Sentences with phrase «accepting them without»

We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces.
In the custody of LMBA - certified members, the face value of bullion is accepted without examination as long as it stays there.
Who told you to «question everything», and why did you seemingly accept this without questions?
If evolution could be clearly and rationally «proved» wouldn't everyone accept it without question?
I have done some serious reevaluation of the scriptures that I used to just accept without question, and without any serious consideration.
ttm wrote «If evolution could be clearly and rationally â $ œprovedâ $ wouldnâ $ ™ t everyone accept it without question?»
The religious argument is so clearly nonsense that it is outrageous to accept it without evidence in support.
@Lycidas: You said, «After all, how about you tell us something «only a god can do» that you would accept without hesitation.
I'm quite content not having all the answers and in being content, I refuse to accept without evidence a god.
After all, how about you tell us something «only a god can do» that you would accept without hesitation.
I can accept it without believing there ever was an Adam and Eve, where you now are left to find the alternative meaning to their story.
Just accept it without trying to Jedi mind trick us with your «logical» psychobabble.
I decided right then that the idea of «Hell» was not understood and I refused to accept without question what I was taught.
But I would argue that people are having trouble with this (and many other issues) because they are expected to accept it without evidence or rational arguement.
There is a certain inconsistency in the fact that persons who accept without question the presence of God in the physical universe so often wonder if there is any reality in it when the processes of prayer are examined.
After a pretty lame attempt to explain to him how doubt has actually enriched my faith over the years, how walking with a limp has made me more dependent on the steady shoulder of my heavenly Father, and how I don't really want to be fixed if being fixed means accepting without question or concern the notion that God creates the majority of the human population for hell with no hope for salvation, I decided just to turn the response over to you guys instead.
In the field of religious research new questions were raised concerning matters which had formerly been blindly accepted without rational analysis.
In other words, «our belief system is immune to validation — just accept it without any reason to whatsoever.»
Surely the Christian — and only the Christian — should be able to exercise this clarity of vision and thought because the Revelation has to some degree given him an understanding of the world, and also because, terrible as the reality may be, he can accept it without despairing, for he has hope in Jesus Christ.
Please provide an example of any other aspect of your life that you accept without evidencial support, besides your belief in your god.
Can God's existence be accepted without destroying man's dignity in his free creative role in the universe?
And finally, the Wahhabis believe that God's names as given in the Qur» an must be accepted without interpreting them as symbols or in an anthropomorphic sense.
Since there is only one God, idols are nothing; so long as the Christians offered thanksgiving to God for the meat, they could accept it without any qualms of conscience, as a gift from the hand of the One who opens His hand to satisfy the desires of every living thing.
Both terms, unfortunately, send the world the message that this text must be blindly accepted without challenge.
The same God who accepts without comment Jephthah's sacrifice of his own daughter, who allows children to be mauled by a bear for taunting one of his prophets, who threatens Israel with such devastating famine that they will be forced to eat their own infants.
In the words of Cobb: «The direction is to accept without hesitation or embarrassment the distinction between ultimate reality and God, and to recognize that the God of the Bible... is a manifestation of ultimate reality — not the name of that reality» (Quoted in BPM 120).
Being loved and accepted without reservation is what every teen needs.
for none of them is «receiving» us likely to mean, «Give me the truth, brother, and I will accept it without question.»
Recent surveys indicate that most students do not regard cheating as a serious offense, and that many accept it without difficulty as one of the tools of academic success.
But you seem to accept it without blinking.
There are those for whom death is regarded as a natural experience and accepted without either regret or support from any religious belief; and others for whom death is a door opened upon a new adventure of life with God.
Jerusalem remained the headquarters of the Church as a whole, and the authority of its leaders seems to have been accepted without question by the new churches which had been established outside Palestine.
And these led him in a new way into an area of his belief that he had always affirmed and accepted without too much exploration — immortality.
We accept without special difficulty the idea that the Church was the visible efficacious sign of salvation for past ages anterior to Christ and the Church, when salvation had not yet appeared ecclesiastically although it was salvation from the Church.
Not, of course, in the modernist sense that Christianity is only the full development of a natural religious need, but because God in his grace, in virtue of his universal salvific will, has already long since offered the reality of Christianity to those human beings, so that it is possible and probable that they have already accepted it without explicitly realizing this.
I hope you don't find it insulting when I say that as is your arguments often require us to accept without any reason that the way you understand some verses is correct yet you can dismiss any verse you chose by saying that their understanding is a «misapplication», perhaps supplying a reasonable approach to how one goes about interpreting Scripture in general could clear up that problem.
None of the numbers that people throw around here can be accepted without looking at alternative sources and double checking, but enough scholarly research can put us in the ballpark, at least for post-medieval periods.
As yipeng posted, why can't we use different terms based on who we're talking about and who we're talking to — someone may be offended by a term that someone else accepts without offense.
Should sexism, racism, callousness and disrespect simply go unchecked, and should all jokes be accepted without question?
The parable of the great banquet, which in somewhat variant forms appears in Matthew 22:1 - 14 and Luke 14:12 - 24, has as its theme the divine invitation which must be accepted without excuses.
It's not religion that's the source of craziness, it's people who give the wrong message, and stupid people accept it without reflection / thinking it through.
In other words the actual state of affairs must be accepted without diminution.
Ignorance and hateful attitudes thrive when they are normalized and accepted without pushback.
He apprehended God in terms of his present activity, as presently under - stood, but also accepted without challenge the authoritative witness to divine activity in the past.
When people are able to examine those «boundaries» which they had always accepted without question, they are then both motivated and equipped to move on to anlysis and action.3.
Hence the Muslims were respected and accepted without prejudice and enjoyed equal treatment and opportunities in government, business, and agricultural life.
She accepted without question, for example, the pope's dictum on birth control, writing, rather tersely, «Either practice restraint or be prepared for crowding» (p. 338).
Our study is a reminder that alternative worldviews based on religious convictions can be an important resource for engaging with difficult issues and for challenging aspects of a culture that so many of us accept without question.
But many scientists go on from there to accept it without question, not merely as a tool, but as a philosophy.
The criticisms have been repeated so often that many people accept them without question.
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