Sentences with phrase «acceptable length»

I've always had my eyes on midi skirts since I'm conservative, and it's the only acceptable length of skirt in my [non-existent] fashion & style book.
Check the formal guidelines from your employer to determine acceptable lengths.
There's no one acceptable length for a young adult, paranormal, mystery, romance, biography or memoir.
While the core quest is entertaining, and provides some great scenarios, the rest of the game feels like content intended to pad out the play time, which clocked in at roughly 6 hours for me, which is a perfectly acceptable length for a downloadable title.
The start and end points are already in place for you, enemy A.I. is taken care of, and a single button press ensures your jump gaps are acceptable lengths.
you don't know if you are messing up something for the host, you feel like you have to stay an acceptable length of time in order to not be rude, and the personality of the host will set the tone for the group.
The acceptable length of a skirt is usually longer than the fingertips.
It's got an open back yes, and it's quite short but thanks to some extra material under the hem my tailor was able to make it an acceptable length.
Even though I am tall, the hem was still at an acceptable length, and the waist did hit more true than other styles have, but was still a bit high.
You will develop a sound sense of the site's use of explicit language, acceptable length, style, etc..
The film was apparently subjected to heavy editing in order to bring it in at an acceptable length and what was mainly cut seems to have been the scenes dealing more with the brothel and its workings that we would have liked to have seen, rather than the unlikely and uninteresting relationship between Grace and Bruza.
Alternatively, this is an acceptable length for a short work of non-fiction.
Trim nails weekly to an acceptable length (nails shouldn't touch the ground), and brush teeth daily.
Of course, you should also keep your dog's nails trimmed to an acceptable length (i.e. nails shouldn't touch the floor) and brush his or her teeth daily.
What's an acceptable length for a single player campaign these days?
However, remember to keep it at an acceptable length.
2 to 4 pages is the acceptable length in addition to a cover letter addressed to an individual which relates to the position and highlights the necessary experience and qualifications which will be supported in your resume.
Thus, you are able to mask your age as well as keep your resume to an acceptable length (one or two pages).
Finding it difficult to trim your executive resume to an acceptable length?
For years experts emphasized the single - page resume, but two pages is an acceptable length for an employee relations resume because of the length of experience required for the job.
If you're a seasoned professional with lots of relevant work experience and qualifications to share, two pages is an acceptable length.
What's the acceptable length of time to include sold listings in my advertising.
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