Sentences with phrase «accepted dogma at»

Not exact matches

At this time, Dogma is not accepting adult pit bulls.
Before Dogma will agree to accept the dog into our foster program, Dogma's Co-Directors must meet you and your dog at an adoption event.
Before Dogma will agree to accept the dog into our foster program, Dogma's Co-Directors need to meet the dog and the primary caregivers of the dog at an adoption event.
As anyone can see, the article is about politics, bias, confirmation bias, groupthink, dogma, prejudice, the stubborn refusal of the left to accept data on IQ studies, sneering and smearing (see ATTP's latest childish sneer / smear at the Conversation).
I originally accepted the climate science / IPCC dogma, but my background as an electrical engineer with experience in developing spice models led me to look closer at the details.
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