Sentences with phrase «accepted theory about»

«Mammal - like reptile survived much longer than thought: Fossils in Japan overturn widely accepted theory about tritylodontid extinction.»
«Our results challenge this widely accepted theory about how our brains work,» he says.
Over three decades of continuous observation, data about the sun's magnetosphere has been used to test accepted theories about the structure of the sun and to create new ones.

Not exact matches

That is, we all accept, in theory, that no one lives forever, while avoiding thinking about the prospect of our own deaths.
Peoples» attention has been distracted into speculation about of how they might get rich in a parallel universe that might exist in theory — if one accepts the narrow - minded assumptions that are being taught — but whose most important real - world consequence is to impose a debt spiral on America and other nations.
Search theories locate the cause of wage nominal stickiness in workers» decisions about what wage offers to accept.
``... it's deeply disappointing that the members opposite continue to peddle dangerous conspiracy theories instead of accepting the simple fact that this is about protecting kids,» said Calgary - Hawkwood NDP MLA Michael Connolly in response to Ellis» proposed amendment.
The theory ABOUT evolution most widely accepted is an updating of Charles Darwin's hypothesis that all of today's species descended from common ancestors due to natural selection based on best current fitness for constantly changing environmental circmmstances.
In this study of Genesis 4:4 - 5, we look at some of the theories of why God rejected Cain's offering, and then seek an answer to this question by looking at why God accepted Abel's offering, and what this tells us about Cain's offering.
«We ought in humble submission to accept the real scriptures that god has provided us as they are, rather than ungratefully and stubbornly forcing scripture to be something that it is not because of a theory we hold about what it must and should be.
Although Whitehead did not know much about Marx and accepted the opinion of his theory that was stated by the «learned economists,» much of Marx's outlook can be reconstructed from Whitehead's own writings.
Slowly but surely numbers of clergymen swung about to accept and support the theory of evolution.
The church recalled it, from the beginning, in dramatic action; and in this it was wise, or fortunate, for a doctrine of «representation,» or «corporate personality,» may well appear abstruse; but those who share the broken bread in Christian fellowship know in themselves what it means, whether or not they could form, or accept, any particular theory about it.
It is significant that from the second century to the nineteenth, when modern historical scholarship became current, theories about the Bible were held which no competent historian now accepts, such as that Moses wrote the entire Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) including the description of his own death.
and it baffles me how many people blindly accept rapture theory as true without even thinking about it.
I find it both interesting and entertaining that there are so many theories about the creation of the universe that people just accept as a fact without substanitive proof.
Twists are better recognized when they occur in concrete situations than when they are defined or described in generalized theories about change, because, by their nature, twists contort the accepted definitions of things.
One need not accept the strong statements that some theorists have made about cultural evolution (let alone «sociobiological» evolution) to find value in theories that have tried to organize what we know about historical development according to some broad evolutionary schema.
I'm not talking about «neo-darwinism;» I'm talking about the evolutionary theory that the entire scientific community accepts as proven fact because it is proven fact, and because science reaffirms its factual status a couple of thousand times a day.
For instance, if you accept the M - theory hypothesis that the universe is an 11 - dimensional place, you could decide (as an act of faith) that God is at least 12 dimensions (or more), which would make everything people say about God being everywhere simultaneously and being outside of time literally (and scientifically!)
If it is such a «scientifically incorrect» theory then why don't you publish something in a science journal about it and try to sway the more than 99 % of scientists who accept it as true.
So the theory is that, although people accept that our football can be brilliant at times and that we can be a match for just about anyone on our day, Arsenal can not stand up to adversity or do it when the going gets tough.
It's time for the Governor to accept reality, Hudson Valley residents are tired of Albany's games whether it's about a bridge name, tolls, taxes, or conspiracy theories.
It is no more about internationally accepted principles, but sheer propaganda and diluted theories.
For Republicans, the more knowledge they have about climate science the less likely they are to accept the theory of anthropogenic global warming (whereas Democrats» confidence goes up).
In fact, at the time of Maxwell's death, his theory of electromagnetic fields was not yet widely accepted or even well known; experts still argued about whether electricity and magnetism propagated their effects via «action at a distance,» as gravity (supposedly) did, or by Michael Faraday's «lines of force» (incorporated by Maxwell into his fields).
If he wanted his theories to be accepted, he would have to leave the tricky «issue of apes» on the periphery and write only about how oranges or animals changed gradually.
He rejected his own theory, even before most physicists had come to accept it, for reasons that only he cared about.
For example, the discussion we were having earlier about the multiverse raised the issue of what we expect from a scientific theory — when do we reject it as being outside of science; when do we accept it as being confirmed.
About three years ago they and another research team working independently at Princeton found a serious flaw in what has been the most widely accepted theory of galactic magnetic fields — a theory that with slight variations has also been used to explain the magnetic fields of individual stars such as the sun.
Darwin's theory is accepted by scientists because it explains so much about the living world, but it has been the focus of cultural concern...» More...
The most commonly accepted current theory about the genesis of the PETM involves a sudden increase in volcanism spewing out tons of carbon over thousands of years.
The New York Times recently published a long, detailed article about the history of modern cancer research, including Warburg's theories on cancer, which are now becoming more widely accepted.
Saint Helena Island Info: All about St Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean: Geology of St Helena Biography accepts the theory that she was born in England.
I do have an opinion about AGW, and it includes why people aren't accepting it as a theory.
About 40 years after the first edition of The Origin of Continents and Oceans was published, the first evidence of rock magnetism and sea floor spreading emerged, and a new generation of geologists, who had grown up outside of the old debates, began to accept the theory of continental drift.
That one can not unambiguously determine which theory is refuted by unexpected data means that scientists must use judgments about which theories to accept and which to reject.
You appear to have your knickers all twisted about the generally accepted greenhouse theory, which states that GH gases (primarily water vapor, plus some smaller ones, such as CO2) keep our planet warmer than it would otherwise be if they were not in our atmosphere.
(For more reasons to be cautious about accepting the claims of Global Warming theory, see the nearby «Short History of Global Warming Fears.»)
What makes a scientist is one driven by curiosity to find out about things and who will follow the scientific method and not become confused over what they know and what they only think they know or know that they don't know and who do not accept theories, claims, or even experimental results without some level of skepticism.
I suppose that one doesn't need to accept the cosmic ray theory to understand that these statements are talking about different things, and that the second is therefore not a successful scientific rebuff to the first.
It's all as it was in those happy carefree days of 2009 and before, BC (yes, Before Cli **** ga **) as we call it now, when the MSM would happily «highlight the most alarmist aspects and downplay any mention of uncertainty» (Zorita), when no doubts were allowed, or should I say expressed, about the holy trilogy of WG1, 2, and 3 — how certain it was that the well - accepted theory of ghg effect, and the impacts thereof, would lead to a Copenhagen / Kyoto utopia of global cooperation, and that the IPCC was cool (whoops, «the request for more research about the social dynamics of the IPCC, of positive feedbacks as described by Judith, is meaningful for me» (von Storch).)
The Church of Global Warming is all about suppressing data — both past and present — to keep a widely accepted theory alive long past its expiration date.
There's nothing wrong or unusual about theories becoming widely accepted because they seem to fit the available data.
I just worry about the greater state of science when we allow them to keep the argument confined to the realm of statistics and don't hold any assertions either way to the standards that the many valid and accepted theories in science meet.
When they talk about black swans, are they talking about potential «falsifiers» of commonly - accepted theories / laws / knowledge?
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