Sentences with phrase «accept your child for»

I agree with the idea that the inability to accept your children for who they are, and get over the fact that they are not you, and will not be the exact person you believe they should be is a problem.
Award - winning author Andrew Solomon, shares his thoughts on the moral imperative of accepting your child for exactly who s / he is and is not.
Like the parents at West Lake Middle School, where I started this story, these parents believe in a version of the American Dream that includes a guaranteed access to a school that will accept their children for who they are and provide a benchmark of education quality that is expected in a country that professes to «lead the world» in all aspects of human enterprise.
Accepting children for who they are and appreciating their different temperaments does not mean that we excuse inappropriate, unacceptable behavior but rather that we understand this behavior and help to change it in a manner that does not erode a child's self - esteem and sense of dignity.
The choice to identify and accept a child for placement from the country of Pakistan is your choice alone.
A parent who unconditionally accepts their child for who he is and encourages him to explore his strengths and interests will facilitate ego identity.

Not exact matches

Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, has spent the last two years struggling: to normalize life for her children, to get comfortable accepting the help of friends and family, to regain confidence at work, and to rediscover hope.
Walter Mischel, Ebbe Ebbesen and Antonette Raskoff Zeiss» famous 1972 study of 92 kids, 3 to 5 years old, found that when given the option between getting a small reward right away or waiting for a larger one, the children preferred larger rewards but were more likely to accept a smaller reward instantly.
Chief of staff John Kelly phoned Trump from Capitol Hill to advise him against accepting the proposal, and the president summoned conservative Republican negotiators to help build a united front against the plan, which would have provided some border security funding as well as protection from deportation for immigrants brought to the country as children and now here illegally.
He cited America's history of giving «sanctuary to desperate children for centuries,» the «blight on our national reputation» when we refused to accept Jewish children fleeing the Nazis in 1939, and his Christian faith as reasons for the decision.
The Report criticises us either for failing to follow the Church's Policies, or for not following what was accepted as good practice by Child Protection Agencies.
The number one issue is abortion on every agenda, yet this is an issue which is not stopped by legislation, it is stopped by attacking poverty, by increasing love for children, by accepting everything a sinner does — instead the goal is secular laws, shaming women with ultrasounds.
I thought we were trying to reserve judgement for God and accept all his children in hopes of their salvation.
It is said for those God knew he predestined to be children of God yet we are not predestined until by free will we choose to accept Gods calling.
He surmised that an educational emergency might provide a motivation for parents to «accept religious indoctrination [of their children] that they otherwise would have avoided.»
So for the normal thinking person, the one who is not gullible and living in fear of a vindictive child abusing - rapist - murderer god, there simply is no reason to accept it.
If it weren't for religion, I bet we'd be a lot less accepting of people's rights to brain - wash their children.
Until the current deity of choice (The God of Abraham) actually shows himself, I for one will not accept the talking snakes, virgin births, and condemnation of personal freedoms that surround the belief in him — like stoning someone for working on the sabbath, or killing children who curse their parents, or the rules of owning slaves, all concepts clearly stated in the Old Testament.
I don't know what God thinks, but to me if gay marriage is about family life and the possibility of raising children (in other words a desire on the part of gays to be accepted into married life as it exists) then I think it is a good thing for the same reasons that I think hetero families are good and necessary.
A faith that just accepts is a child's faith and all right for children, but eventually you have to grow religiously as every other way, though some never do.
The redemption of the body of Christ surely calls for the timely and literal adoption of every child who is waiting to be wanted, accepted and loved.
I have to say to my children, instead, «I know only some of God's heart, but I'm willing to share what I have» and then humbly leave that piece sitting on the counter for them to accept or reject.
We accept this pattern of human sexuality as a foundation for human society, and we celebrate the healthy relationships of mutual service that embody it» above all, the divinely ordained covenant of marriage between one man and one woman prepared to bear and rear each succeeding generation of children.
The ability to accept, respect, and love others is a learned ability; it develops only in a relationship in which the child receives acceptance, respect, and love for what he is — a person of worth.
For the next sign of Christ» presence in family life, I want to come back again to the wedding vows: «Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ?»
There are various strategies that can be adopted regarding the use of money, but first you must be willing to accept the fact that all that you have is ultimately God's, that there are alternative uses for your money, that your decision on how to spend $ 100 can literally be a life or death decision for a starving child half a world away.
The same God who accepts without comment Jephthah's sacrifice of his own daughter, who allows children to be mauled by a bear for taunting one of his prophets, who threatens Israel with such devastating famine that they will be forced to eat their own infants.
Perhaps you are talking about how children are being taught to accept everyone for how they are.
