a tremendous step forward.
Although the lack of jurisdiction over Bitcoin and its links to money laundering and illicit marketplaces have raised more than a few eyebrows, the currency offers a simple way for legitimate businesses such as small retailers and professional service providers to accept payments for international sales without facing onerous credit card fees or exchange - rate surcharges.
It's wasteful to struggle with what you can not control: Identify such areas in your business, accept them and tap other resources to find fresh ways to proceed.
As such, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility arising in any other way for errors and omissions (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence) is accepted by BlackRock, its officers, employees or agents.
We believe, that this is a great — and necessary — step forward for the development of the domestic market to provide Vietnamese merchants direct access to such technological top - notch solutions which will help them to accept payments in a much safer way while opening up their services to a truly global audience.»
Largely I would echo what Christine has already said about the way in which we feel accepted within our community, but if you'll bear with me for a little bit, I'd like to attempt to explain to Trey in particular what I see as the difference between this type of acceptance and the attitude of the many Christians who view homosexuality as sinful such as what you have encountered with your sister.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
We are not agreed on how such judgments are to be made, nor can either group accept all the decisions that have resulted from what they regard as a flawed way of deciding.
«To accept the «other» who suffers means that I take up his suffering in such a way that it becomes mine also.»
Arminians can make T - shirts that say «Arminius is my homeboy... but not in such a way that I uncritically accept everything he teaches» (because we're nuanced like that).
They want to «stack the deck» in such a way that if you accept what they say about the accuracy, authority, and credibility of Scripture, then you will most likely also accept their interpretation and understanding of Scripture (what the witness says), if you do this, then you will also buy into the rest of their theological system that they were trying to prove in the first place.
Such short - term therapy aims not at deep underlying problems, but at helping the person do things that will improve his chances of achieving productive sobriety — things such as accepting the fact that he is an alcoholic, learning how to face and handle his fears and resentments constructively, changing his ways of relating so that the guilt - isolation - anger spiral is not triggered so ofSuch short - term therapy aims not at deep underlying problems, but at helping the person do things that will improve his chances of achieving productive sobriety — things such as accepting the fact that he is an alcoholic, learning how to face and handle his fears and resentments constructively, changing his ways of relating so that the guilt - isolation - anger spiral is not triggered so ofsuch as accepting the fact that he is an alcoholic, learning how to face and handle his fears and resentments constructively, changing his ways of relating so that the guilt - isolation - anger spiral is not triggered so often.
And did not this sorrow seem to invite us to recognize it as our own and to help to bear it, and to accept our own sorrow in such a way that all mankind's sufferings would be made more bearable and be redeemed?
If I was living on the wrong path leading to death with all the dumb things I was doing like listening to bad music, goofing around in class, cussing, acting like I was a gangster, wanting to try drugs, being suicidal and being around with close friends that are doing the bad then he can change you too because, I tell you that if you think that your life will go for the worst if you accept them then you're wrong because, if you have faith in him and you accept him as your savior and follow his ways then he has your road all planned out, he's going to give you such blessings and a happiness and love that compares to none others.
The best way to protect America is to warmly welcome law abiding citizens of any faith, such a rare and wonderful thing about us, something we can hold up as unique and special, something that does nt provoke but binds loyalty.Being different, more accepting and loving than the ugliness found in anti-Christian cultures, is our greatest strength.
One could point out, quite accurately, that Whitehead talks about God and the world in such a way that it is very clear that while God proffers a subjective aim which, if accepted, would result in the greatest good possible under the circumstances, actual entities sophisticated enough to entertain complex contrasts of feeling also thereby have genuine freedom of choice with the result that they are free to reject the aim proffered by God, free to turn their backs on God's lure toward the best possible tomorrow.
I call a great character one who by his actions and attitudes satisfies the claim of situations out of deep readiness to respond with his whole life, and in such a way that the sum of his actions and attitudes expresses at the same time the unity of his being in its willingness to accept responsibility.
I'm sure many people would consider themselves pacifists but say that this is too extreme a definition, one might say for example that pacifism means «attempting to promote peace and making it a goal, but accepting that war is necessary in some cases to prevent greater evils,» however the way violence vs. following Jesus is being discussed in this context doesn't allow such concessions.
