Sentences with phrase «accession of»

Skilled in maintaining aseptic technique in accession of central lines and cannulation of A-V Fistulas and A-V Grafts.
NAM States Parties to CCW welcome the accession of Algeria and Palestine to the Convention and its annexed protocols.
NAM States Parties to CCW welcome the accession of Iraq to the Convention and its annexed protocols.
[18] As Kantorowicz demonstrated, the Crown as a corporation originally developed as a means of ensuring automatic hereditary succession upon the death of one reigning Sovereign and the accession of another, which in turn created a perpetual legal personality.
This reminds me of one Lithuanian President that sent the ratification of its country accession to the ECHR to its national constitutional court, in order for them to check if the accession of Lithuania to the Convention is constitutional:)-RRB-
(3) At the time of signature, acceptance, approval or accession, a Regional Economic Integration Organisation may declare in accordance with Article 63 that it exercises competence over all the matters governed by this Convention and that the Member States which have transferred competence to the Regional Economic Integration Organisation in respect of the matter in question shall be bound by this Convention by virtue of the signature, acceptance, approval or accession of the Organisation.
(1) At the time of signature, acceptance, approval or accession, a Regional Economic Integration Organisation may declare that it exercises competence over all the matters governed by this Convention and that its Member States will not be Parties to this Convention but shall be bound by virtue of the signature, acceptance, approval or accession of the Organisation.
Maravela Asociații grows stronger by the recent accession of Marius Pătrășcanu, a dedicated attorney with acknowledged skills in several fields of practice, who has joined us as equity partner.
It is understood that the accession of the State of Kuwait to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York, on the 10th of June 1958, does not mean in any way recognition of Israel or entering with it into relations governed by the Convention thereto acceded by the State of Kuwait.
[5] On this, see Johan Callewaert, «The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights», Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 2014, at p. 62 et seq..
The accession of Gordon Brown to 10 Downing Street will reveal whether or not we are still on course for revolution or return to the traditional path of evolution by compromise.
However, the decisions were dated after the date of accession of the Czech Republic and after the entry into force of Regulation 1/2003.
the opening by the Commission of a proceeding against a cartel under Chapter III of Regulation No 1/2003 does not, pursuant to Article 11 (6) of Regulation No 1/2003, read in combination with Article 3 (1) of the same regulation, cause the competition authority of the Member State concerned to lose its power, by the application of national competition law, to penalise the anti-competitive effects produced by that cartel in the territory of the said Member State during periods before the accession of the latter to the Union.
The question here was whether de decision to accept accession of a third State may affect the Brussels IIa Regulation or alter its scope.
Consequently, on 4 June 2010 the Council gave a mandate to the Commission to start negotiations with the Council of Europe on accession of the EU to the ECHR.
Finally, part four answers the research question, concluding that the autonomy of EU law can indeed be reconciled with accession of the EU to the Convention.
A rather extreme suggestion calls openly for political disobedience against the CJEU: a protocol should be drafted that allows accession of the EU to the ECHR notwithstanding Opinion 2/13.
This would contradict protocol n ° 8 to the Treaties which prescribes that the agreement on the accession of the EU to the ECHR has to ensure that nothing therein affects the particular situation of the Member States in relation to the ECHR, in particular in relation to reservations.
The planned accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) pursues the objective of increasing the effectiveness and homogeneity of fundamental rights protection in Europe.
The EU took another step towards accession to the ECHR with the finalization, late last week, of the Draft Revised Agreement on the Accession of the EU to the ECHR, after almost three years of negotiations.
In the Opinion, the CJEU finds three situations in which an accession of the EU to the ECHR based on the draft agreement could endanger the autonomy of EU law:
The Court holds that although an accession of the EU to protocol n ° 16 was not foreseen in the draft agreement, the ECHR would nonetheless become part of EU law, with the effect of the preliminary ruling procedure of Article 267 TFEU potentially loosing effectiveness.
Of course, as part of a study on the topic of accession of the EU to the Convention, the changes necessary in the other institutions and procedures — for example as regards supervision of the execution of judgments by the Committee of Ministers — could have also been discussed.
As an additional measure to ensure the practical effectiveness of Art. 344 TFEU EU Member States could be obliged before the accession of the EU to the ECHR to declare with binding force under international law that they will not engage proceedings under Art. 33 ECHR whose object of dispute falls within the material scope of EU law (AG view, para 120).
