Sentences with phrase «acceptable place where»

He quotes Stephen Platt of Cambridge Architectural Research: «The key problem is making this a long - term socially acceptable place where people will want to live and prosper.»

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A longer commute is considered acceptable under the following circumstances: 1) «it is not uncommon given the place where the claimant resides» or 2) it is comparable to «the claimant's daily commuting time to or from their place of work» at its previous job.
They sense that the church is the place where the fresh air of religious experimentation and vitality ought to be present, alongside the more acceptable and more traditional.
We go because it's the last place on earth (except perhaps the therapist's office) where it's socially acceptable to cry in public, or to say out loud that we're sinners in need of mercy, or broken and in need of healing.
While this method is acceptable in other parts of the world, it creates places in your oven where bacteria is able to harbor and grow — causing a greater risk of product contamination.
Racism and violence is not acceptable at any level anywhere and especially no place where millions have to be party to their vile attempt to upset / troll for self gratification or for an advantage.
Nowadays, League football competition is much popular than ever all over the world and there are top four league competition are much popular and acceptable to the viewers where la Liga is placed one.
In less than an hour we whisked ourselves away from our busy week to a magical place where wearing sweatpants and Uggs while drinking wine from a coffee mug is totally acceptable.
As in anti-tobacco efforts, anti-corporal punishment activists have started squeezing spanking from the public sphere, shrinking the number of places where it is acceptable to swat a child.
Where did they get the idea that such language was acceptable in the first place?
Whether we're talking about free speech on Usenet, the policy questions of legitimate marketing and com - mercial activity conducted over email, or the desirable but spam - ish mes - sages that trip the filters and disappear, there is always friction not around the most egregious case (no one argues for Leo Kuvayev's «\ / 1@gR / - \» messages) but at the blurry places where spam threatens to blend into acceptable use, and fighting one might have a deleterious effect on the other.
Your office environment won't be suitable for such dressing as you're not on the picnic or mall; you're on the working place where only formal dressing is acceptable.
I'm sure the god of music and god of shopping are finger touching above because they don't want you to wear the same quotidien stuff to festivals, the only place where it's acceptable to look like you came straight out of a 60's newspaper clipping.
Director Luca Guadagnino never rushes a beat with the back and forth tug of war these two characters face when it comes to their sexuality in a time and place where it was not socially acceptable.
The only acceptable reason for a new free school is where there is a need for extra places.
But the presentation, although there's not exactly a profusion of soft - touch vinyl (and in the places where it does show up it's only minimally compliant), is an acceptable blend of style and function with generally decent ergonomics — apart from the audio volume controls that are shared unsatisfactorily by the touchscreen and the hidden, right - hand stalk on the steering column.
You may use a gravity - flow bottle, placed at an acceptable height, where the hamster is comfortable reaching to.
Associate a word or phrase with elimination in order to have a cue to give when you're away from home or in some other situation where you need to tell the dog this time and place is acceptable for elimination.
Unlike cats, rabbits may need to have a few litter boxes spread out across the house but with some patience and rewarding, they should be able to understand that there are some places where it is acceptable to do the deed.
Find an inconspicuous place in your yard where it would be acceptable for some digging to take place.
Reading this got me to thinking about where we would be in this country if killing homeless pets had never been an acceptable option as a means of pet population control in the first place.
This will replace the original area scratched such as the furniture with a place where scratching is acceptable.
And this remains the only place where it's socially acceptable to enjoy Avril Lavigne's second best song * «Girlfriend».
The only place where 2) is somewhat acceptable as science is for teaching, as educative material, provided that the science is solid and under no real dispute.
The step before raising it as an academic offence was to apply moral suasion, putting the concern to the author of the uncivil messages and explaining our then understanding — that the university was and is a community of scholars, and requires some basic degree of civil behaviour — that using a computer in place of paper mail did not change the situation, — that «flaming» in email, however common, was not acceptable — that one had a right to free speech, but not without bound — and that the university was one of the places where a code of behaviour was enforced, and that the action was an academic offence.
Have no fear; your resume is the one place where this is acceptable!
I'm in a field where getting in someone's face is an acceptable negotiating tactic, but it felt out of place at an interview.
It's the place where a child gets to do, say and move in ways that may not be acceptable outside the playroom.
However, in the case of State Pension (Non-Contributory), where the spouse or civil partner (aged 66 or over) of the pensioner or beneficiary sells the residence, it is acceptable for the sale to have taken place on or after 2 December 1993.
Of course, in places like California, where land prices are high and getting higher, this option may not be an acceptable solution.
It is also the only place where soliciting partners, financing, deals, leads, or referrals, is acceptable on BiggerPockets.
It's acceptable to place cutlery in the order of the courses where you work from the outside in and it's ok to bring the dessert dishes, cutlery and coffee cups out after dinner.
Napkins Traditionally, napkins are folded in rectangles and placed under the salad and dinner forks, but it's also acceptable to place them on top of dinner plates where they can serve as decoration as well.
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