Sentences with phrase «access to water if»

Take the toilet tank lid off, raise the seat and brace the bathroom door open so they have access to water if you're gone much longer than anticipated.
Not only is it important to make sure pets have access to water if they are left home, but also if they are brought along on trips and vacations as travel companions, McCrory said.

Not exact matches

Basically, if you have a birthday in September and give up any gifts and instead send donations to the September campaign, you'll be helping the entire population of the Bayaka people group of Central African Republic get access to clean water.
If you don't have access to sea water, replicate the 3.5 % salinity by adding four ounces of kosher salt (about 1/3 cup) to one gallon of filtered or bottled water.
Can you even imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have access to clean water to drink, to cook with, or bathe your children in?
If you do have access to fresh English peas, shell them and immediately immerse them in heavily salted boiling water.
you can start a really vigorous gluten free starter culture without having to open a whole packet of yeast for just a few grains by using a tablespoon or so of a fermented drink — kombucha, water kefir (Whole Foods carries a coconut water kefir that is very active) or if you have access to real unpasteurized sauerkraut you could probably use some of the liquid.
50 g (1/4 cup) sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 4 tablespoons slivovice * 70 g (1/2 cup) frozen or fresh blueberries 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary 2 tablespoons cold water 2 tablespoons cornstarch * Replace slivovice with rum or apple juice if you don't have access to the liquor or for a non-alcoholic version.
If you do not have access to an espresso maker at home (I have a ROK variety, and while finicky to get the water temp / coffee grind correct, once you do, you're golden!)
* 1 head of Napa cabbage (about one pound)- outer leaves removes, and then chopped into bite sized pieces * 1/4 cup Himalayan or sea salt mixed in a small bowl of warm water * 1/4 cup Korean fine red chili flakes, also known as ko choo kah rhoo, and available at Korean markets - if you don't have access to the Korean chili flakes, you can substitute 1 - 2 Tb.
We don't normally recommend sterilising with a chemical solution (e.g. Milton's) but if you don't have access to potable water this is a safe way to go (this blog post discusses how to disinfect water for safe use).
If you are caught in a disaster or emergency and breastfeeding, you don't have to worry about whether you have clean water or refrigeration or access to formula to ensure that your baby gets the nourishment — as well as protection from disease — he needs in the midst of chaos.
Alternatively, if you don't have physically access to the water heater, there are products that you can use to child - proof the faucets.
Ideally, if you have access to an alternative source of running water within close proximity to your temporary kitchen facility, you will be able to keep trips to the kitchen project to a minimum.
It's a great alternative if you have no access to soap and water.
So, if a Guatemalan mom wants to give her nine - month - old a coffee - infused sugar drink from a bottle, I have two options: I can gasp in disgust and silently judge her in my head, pointing out all of the reasons why giving that baby anything but breast milk is not good for its health or newly formed teeth, or I can take time to learn and respect that maybe for this mom, who lives in conditions where there is little access to clean water, boiling water to make coffee is the only way to ensure her little baby doesn't get sick.
As more and more houses popped up along the lake, filling up precious shoreline, the rest of the community feared that it eventually would be denied access to the waters of Crystal Lake if a park district wasn't formed.
Cold water sterilizers — If you travel a lot or don't have access to a microwave or an electricity supply, then this method is for you.
Hat, sunscreen, bug repellent, warms clothes / pj's for chilly nights, smores makins» (yes this is a must have), sleeping bags & blankets to make one big family bed in your tent, life jacket that fits really well, diapers (we still cloth diaper if we are camping near laundry facilites), swim diapers (or we just use a pocket diaper without an insert and find that it works really well to contain what it needs to and doesn't bring on lots of water), first aid kit, flashlight, rain gear, a way to get clean water (filtering it yourself or access to water at the campground), snacks, and a good campsite.
If you live in a part of the world in which you do not have access to safe water supply, you can either use bottled water or boil water when preparing baby formula.
HOWEVER, IF infant mortality is high due to infectious diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia, or IF hygiene, sanitation, and access to clean water are poor, or IF the cost of breastmilk substitutes is prohibitively high, or IF access to adequate health care is limited, THEN breastfeeding may be the safest feeding option even when the mother is HIV - positive.
If you are planning to travel abroad, remember you need access to safe water supplies if making up feedIf you are planning to travel abroad, remember you need access to safe water supplies if making up feedif making up feeds.
Most every person reading this who has used formula for infant feeding lives in the luxury of an area where access to clean water is not an issue and where, if you can not afford formula, there are government programs in place to provide formula for you.
If you're formula feeding in the United States, many of us take for granted access to clean water.
Babies who are fully or partially formula fed are at risk if their caregivers lose access to clean water, are unable to sterilise feeding equipment or suffer disruption or contamination of their formula milk supplies.
As you might suspect, having ability to access a water bottle while exercising can be very comforting, but if you don't have anywhere to put it then it could be difficult to exercise and stay hydrated.
