Sentences with phrase «access to nutritious food»

Many children and parents struggle to make healthy food choices, particularly given that offices, schools, and other public settings may provide limited access to nutritious foods and snacks.
So are effects of racial discrimination, lack of access to nutritious foods and exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment.
However, without access to nutritious food, safe housing, and quality medical care, young children living in poverty can quickly fall behind their more economically advantaged peers.
Poor communities have limited access to nutritious foods, increasing their risk for obesity and cancer.
This is why Rauch advocates using the medium of retail to give people more access to nutritious food, rather than donations.
Cuomo revealed his «No Student Goes Hungry» program on Wednesday and it has five ways that the Governor wants to help the nearly 1 million kids from kindergarten to college that the state says don't have consistent access to nutritious food.
«The lack of access to nutritious food here has big consequences, from higher rates of diet - related illness to students who are less prepared to learn,» the Pillsbury United Communities (PUC) reports.
Schools who apply can receive up to $ 2000 in funding through the Fuel Up Breakfast Program, which has awarded $ 325,000 to more than 100 schools nationwide since 2009, and has greatly improved student access to nutritious foods such as low - fat and fat - free dairy products, whole grain cereals, and fruit.
Programs that promote breastfeeding and ensure access to nutritious foods, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, the school meals and summer feeding programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and child care food assistance, improve health outcomes, school achievement, and workforce competitiveness.
This week - long campaign (June 6 — 10) aims to raise awareness about the risk of hunger low - income children face during the summer months and the benefits of summer food and other programs that can make sure children have access to nutritious food year round.
Because HUMAN Healthy Vending co-founders Sean Kelly and Andy Mackensen know that there is a link between low access to nutritious foods and childhood obesity, they are on a mission to place these machines in areas where people need access to healthful meals the most, including in areas designated as food deserts.
It states, in part, «Creating a sustainable regional food system that meets [the $ 1 billion] demand and offers equal access to nutritious food will improve public health, bolster the city's «good food» economy, build resilience in the wake of extreme weather events and reduce the city's «foodprint» as a way to mitigate the impacts of climate change.»
Even with an estimated $ 63.5 trillion in American private wealth, the country is far from providing equitable access to nutritious food.
There are millions of kids in America who the USDA considers «food insecure» — they live in households without regular access to nutritious food.
It would specify permitted types and sizes of enclosures, require annual veterinary exams, access to nutritious food at least twice a day, continuous access to potable water, and 30 minutes of daily socialization with humans.
The Obama Administration recently announced the details of its $ 400 million multi-year Healthy Food Financing Initiative, which will expand access to nutritious foods for underserved urban and rural communities in the US (see the press release from the US Department of the Treasury).
• HEALTH New U.S. county rankings clearly demonstrate that better health requires improved education, more access to nutritious food and greater economic opportunities.
Consistent access to nutritious food and clean water is key to helping children thrive, researchers say.
Perhaps, because he was a beggar, he never had access to nutritious food or to health care, and so became blind.
To increase knowledge and understanding of the benefits of buying fresh, local, farm products and increase knowledge of sustainable local agriculture and access to nutritious food.
It's widely known that kids do better in school when they have access to nutritious food.
Hear the Crunch highlights the important role school breakfast plays in ensuring that children have access to the nutritious food they need for their health and learning.
Seeing families with limited access to nutritious foods, her team partnered with the Greater Boston Food Bank to create the Billerica Public Schools Food Market.
In December 2010, Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act, reauthorizing federal school meal programs with a focus on improving children's access to nutritious foods and promoting healthy eating.
By prioritizing nutrition as part of a culture of health in educational settings and in funding and policy decisions, policymakers can ensure that students have access to nutritious food.
Focusing on the bill's support of school lunches and ignoring the issue of infant formula, the e-mail boasted that the bill would give millions of children «access to nutritious food» and that it passed «without a single dissenting vote in the United States Senate.»
«If the issue with this site is really about kitchens then let's have a meaningful dialogue about how we can make sure the folks that will live there have access to nutritious food,» she said.
Thus, access to nutritious food must not be viewed as a luxury for the wealthy, but instead a fundamental right for all.
Better health requires improved education, more access to nutritious food and greater economic opportunities, new county rankings show
The education link could be tied to how greater education tends to positively affect job opportunities, income, housing, access to nutritious foods and health insurance, the researchers noted.
Unfortunately, many students in the United States do not have access to nutritious foods, and this could impact their performance in -LSB-...]
This year, the Partnership has also added a new partner, the Department of Health, which will take the lead on increasing breastfeeding and access to nutritious food.
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