Sentences with phrase «accepted collection effort»

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As government and corporate data - gathering efforts swelled over the last century, citizens largely accepted, without much discussion or protest, that their society would be fueled by the collection of personal information.
Once the proposal is accepted, all unsecured creditors are required to stop collection efforts.
No, Smith's not a sentient collection of racist gas spores, but as with Trump and the Republican nomination, Smith after Sundance seemed wholly unprepared once his initial efforts to succeed actually worked — and he appeared unwilling to accept the subsequent responsibilities.
Toyota makes every effort to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information using... Read More industry - accepted data collection and encryption methodologies.
Though collection efforts must stop and student loan lenders are required to accept payments, interest continues to build up on the unpaid balance.
If a support order is not registered with the CSDU, the state has no way of knowing whether she is actually receiving or accepting the court - ordered support, so it can not begin collection efforts against her ex.
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