Sentences with phrase «access market mechanisms»

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Other technology firms, like Facebook, and financial firms, like Carlyle, are attempting to gain access to public market funding without giving shareholders a mechanism to keep the founders accountable.
The seventh round of NAFTA talks is set to begin later this month in Mexico City with substantial differences remaining on autos, a sunset clause and an investor - dispute resolution mechanism, and U.S. demands for greater market access to Canada's protected dairy industry.
Second, exploring structures and mechanisms like free trade agreements that will help Canada gain greater access to markets beyond this continent.
All these developments, and in particular the drive under the WTO regime to make access to food mainly dependent upon market mechanisms, are a threat to food security - the most fundamental of all human rights.
Far from just being rule takers, the EEA system gives you full single market access (except for agriculture and fisheries) inside a system of independent institutional consultation and judicial mechanisms.
But because, unlike self - publishing, vanity publishing is a scam — a con — the hype and promo of a vanity company attempts to convince its potential consumer market (desperate aspiring writers) that there - is - a publishing and distribution mechanism, by completely obscuring the difference between being printed (which anyone with access to a Kinko's can achieve) and being - published -, whch is a complex business process involving widespread distribution.
We also heard that the Capacity Market, Britain's mechanism for ensuring security of consumer power supplies in winter months is «rapidly becoming outdated», according to one panellist, while the question of grid connection capacity, in terms of cost and access, remains a hot topic.
This analytical report illustrates how public finance can catalyze climate action by 1) piloting innovative ways to leverage both climate and development finance; 2) exploring new opportunities to expand the scope for market mechanisms; and 3) strengthening the capacity to facilitate access to resources and their effective use.
This scenario includes having the best technology to perform, and using market mechanisms to achieve energy access for everyone.
This is commendable, but the government should monitor the market more actively and establish effective dispute resolution mechanisms, in order to ensure transparent, fair and fast network access for both incumbents and new entrants.
Supporting DNAs (Peru, Colombia, and Argentina) to access finance and technical support from IDB for implementing carbon market mechanisms
«Pastoralist communities need more investment in good basic services such as health care and education, flood - proof transport and communication links, financial and technical support services, livestock - marketing opportunities, drought and flood mitigation and preparedness systems, access to climate information, and effective conflict - mitigation mechanisms.
Non-Kyoto developed countries are saying they want access to the KP's carbon markets through «flexibility mechanisms» like the Clean Development Mechanism.
On the one hand, the government had the Office of Fair Trading's (OFT) recommendations that the referral fee mechanism assisted claimants to gain access to justice and assisted competition in the market.
Without more direct access points to emerging markets, inadequate mechanisms to bring all parties to the table further undermine our ability to negotiate full and equitable access to new economic opportunities.
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