Sentences with phrase «access to abortion services»

One - third of these new provisions, 43 in 19 states, sought to restrict access to abortion services.
The federal government has no authority to deny these women access to abortion services and we are confident that federal courts will overwhelmingly agree.
The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act will come into effect on Feb. 1, banning anti-abortion protests within at least 50 metres of facilities providing abortion services.
We advocate towards maintaining New York's pro-choice legacy by strengthening the state's abortion laws to protect women's health and safety and oppose any efforts to restrict access to abortion services in this state or nationally.
The WEP platform is dedicated to the passage of the 10 - point «Women's Equality Agenda» — which would codify an array of anti-discrimination statutes, as well as unfettered access to abortion services.
What happens when you introduce a policy of confidential access to abortion services for minors or, alternatively, you introduce a policy asserting parents» right to know?
These laws therefore restrict the use of telemedicine in the case of abortion and reduce access to abortion services in rural areas.
Oregon moved to provide access to abortion services for immigrants who are not yet eligible for Medicaid.
Lader argued that since early abortions are statistically safer for the woman than childbirth, and since the morality of such abortions is a matter of religious and philosophical dispute, the state ought not to prevent women from having legal access to abortion services:
Nearly thirty years ago, I published a book, Abortion and the Private Practice of Medicine, in which I sought to understand what then was already emerging as the settled pattern of access to abortion services around the country.
State lawmakers passed the second - highest number of abortion restrictions ever this past year, with 19 states enacting 43 measures in 2012 that limited access to abortion services, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
Speaking a news conference with reporters at Albany International Airport, Gibson said he can't recall a time in which a constituent came to him with a concern about access to abortion services.
The Act did not limit the protestors» freedom of expression completely, but disallowed it within a certain zone to ensure equal, safe and dignified access to abortion services.
We need to give our children the tools that they need to make good decisions, and that takes medically accurate information, that takes safe access to medical treatment, and, when necessary, that means access to abortion services.
Interventions are needed to expand access to abortion services through better equipping existing facilities, ensuring adequate and continuous supplies of medication abortion drugs, and by increasing the number of trained providers.
And, of course, efforts to restrict access to abortion services top the list.
The Cuomo - created WEP platform is dedicated entirely to the passage of the 10 - point «Women's Equality Agenda» — which would codify an array of anti-discrimination statutes, as well as unfettered access to abortion services.
Women's Affairs Unless the Supreme Court acts soon, on July 1 a new law will go into effect in Texas which drastically reduces access to abortion services.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida is proud to provide access to abortion services.
The governor also called the House GOP plan a «direct assault on New York values» as it would defund Planned Parenthood and restrict access to abortion services.
Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Andrew Cuomo has released a hard - hitting new attack ad that slams his GOP / Conservative opponent, Carl Paladino, on the issue of choice, saying the Buffalo businessman would make women who are victims of rape or incest «victims a second time» by denying them access to abortion services.
The AG actually does have some role to play in the question of abortion rights and access to abortion services.
That way if the decision was reversed at the federal level, women in New York would still — in theory — have access to abortion services.
Ms. Hochul and Mr. Cuomo have spearheaded the new «Women's Equality Party» line, dedicated to the passage of the 10 - point «Women's Equality Agenda» — which would codify an array of anti-discrimination statutes, as well as unfettered access to abortion services.
The government was also concerned that the requirement for two signatures «may be causing delays in access to abortion services
At issue in Watson / Spratt was whether or not the Access to Abortion Services Act is a justifiable interference with freedom of expression rights.
Both were convicted of violating the Access to Abortion Services Act.
Watson and Spratt challenged the Access to Abortion Services Act, which creates a no - protest («bubble») zone around abortion clinics to allow women access to clinic services free of unwanted approaches by anti-abortion protesters.
The Coalition maintained that in creating the Access to Abortion Services Act.
Fully 68 % of these new provisions, 92 provisions in 24 states, restrict access to abortion services, a striking increase from last year, when 26 % of new provisions restricted abortion.
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