I am thus again giving in to the temptation and will briefly discuss a recent book, Paul Gragl's The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights (Hart Publishing 2013) which treats this phenomenon in detail.
The visit to Iceland was thus linked to that process; accession of the Icelandic club would subsequently ferment the spread of organized crime in Iceland; and the relevant information had been gathered specifically on that individual's planned entry into Iceland (ibid.).
In the present case, a member of the Norvegian Hells Angels was denied entry into Iceland because the Icelandic authorities argued that he played a central role in the final stage of accession of an Icelandic motorcycle club as a new charter in Hells Angels.
In last Tuesday's Opinion (Grand Chamber) following an article 218 (11) request by the Commission, the Court confirmed that the acceptance of the accession of an non-Union country to the 1980 The Hague Convention on child abduction fell within the EU's exclusive competence.
In a post again discussing fundamental rights, Ciara's views on the new draft agreement for accession of the EU to the ECHR have raised quite some interest.
As a consequence, the decision to accept accession of a third state can only be taken after the Council has taken a decision on the matter, and Member States can no longer decide that third countries can accede and establish bilateral obligations on their own.
Upon the accession of Croatia to the European Union, the Croatian target shall be replaced by arrangement in line with and part of the European Union mitigation effort.
The accession of Mexico would be a major step forward for the IEA's new «open door» policy and allows deeper cooperation in coming years.
Set within Guatemala's thick Petén jungles, El Mirador flourished in the Preclassic period prior to the accession of Tikal.
This pack of playing cards illustrates the events leading up to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that resulted in the deposition of James II and the accession of his daughter Mary II and her husband, William III, prince of Orange and stadholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands.
And the setting — the lawless borderlands between Ukraine and the Slovak Republic, which were notorious for smuggling — prior to the accession of Slovakia to the EU is the perfect location for this story.
Accountant Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) is being lined up to step into the shoes of benign old Jack Pellit (Donald Sutherland), but Pellit's sudden heart attack triggers the accession of berserk, drug - addled Pellit Jr (Colin Farrell) instead.
It is a cinephile's delight and a believer's conundrum, an austere American art film with a bracing B - movie soul, and a story in which the cruelest of cosmic punchlines may finally be no different from the most beautiful accession of grace.
Lesbian relationship is possible aback the accession of the online world, genuine the limitations and hang - ups of lesbian dating relationship females obtainable on an... Continue Reading →
Lesbian relationship is possible aback the accession of the online world, genuine the limitations and hang - ups of lesbian dating relationship females obtainable on an included range.
Lesbian dating is made easier aback the accession of the internet, authentic the boundaries and inhibitions of women dating women attainable on an added scale.
In addition, Mr. Anonymous and Mr. Seid match up in at least three ways that are unlikely to be coincidental: the use of the obscure «Donors Trust» vehicle to mask his identity, the insistence on being referred to internally only as «the Anonymous Donor», and the very recent accession of known Seid deputy Chuck Lang to the board of the Heartland Institute.
First, they chemically mutagenized the resistant accession of wheat to identify plants that become susceptible to the stem rust pathogen.
The crowns of England and Scotland were brought together on the accession of James VI of Scotland as James I of England in 1603.
The justice secretary says the potential accession of five more countries, including Turkey, will lead to an immigration «free - for - all» which means politicians could not guarantee «the same access» to health and housing as at present.
The shadow home secretary also proposed a habitual residence test for jobseekers» allowance, controls on EU movement after the accession of Bulgaria and Romania and, worst of all, arrest powers for UKBA — easily the most incompetent, heartless and cack - handed division of government.
The approval rating of Russian President Mr. Vladimir Putin is higher among his citizen due to the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria where the Russian Air Force is conducting a successful campaign against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and the accession of the Crimean Republic into the Russian Federation.
[21] Upon the accession of George II in 1727 and the ensuing general election, the Tories were reduced to 128 MPs, their lowest total up to this point.
But this limits membership to 27 countries, which will be reached with the accession of Romania and Bulgaria.
In 2003 the EU had 15 members, but the accession of 12 new states since then means that from today, its constituent parts have a combined population of about half a billion.
That the EU and immigration eventually merged as an issue, particularly after the 2004 accession of former Communist countries, is also indicated by the similarity in the patterns of attitudes towards immigration shared by those who did or did not switch from Labour to UKIP.
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