Sentences with phrase «acceptable public face»

In the 1990s, Mr. Draghi earned the nickname Super Mario when, as the Italian economy neared the brink, he became the acceptable public face of his country to foreign investors.
In Italy, he is known as Super Mario, a moniker he earned in the 1990s when, as the Italian economy neared the brink, he became the acceptable public face of his country to foreign investors.

Not exact matches

On this important late winter New York Sunday, he promised, «I will remember where I came from, I will remember the struggles that I faced, I will remember the adversity, and when difficult decisions have to be made, I will do it remembering all of you of course, but also the folks who aren't here today, the single mom working two jobs, the public housing resident living in conditions that are not acceptable, the family whose landlord is harassing them, trying to deregulate where they live.
My impression is climate science academia appears to find it acceptable if it is adequately hidden and not flagrantly flaunted in the face of the public or fellow academics.
The selfie made it more acceptable to hold your phone up in front of your face in public.
To improve our record of protecting the public interest vs our own practitioners» interests in the face of complaints received herein about our practitioners from both the public and other real estate sales people regarding less than acceptable behaviours / practices as exhibited by said alleged offenders.
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