Propaganda is most effective when it is able to separate a person from outside points of reference, such as a transcendent religious reference, in order to encourage a tunnel vision which unquestioningly accepts this society «s worldview as «the way it is.
There is no way mother earth would accept ritual killing of such beautiful specie.
If we accept the second of these two, it becomes apparent that what is revealed in Jesus Christ is the meaning of history because in that fellowship we find this kind of interchange brought to such a high level of dominance over counterprocesses that it has stood before all subsequent Western history as the revelation of this way of life.
The nation took on a character which we are to envisage as a very moderate expression of the high concepts put forth by the three accepted exponents of the way of the Lord; or perhaps it is better said that hee nation trailed far behind such ideals.
This is the feeling that I am on good terms with the universe, that I am accepted by and am at peace with that which is, that I belong here and am grounded here in such a way that I can offer hospitality to others.
I should accept such a statement only with reservations, for it seems to me wrong to isolate the person of Jesus in this way.
In him there is the appearance of a novel response to a complex situation; and as such, he brings about new ways of understanding and new kinds of adjustment to the world which then may be shared and developed by those who hear him and accept his message.
In a profound way, if one accepts this definition, there is no such thing as «art»; there are only the things we make to tell our stories as human beings and religious persons.
Sharing the gospel means at least two things: the essence of the gospel must be presented in such a way that it may be seen and heard for what it truly is; it must also be presented in such a way that it may be either accepted or rejected.
Most of these lectures aim at bringing the insights of Hinduism and Buddhism closer to Indian and Western Christians as well as philosophers, to deepen their understanding of faith and expand it to other forms of belief.43 His anthology «The Vedic Experience» which has been accepted and respected by many Hindus, tries to present texts from the Veda and the Upanishads in such a way that they become open towards other beliefs and transparent for the depth of faith.44 An important aspect of his literary production, already central at the beginning, but gaining prominence again lately, has been to address a Western public that faces the challenge of having to seek its religious identity and not being able to take it for granted.
What must the case really be, so far as we today can grasp it, if people who thought and wrote and naturally accepted such and such ideas put things in the way in which they did put them?
(1) to accept the ambiguity of such a high number of humans on the planet; (2) to stabilize that population as much as possible, and then (3) to find ways of allowing six to eleven billion people to live on the planet in ways that are ecologically wise.
I believe that it is critical to follow Jesus from the stance of already being approved, forgiven, loved, and accepted, rather than trying to live in a way that earns such things.
Such an unchanging perfection would require a schism between mind and body that Whitehead is likewise unable to accept; it would also posit a God who operates in some way outside the «actual occasions» of reality.
Please understand that before I accepted Christ, I felt the same way — that Christians thought they were so good, that they thought I was such a sinner, etc..
Suffice it to say that the conceptuality which I accept — and accept because it seems to do justice to deep analysis of human experience and observation, as well as to the knowledge we now have of the way «things go» in the world — lays stress on the dynamic «event» character of that world; on the inter-relationships which exist in what is a societal universe, on the inadequacy of «substance» thinking to describe such a universe of «becoming» and «belonging», on the place of decisions in freedom by the creatures with the consequences which such decisions bring about, and on the central importance of persuasion rather than coercive force as a clue to the «going» of things in that universe.
I accept these criticisms; but I do not believe the way out is through the kind of humanism proposed by such thinkers as Erich Fromm, or the completely eroticized civilization envisioned by Herbert Marcuse, or through man's assertion of his autonomy without God as in the «Death of God» theologies.
Forgot for just one nanosecond the various reasons why we have spent less, as some point in time you will have to accept that the simplest way to win the league is to spend more — just explain why not winning the PL in such adverse circumstances has been «criminal».