If you are breastfeeding, you don't have to worry about whether you have clean water or refrigeration or access to formula to ensure that your baby gets the nourishment — as well as protection from disease — he needs in the midst of chaos.
Mr Mahama added: «If you take water, today the whole of West Africa, no country matches Ghana in terms of access to clean drinking water.
If Britain is to emerge from this dreadful crisis, business needs access to finance, just as plants need water — and the banks aren't supplying it.
If the plans go through as currently envisioned, organisations such as Scottish Canals, Quality Meat Scotland, the Forestry Commission and the Drinking Water Quality Regulator would potentially have access to information about when people last went for a swim or visited their GP.
Did this man deserve to be filmed by police as if he was a terrorist, and then kept in an area for hours on end, without access to toilet facilities or food or water, simply because he wanted to protest against British economic policy?
From the record above, Ghana could have succeeded in attaining universal access to potable water if all governments had moved with the speed and urgency we witnessed between 2009 and 2016.
If Miner's strategy works, Syracuse could have access to tens of millions of dollars to make substantial improvements in a system that has seen one to two water main breaks per day for the past two years.
«And what it does is provide access to lands right along the Saw Kill, so it's really protecting that water supply but it also means that, we've been interested in seeing if we can run a trail through there.
«We recognize that broadband service has become as essential as electricity and water and sewer for economic development and that if we want to attract high - tech jobs, if we want to provide students opportunities for education and provide equal access to services to people across the county, having high - speed broadband is absolutely critical at this point.»
«The radiation levels in the buildings were too high to allow access, even if workers had equipment with which to add water to the pools.»
I've been mindful of the amount of water I use when making a pot of coffee ever since learning that one - third of the tap water used for drinking in North America is actually used to brew our daily cups of joe — and that if each of us avoided wasting just one cupful of coffee a day, we could save enough water over the course of a year to provide two gallons to every one of the more than 1.1 billion people who don't have access to freshwater at all.
Only if we do is there any hope of achieving this ultimate security, which concerns less the state than the individual citizen's quest for access to water, food, shelter, health and employment.
Irena Salina, director of the award - winning documentary film, FLOW, about the world's dwindling water supplies, thinks it can be done if world leaders, international banks, the United Nations and other governmental organizations establish cooperative agreements for the use of bodies of water, including groundwater, and economic mechanisms to make sure those who need access to water can get it.
«Because we pre-compressed the water, there is less shock - heating than if we shock - compressed ambient liquid water, allowing us to access much colder states at high pressure than in previous shock compression studies, so that we could reach the predicted stability domain of superionic ice,» Millot said.
Even if you do think you have access to clean water, recent scandals like Flint, Michigan, show that there's a lot that could be going on outside of your gaze and inside the tap.
So water isn't completely free, but if you live in the developed world and are reading this from a computer, you probably have access to an unlimited amount from your kitchen tap (and even have the luxury of being able to flush a few gallons down the toilet whenever you need to go).
This routine contains swimming as an exercise, so if you want to follow this plan fully, you will need access to water.
The day after a sugar binge, start off with 8 ounces hot water and the juice of 1/2 a lemon to detoxify, and drink green vegetable juices if you have access (celery, parsley, green apple, cucumber, ginger makes a nice blend) to alkalize the body; sugar is very acidic.
If I didn't have access to homemade bone broth, I'd dissolve this grass - fed gelatin in hot chamomile tea or this one in cold water.
Beyond that, if you are lucky enough to live in a place where water access issues feel far away, hold onto the mindset that every drop counts and be conscious of how long you let your tap run when you're bathing and cleaning.
Cellect where additional supplementation maybe needed Micronutrient Blood Test Information Testing Outside the US Recommendation on B vitamins where needed What if I don't have access to the testing Bed bound and have not had any nutritional supplementation Serious health issues created by a lack of B vitamins Vitamin B6; vital for energy production and essential in transporting oxygen throughout the body Test case observations «The Doctor That Looked at Hands» B6 deficiency; example edema in pregnant woman from being water logged; some losing up to 50 pounds of water weight in a few days Dr Ellis recommendation for the correct B6 product and proper dosage Thoughts on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and proper dosage Adequate Vitamin D level and proper dosage Dr Mercola's comments on the safety of tanning beds Testing Vitamin D deficiency and understanding the test is extremely important Vitamin D deficiencies linked to
Again, using fresh turmeric root is best, but powdered will work as well, and remember to use organic coconut water if you don't have access to fresh coconuts.
Cinnamon coconut water kefir is easy to make especially if you have access to young Thai coconuts.
I don't drink nearly as much water as I need to in a day, but if I had access to these all the time, I would have no problem getting in my daily fluids.
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