Sentences with phrase «access justice undermines»

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Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron, however, said Pai has «never met a mega-merger he didn't like or a public safeguard he didn't try to undermine,» calling him «an inveterate opponent of net neutrality, expanded broadband access for low - income families, broadband privacy, prison - phone justice, media diversity and more.»
The Tories have undermined access to justice for too long, something we have seen in family law as well.
Large advocacy groups with access to considerable resources and large followings tell others that we should be asking people to reduce — rather than end — their exploitation, diluting our collective vegan message of social justice and undermining the ethical argument.
Such egregious statements by a sitting judge have broad repercussions, threatening survivors» access to the equal protection of the law and undermining women's equality, as well as the public's trust in our justice system.
«The impact of such huge fees is not only to restrict access to justice; where the appeal process is unaffordable, the rule of law is also undermined.
Jamie Beagent of Leigh Day & Co, acting for PLP, says: «To undermine a key means by which the public can access the constitutional court of this country without introducing the balancing reforms recommended by Lord Justice Jackson is unjustifiable.»
Asking the public to help fund even more of this abuse undermines justice rather than offering better access.
We are calling on our members, and their firms / chambers / friends, to voice their opposition to the government's proposals to destroy access to justice for the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, fundamentally undermining the principle of the rule of law.
The government's continued programme of austerity has already seriously undermined access to justice.
When we levy unfair, unjust fees that undermine our capacity to facilitate access to justice, we betray the trust of Ontario's citizenry.
These can seriously damage access to justice efforts and undermine credibility.
David Emmerson, chairman of Resolution's legal aid committee, says: «Faced with this uneconomic scenario there is a real danger that firms will walk away from legal aid work, further undermining access to justice.
Of course you should — nobody would quibble with that — but how does stating the obvious help inform the discussion — a discussion which began with Mr. Kowalski's invitation to OTLA to elaborate on its ardent anti-ABS stance and to offer up alternative solutions to the array of problems undermining access to justice.
Lord Bach himself acknowledged that Labour helped to erode the consensus about the need for legal aid and access to justice, and The Law Society told Labour's Access to Justice Commission that the rule of law is undermined if people can not exercise their right to access juaccess to justice, and The Law Society told Labour's Access to Justice Commission that the rule of law is undermined if people can not exercise their right to access jjustice, and The Law Society told Labour's Access to Justice Commission that the rule of law is undermined if people can not exercise their right to access juAccess to Justice Commission that the rule of law is undermined if people can not exercise their right to access jJustice Commission that the rule of law is undermined if people can not exercise their right to access juaccess justicejustice.
He said: «Where litigation costs deny effective access to justice, this will in due course undermine belief in, and commitment, to the rule of law, and that results in the undermining of our democracy and all its modern features — health, education, and welfare.»
This option would increase flexibility for those in the position to choose between the administrative system and the court, but may undermine the statutory system and create serious access to justice issues.
Further, poverty can also undermine access to the justice system, as people living in poverty can not afford the attendant costs.
Further, a PLTC may undermine access to justice, as heavily indebted law graduates can not afford lower - paying public interest careers.
Over-funding doctors» access to justice via the Ontario government nearly $ 200 million cheque to the CMPA undermines justice (as has been pointed out by more than one judge in more than one province).
Although that case did not involve s. 96, in Canada (Attorney General) v. TeleZone Inc., 2010 SCC 62, [2010] 3 S.C.R. 585, the Supreme Court showed that it is aware of the possibility that judicially - created rules will undermine access to justice.
Technology, new delivery models, and a reboot of legal culture will enable the legal industry to tackle law's big problems: access to justice, the defense of democracy, and ensuring that social media's impact on the «court of public opinion» does not undermine the rule of law.
But when the court accepted the privacy commissioner's arguments that the offender's actions could undermine the administration of justice, harm participants in the justice system and potentially discourage people from accessing the justice system, there was no acknowledgement that the same concerns go directly to the heart of the open - court principle and balanced interests that supported the first complete publication of the same document.
«Faced with this uneconomic scenario there is a very real danger that firms will walk away from legal aid work, further undermining access to justice,» said David Emmerson, chair of Resolution's legal aid committee.
On top of this, our country is neck - deep in a seemingly perpetual access to justice crisis that has seriously undermined the public's confidence in the ability of the legal profession to respect and protect their interests.
LSI director, professor Stephen Mayson says: «If efficiency savings in legal aid lead to any undermining of the rule of law, or compromise the administration of or access to justice, while we might have achieved a degree of fiscal prudence, society will undoubtedly be the poorer for it.»
Justice Carole Curtis found that the mother was undermining the permanence and nature of the role of the adoptive parents and ruled that continued access was not in their best interests, Law Times reports.
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