players like Ozil always present the fans with a bit of a conundrum, especially when times are tough... if you look around the sporting world every once in awhile there emerges a player with incredible skill, like Ozil, Matt Sundin or even Jay Cutler, who have a different way about themselves... their movement seemed almost too lackadaisical, so much so that it seemed to suggest indifference or even disinterest on the part of the player... their posture always appears somewhat mopey and they generally have an unflattering «sour puss» expression on their face... for some their above average skills are enough to keep them squarely in the mix, as their respective teams try desperately to find a way to get the best out of them visa vie player acquisitions or the reworking of tactics... when things go according to planned the fans usually find a way to accept their unique disposition, whereas when things go awry they become easy targets for fans and pundits alike... in the case of Ozil and Sundin, their successes on the international stage and / or with their former teams led many to conclude that if we surrounded such talented individuals with players that have those skills that would most likely bring the best of these players success would surely follow... unfortunately both the Maple Leafs and our club chose to adopt half - measures, as each were being run by corporations who valued profitability over providing the best possible product on the field... for them, they cared more about shirt sales and season tickets than doing whatever was necessary... this isn't, by any stretch, an attempt to absolve Ozil of any responsibility for his failures on the pitch... there is no doubt oftentimes his efforts were underwhelming, to say the least, but this club has been inept when it comes to providing this prolific passer with the kind of players necessary for him to flourish... with our poor man's version of Benzema up front, the headless chickens in Walcott, the younger Ox and Welbeck occupying wide positions far too often and the fact that Carzola, who provided Ozil with great service and more freedom to roam, was never truly replaced, the only real skilled outlet on the pitch was Sanchez... remember to be considered a world - class set - up man goals need to be scored and for much of his time here he has been surrounded by some incredibly inept finishers... in the end, I'm not sure how long he will be in North London, recent sentiments and his present contract situation seem to suggest that he will depart at season's end, but how tragic would it be if once again we didn't put our best foot forward and failed to make those moves that could have brought championship football back to our once beloved club... so when you think about this uniquely skilled player don't be so quick to shift all the blame on his shoulders because he will not be the first or the last highly skilled player to find disappointment at the Emirates if we don't rid the club of those individuals that are truly to blame for our current woes
«Some clubs are paying or they don't buy because they don't accept the numbers that are now ruling the market, or to do it they have to go [to] the same levels and for me that's what worries me a little bit because now we speak about # 30 million, # 40 million, # 50 million in such an easy way,» said the United manager.
Reportedly we have also been able to negotiate the deal in such a way that we are able to accept the logo of a second «partner» on the sleeve of the new kits.
Dads Adventure is in no way responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such information and by using any information on this website, either submitted by Dads Adventure or any third parties, you accept full responsibility for use of such information.
There is no such thing as an «official» announcement; the only official ways to be a candidate are to get enough votes at a convention or signatures on a petition, and accept them in order to be on the ballot.
She also urged a public debate over the possible linkage between issues such as the American Guantanamo Bay detention facility and the Iraq war, and the 7/7 bombings: «Although the government may not accept that these were the causes for 7 July, to go into denial mode is not the way forward.»
«The staff responsible accept that this was an entirely inappropriate way to handle such paperwork and that this was a serious error,» he continued.
For us, World AIDS Day is such an initiative, where uniting in the fight against HIV must begin with accepting scientific evidence for the basis and treatment of HIV / AIDS, and acknowledging human responsibility and endeavour as the way to reduce harm, to prevent unnecessary suffering and deaths, and to combat prejudice and discrimination.
As for union influence the Blair government did accept funding but recognised they could not be beholden to the unions in such a way as the Miliband regime is.
Such a settlement is widely accepted to be the only way to ensure the isolation and defeat of Isil in the country.
Finally, the solution has to be reported in such a way that the audience accepts the message and is willing and able to implement it.
«If the canine construct is fully accepted by other OCD researchers, this spontaneously - occurring model of the condition in humans, right down to the biological pathways involved, could help point the way to novel and more effective treatments for such a debilitating condition,» Dodman says.
This is because of the obvious concerns about the heritability of the genetic alterations induced, and the way in which such research could spread from work on «non-viable» embryos, to work on viable ones once this type of research had been accepted in principle by international regulatory bodies.»
Never mind a delay of weeks or months — pity poor Thomas Hales, an American mathematician who has been waiting for five years to hear whether the mathematical community has accepted his 1998 proof of astronomer Johannes Kepler's 390 - year - old conjecture that the most efficient way to pack equal - size spheres (such as cannonballs on a ship, which is how the question arose) is to stack them in the familiar pyramid fashion that greengrocers use to stack oranges on a counter.
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