Sentences with phrase «access justice because»

If some can not access justice because it is beyond their means, then the rule of law everywhere suffers.»
Persons with disabilities face barriers to accessing justice because of the negative attitudes of those who design and implement laws and legal policies and practices, including those that are paternalistic, judgmental, stigmatizing, stereotyping or invalidating.

Not exact matches

Because the birth control cases all focus on a 1993 federal law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, not the Constitution, the Justices will face questions about whether the mandate to provide free access to 20 forms of birth control drugs or devices, sterilization, screenings, and counseling imposes a «substantial burden» on religious freedom of nonprofit employers with religious objections to some or all contraceptives, whether the mandate in fact serves a «compelling interest» of the government, and whether an attempt to provide an exemption from the mandate satisfies the requirement that such an accommodation is «the least restrictive means» of achieving the government's policy interest.
Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times (for this was the king's manner toward all who knew law and justice, those closest to him being Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven princes of Persia and Media, who had access to the king's presence, and who ranked highest in the kingdom): «What shall we do to Queen Vashti, according to law, because she did not obey the command of King Ahasuerus brought to her by the eunuchs?»
The churches of the world are a global communication system through which the voices of those rendered voiceless because they lack access to the media can be raised to question societal trends that may be antithetical to justice, freedom and human dignity.
The Press summary of the judgment explains that «The Fees Order is unlawful under both domestic and EU law because it has the effect of preventing access to justice
«Juxtaposing the corruption that has recently been exposed to our topic of discussion today, brings so much to deliberate on because it is universally recognized that increased access to justice depends on public confidence in the justice system.
She considers issues of justice and accessibility, because, as she wrote in the American Journal of Bioethics, while «cancer and infertility are conditions that afflict all women equally and traverse class, race and ethnic lines, social and economic distinctions generally determine health care access
That's partly because traffic speed and certain environmental effects are easier to measure than social - justice considerations, such as access to job opportunities or health care for low - income groups, or balancing the interests of pedestrians and cyclists with those of motorists.
Aside from the merits of the decision, which puts the cost of the courts not just on the users but on all the taxpayers (which may be the appropriate place for them), it is amusing to see high - priced lawyers say that access to justice is greatly improved because of the abolition of hearng fees that are less per day than the lawyers charge per hour.
I used to think that the answer was obviously that increased productivity should be encouraged because of the moral and policy obligation to promote access to justice.
Delivering judgment along with Mr Justice Holgate, Lord Justice Singh said Part 4 was incompatible with fundamental rights in EU law because «access to retained data is not limited to the purpose of combating «serious crime»» and «access to retained data is not subject to prior review by a court or an independent administrative body».
Quite a few individual lawyers who work harder and make less money than others, because they want better access to justice and are willing to make sacrifices to advance that goal, are the praiseworthy exceptions.
Because of the presence it commands within the justice system overall, legal aid has the potential to play a crucial role in expanding access to justice in Canada.
Speedy resolution is not only better for the parties (and not just in family law disputes) but it also increases access to justice, because more disputes get resolved better at less cost per dispute.
U of O has, probably more so than other Ontario law schools, a social justice / access to justice bent and I have been critical of the CBA's recent Reaching Equal Justice Report mostly because it is unrealistic and provides little hope for justice / access to justice bent and I have been critical of the CBA's recent Reaching Equal Justice Report mostly because it is unrealistic and provides little hope for justice bent and I have been critical of the CBA's recent Reaching Equal Justice Report mostly because it is unrealistic and provides little hope for Justice Report mostly because it is unrealistic and provides little hope for change.
When there is no complexity or regulation, there are few access - to - justice issues because there is no need for lawyers.
The access to justice dialogue is built around the assumption that people are self - representing because they can not afford lawyers.
«One of the reasons I started this campaign was because I kept getting calls from litigants looking for services at a lower price, so I'm excited that we're finally going to get access to justice for people with family law problems who can't afford a lawyer,» says Yarmus, who runs Toronto - based Civil Litigations Paralegal Services.
Because two of the three legal aid sources are predominately supported by lawyers, decision makers should consider the potential impact on access to justice if lawyers were to dramatically reduce their time / financial support of pro bono services and legal aid programs, which is likely as competition increases and the social contract under which lawyers and society have operated Vis a Vis the state sponsored monopoly continues to unwind.
West Coast LEAF intervened in this case jointly with the Community Legal Assistance Society because we wanted the Court to understand the access to justice implications of the case.
This was largely uncontroversial in the present case, because the Attorney General for British Columbia accepted that there is a common law right of reasonable access to civil justice.
