Sentences with phrase «acceptable position»

What is the minimum acceptable position for each of you?
Six of us tried: Four could not, two others found acceptable positions.
Moreover, these simple resumes provide a correctly laid - out, reverse - chronological experience section as well as acceptable positioning of your education and professional development information.
«A perfectly acceptable position for a professional footballer to take and a fact that Spurs fans have never been able to come to terms with.
In a debate over immigration the only acceptable position to adopt is meanness and inaccuracy.
Those attacking Christie are suggesting there is only one politically acceptable position on climate science — that one's ideological bona fides are to be determined by one's scientific beliefs, and not simply one's policy preferences.
Consider the name and know that holding your baby under your arm while breastfeeding is an acceptable position.
The reality is that antidisestablishmentarianism is no longer an acceptable position.
OK it took a full 3 weeks to find an acceptable position (I am 6» 2» with a bad back).
To achieve an acceptable position in the industry as a skilled certified energy manager and assure a progressive career.
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