If we accept the OT represents God's nature... then we must accept that He is the kind of God who will commit genocide of entire civilizations, slaughter innocent children for the sin of their parents, kill thousands of His own chosen people simply because they complained He was killing too many of them, would literally wipe out every man woman and innocent child on the face of the earth save one family and then later regret it.
She tells us to simply relax and accept the disestablishment of marriage while asking law and government to stand ready to pick up the pieces for children, women and even men as best they can.
Private orphanages will no longer be allowed to accept donations for taking care of children, and so many of them will have to shut their doors.
I guess it's easier for you to believe a lie, Allen, than it is for you to accept the reality that you really aren't the special child of god.
Must the American housewife accept the blame for the suffering of other mothers who watch their children starve?
For in accepting such responsibility for the next generation, in allowing ourselves even to suppose that it could be a fitting role for human beings, we lose the fundamental human capacity to love — to say to our children, to the next generation, «It's good that you exist.&raqFor in accepting such responsibility for the next generation, in allowing ourselves even to suppose that it could be a fitting role for human beings, we lose the fundamental human capacity to love — to say to our children, to the next generation, «It's good that you exist.&raqfor the next generation, in allowing ourselves even to suppose that it could be a fitting role for human beings, we lose the fundamental human capacity to love — to say to our children, to the next generation, «It's good that you exist.&raqfor human beings, we lose the fundamental human capacity to love — to say to our children, to the next generation, «It's good that you exist.»
He could not accept the view that the children should suffer for the sins of their parents and grandparents.
I long for a society in which modernity would have its full place but without implying the denial of elementary principles of human and familial ecology; for a society in which the diversity of ways of being, of living, and of desiring is accepted as fortunate, without allowing this diversity to be diluted in the reduction to the lowest common denominator, which effaces all differentiation; for a society in which, despite the technological deployment of virtual realities and the free play of critical intelligence, the simplest words — father, mother, spouse, parents — retain their meaning, at once symbolic and embodied; for a society in which children are welcomed and find their place, their whole place, without becoming objects that must be possessed at all costs, or pawns in a power struggle.
Aware that this line leaves out of account the potential of the child for a full human life, Singer responds that «in a world that is already over-populated, and in which the regulation of fertility is universally accepted, the argument that we should bring all potential people into existence is not persuasive.»
One of the things I have respected most in Aida Rosa, principal of the elementary school P.S. 30, and the teachers that I talk with on her staff is that they look at children here as children, not as «distorted children,» not as «morally disabled children,» not as «quasi-children» who require a peculiar arsenal of reconstructive strategies and stick - and - carrot ideologies that wouldn't be accepted for one hour by the parents or the teachers of the upper middle class.
The promises were unmistakably intended for all who were humble and merciful and pure in heart, all who accepted the kingdom like little children.
Nor is it true to say of some great loss or horror - say the rape of a child - «we have to accept the will of God», except in the same sense and with the same solidarity as Christ accepted the bitter chalice sin had brewed for him.
But if the priest is truly repentant, he knows that this humiliation is inadequate reparation for the sin he has committed against the child and against God, and will accept it willingly.
Judgement is not warranted here for we all have had some form of responsibility of this being gay, or any other abnormalities taught to our children in our society, all being accepted, calling it «good» within the media, and of our lifestyles, one way or another.
You show love and compassions for your children, but you do nt accept or allow everything they do or would like to do.
The biblical Job was comforted for the loss of his wife and children when he was doubly blessed at the end of the book, the Guest allows, «but I doubt whether a living man would accept such consolation.»
I want to believe that you are really the author of this article, but before I would accept it as fact and teach it to my child, I'm going to require something a little more substantial than my «want» for it to be true or the «possibility» of it being true.
The children will eventually learn to accept things for how they are, and will give up asking questions, knowing they won't understand exactly what's going on.
Jennifer Fulwiler could not accept that her newly born child was nothing more than a complex set of chemical interactions, or that her own feelings of love could be accounted for that way.
Accepting the bible as inerrant requires me to believe in a God who chose genocide more than once, a god who in anger slaughtered a first born child for the sin of the father, a god who became weary of the cries for mercy and decided to slaughter thousands more of his «chosen» people simply to prove he could.
Correcting behavior without condemning feeling, listening to and accepting fears and worries without taking charge in an overprotective way, allowing free rein to the developing need for freedom while at the same time holding fast to the limits appropriate to his age — these are the continuing bases of parent - child intimacy.
This does not suggest that parents accept any action the child chooses for expression of his feelings.
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