Sentences with phrase «access to private schools»

These results are certainly a bright spot for proponents of expanding access to private school for disadvantaged children.
Like vouchers, tax - credit scholarships also allow students access to private schools, though these scholarships depend on private contributions and the state tax credits that follow.
When you do the math, students achieve more when they have access to private school choice.
This may alter the results we would expect to see from gaining access to private schools.
Finally, we estimate the impact of allowing access to any private school in the family's state of residence.
These reforms gave parents, at every income level, more access to private schools.
And in contrast to other policies that would expand access to private schools, support for this idea increased modestly in the past year.
Would vouchers on the order of $ 1,400 per pupil allow poor students access to private schools?
They are also open to a host of school reforms ranging from high - stakes student accountability to merit pay for teachers to school vouchers and tax credits that would give low - income families greater access to private schools.
School choice programs support parents who want access to private schooling for their child.
Both expanded access to private school options and greater variety of options that students have in terms of the religious (or secular) affiliations of private schools are positively associated with public - school students» test scores following the introduction of the FTC program.
The distance and density measures gauge whether easier access to a private school of any type increased the competitive pressure on public schools when the new policy lowered the effective cost of attending private school for eligible students.
Although few specific lessons for policy can be drawn from a study of any single program, our results show that providing access to private schools can increase the college - going rates of thousands of low - income students.
Proponents of vouchers and other measures that expand access to private schooling often claim that competition from privately operated schools will spur student achievement — and, perhaps, lower costs — in public schools.
Studying how Catholic schools affect students who already attend is an imperfect way to learn about what would happen if the government were to expand access to private schools through vouchers or tuition tax credits.
Instead of pouncing on Mr. Bush, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio might explain to voters why Barack Obama has spent his entire presidency trying to shut down a school voucher program in Washington, D.C., that gives poor black and brown children access to private schools and, according to the Education Department's own evaluation, improves their chances of graduating by as much as 21 percentage points.
Theoretically, increased access to private school choice could improve educational quality through competitive pressures and an improved match between educator and student.
While the strength of the theoretical arguments around school choice are uncertain, our results are quite clear: Access to private schooling around the world enhances the lives of individual students and the societies in which they reside.
could make it far more difficult for Justice Department officials to ensure that voucher programs give students with disabilities fair access to private schools.
Voucher programs narrowly targeted to income - disadvantaged urban students reach a particular student population that appears to benefit most from access to private schooling.
Strategies to be considered include offering loans to help schools improve their infrastructure or worthwhile teacher training, or creating partial vouchers to help even more of the poor gain access to the private schools that are ready to take them on.
With passage of the Opportunity Scholarship program in the summer of 2013, North Carolina has joined 22 other states and the District of Columbia in providing families greater access to private schools.
We started this program as a way to give low - income students access to private schools that might be better able to meet their educational needs.
Included in the two - year state budget is a provision that more than quadruples the size of the EdChoice Scholarship Program over the next two years, ultimately resulting in up to 60,000 students having access to private school choice by the 2012 - 2013 school year.
Only once policymakers began experimenting with school vouchers in the 1990s did it become possible to study the consequences of expanding access to private schools to families who could not afford that option on their own.
Similar to our analysis of charter schools, access to private schools is much higher for families from urban areas relative to families from rural areas (although the difference is not as large).
There are three main ways in which a program that expands access to private schools could affect public school performance.
The nomination of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education guarantees that school choice will remain a key component of the education policy agenda in 2017, as public charter schools continue to expand and state and federal policymakers implement or consider policies to expand access to private schools.
This suggests that school vouchers or other programmatic interventions that expand families» access to private schools have a good chance of boosting levels of parental satisfaction.
Though the program differed from vouchers in that students were selected and all participating schools were Catholic, its essence — creating new opportunities for disadvantaged students by giving them access to private schools — inspired the voucher movement.
For advocates of school choice, this amendment provides no inroads for lower or middle - income families to gain access to private schooling, if they so choose.
It's unusual for children in Nigeria's rural areas to have any access to private schooling, even if it's of the low - cost variety.
Access to private schools is made possible via opportunity scholarships (most commonly called school vouchers), special needs scholarship programs, and scholarship tax credit programs.
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