Sentences with phrase «access to pornography»

The ease of access to pornography has changed rapidly.
There was a time when access to pornography addiction was, for a lack of a better term, restricted.
Which forces me to wonder: Has the high moral mission of liberalism and its noble defense of freedom really come down to unlimited access to pornography?
When the Internet first came into schools, the primary concern was youth access to pornography.
The allure of the Internet alone, with access to pornography so easy, tempting and anonymous, can lead to an addiction over time.
There was a time when access to pornography was, for a lack of a better term, restricted.
Those individuals who have sinned by engaging in sexual harassment are certainly sinners but they should not be made scapegoats and judged as beyond the pale and irredeemable It is ironic that this crisis has occurred at a time of unprecedented sexualization and easy access to pornography on the Internet.
Easy access to pornography on the internet is causing a rise in schoolgirls experiencing sexual abuse, an MP said yesterday.
Dr Martyn Thomas from the Institution of Engineering and Technology comments on government proposals to use legislation to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to pornography.
The internet also provides access to pornography which is reshaping young people's views of what constitutes a safe and healthy relationship.
It doesn't typically replace face - to - face relationships, but for younger people today, males especially, easy and constant access to pornography distorts their drive for, and their behavior in, relationships with women.
Nevertheless, Ioffe's easy association of censorship with authoritarianism and free access to pornography with liberalism is widespread.
The government has expressed support for an «opt - out» ban instead, allowing parents to censor the internet but not forcing other customers to go through the embarrassing process of actively requesting access to pornography.
And whilst we now know that our government might be keeping a check of all our online activity, it's quite another matter to have to go on the record with your ISP (and possibly your spouse) that you want access to pornography.
While some people are concerned that children have unrestricted access to pornography on the Internet, others are equally disturbed by any attempt to curb the free flow of information
I've been told (and tend to agree) the internet is really good for just one thing: Instantaneous access to pornography.
Schools already can employ a variety of preventive measures to keep most student «cybersurfers» from gaining access to pornography and other illicit materials from school computers, those who administer educational - telecommunications networks say.
Venues displaying the Friendly WiFi symbol have WiFi filters which deny access to pornography and webpages known by the Internet Watch Foundation to host indecent images of children and advertisements or links to such content.
She said parents and teachers needed to realise the pressures that youngsters were under, highlighting access to pornography and early sexualisation, which affected their mental health.
The Washington State Supreme Court voted 6 - 3 in favor of the North Central Regional Library when the library was sued by the ACLU for installing Internet filters to prevent access to pornography.
(3) Lead by example in domestic policy areas, including addressing loose laws on wiretaps, ambiguous oversight of intelligence agencies, shoddy content filtering mechanisms around access to pornography and hate speech, questionable deep packet inspection and data retention practices by internet service providers, and other areas in which Canadian practices provide justification for China's own domestic censorship and surveillance regime.
«Under this, four major internet service providers offer new customers the opportunity to opt out of access to pornography.
Internet service providers (ISPs) will be made to block access to pornography, forcing those who wish to view adult material to make an «unavoidable choice» to opt - in, David Cameron announced in a speech this morning.
Today's easy access to pornography is a far cry from seamy video stores on the outskirts of town of yesteryear.
Netsweeper sells web - filtering and mobile - device filtering solutions, the kind of stuff that's useful to a school trying to limit children's access to pornography, to Internet service providers looking to help customers limit their exposure to computer viruses — and very likely to totalitarian regimes looking to stifle opposition.
I grew up in the mid-to-late 90s as part of the first generation of teenagers with easy, on - demand, dial - up access to pornography.
In government, the Conservatives» focus has been on looking for technological ways of clamping down on young people's access to pornography.
Remove your access to pornography channels.
Not as much as it would seem, says Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex, a book that examines how today's young women navigate a landscape that includes hook - up culture, sexting, and easy access to pornography.
Parents would be horrified to know the stories we hear about sexualised behaviour, access to pornography, sexting and so on.
However, he was of the view that the «making available» offence required some «positive facilitation» of access to the pornography, which Mr. Spencer had not done, and further he believed Mr. Spencer's evidence that he did not know that others could access his folder so that the fault element (mens rea) of the offence had not been proved.
With the onslaught of the internet and then mobile phones, we now have access to pornography 24 hours a day right in our pocket.
Three decades later, access to pornography is far easier.
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