The answer is that this Government has no interest at all in maintaining access to justice because, as the defendant, it sees this as the problem itself.
Moreover, one could imagine different judges concluding (1) that court fees are never permissible or (2) that exemptions are not always necessary or (3) that this particular fees regime was reasonable because it allowed for exemptions for impoverished litigants; indeed, the regime aimed to strike a delicate balance between the interests of individual litigants and the public interest in effective, efficient access to justice (see Rothstein J.'s dissent, paras. 103 - 112).
Access to justice is not generally a problem in personal injury cases, because of the prevalence of contingency fees.
Some of the above examples of access to justice are those that are commonly predicted by advocates of alternative structures: business models that facilitate reduced and fixed price legal services and / or unbundling, technology that enables standardization and improved processes to handle large volumes of cases or contracts, branding that reduces the client's search costs and increases their level of trust, multidisciplinary services that significantly ease the client experience notably because they do not need to assemble or coordinate different streams of work.
«It is for these reasons, perhaps, that access to justice data is not readily available — such outcomes are not measured because they are not intended.»
Many people are hesitant to pursue justice because they are worried about the cost of an attorney, but at Morgan & Morgan, we believe all people should have access to high - quality legal representation.
In reversing and excluding the evidence, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, writing for the five member majority, held that the absence of exclusive control was not determinative, at para. 41: «The cases are clear: a person does not lose control of information for the purpose of s. 8 simply because another person possesses it or can access it.
The third relevant aspect is the belief that a large influx of additional public funds is not sufficient to make progress on access to justice, which is convenient because it is unlikely that there will be an influx of new spending into the access to justice envelope.
Therefore, because of the access to justice problem of unaffordable legal services, shouldn't there be an expanded constitutional «right to counsel» in criminal cases?
Corinne Boudreau, owner of Two Certainties Law in Halifax, wrote, «I think that hourly billing hurts access to justice because many individuals can not write a blank cheque.»
Family law will continue to be the most pressing area for legal reforms and access to justice, especially because those most in need are priced entirely out of the market for legal representation.
It may limit access to justice because of the costs and delays associated with its processing, but, as any security expert will tell you, the best way to guarantee that information is protected is to not have it.
Let's stipulate that, based on current views on access to justice, it's not because Canadian lawyer are so much more able (than their Australian counterparts) as to reduce the number of bodies required.
This also furthers access to justice because it is an affordable alternative (the fee is $ 130 plus tax).
I say «business» advisedly because it costs money to hire the lawyers necessary to know what the words might actually mean, and this sets up an «access to justice» problem with which we're all familiar and about which we seem to be floundering right now.
They also complain their access to justice is limited because the majority of legislation and judicial proceedings are in French.
Based on the above, the OPC view is that since search engines already engage in the indexing activity and are covered under PIPEDA, they should have the obligation to de-index and takedown «because the problems that need addressing arise from their own actions; and because it promotes access to justice
They will end the access - to - justice debate because few people will enter into relationships that pose a high risk of complex disputes and the resulting need for professional adjudication.
This is not intended to say that ideas for innovation in access to justice should be censored before they can be fleshed out or evaluated because their impact can not easily be measured.
What Lear doesn't acknowledge, and maybe that's because his focus for this post is on lawyers, is that in the same way that not everyone who needs access to legal services requires access to justice, so also not everyone who needs access to justice requires legal services.
It also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the access to justice crisis and the plight of many vulnerable individuals who are without legal representation because of the significant reduction in the availability of legal aid.
«There are huge numbers of people being denied access to justice because they can not afford a solicitor or barrister.
Jordan Furlong: Yeah, it is and folks, if you haven't seen it, look it up because what is basically established is, we talk about the access to justice gap and unmet legal needs, but there is a huge category of simply unrecognized, unrealized legal needs.
Brown said Clarke «used the argument that CFAs would protect access to justice as legal aid is withdrawn for clinical negligence cases, but failed to explain that this access to justice will no longer be as widely available because of the reforms he is proposing to no win no fee agreements».
But, where there isn't one, and there are many areas where there isn't, we have no way to ensure access to justice because it's entirely up to the funder to decide whether they feel like funding that particular area.
Laura, one of the things that I've been trying to figure out is how a legal technician can afford to be cheaper than a lawyer, because we hear that a lot, that legal technicians will help close the access to justice gap.
The steady increase in lawyer numbers nationwide has not solved the access to justice problem, mainly because the underlying economics of law school and law practice have not changed.
We talked about an access to justice gap, but what people are usually talking about is an access to lawyers gap because there is actually no gap in the number of people who have their legal problems solved.
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