Sentences with phrase «accident fatalities happen»

Not exact matches

The accident happened today in the Northern Region and had recorded no fatalities.
Fatalities — which happened in less than 10 percent of the matches — were usually accidents or the result of a gladiator's poor performance.
I agree that the emphasis needs to be placed on not that things wont happen but the consequences (fatalities and illnesses and pollution) are no worse than for other industrial accidents.
Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents happen every day, and if severe, the chance of fatality is high.
Most bicycle accidents occur in urban areas rather than rural areas and almost half of all bicycle fatalities happen to children under the age of 16.
After an Ottawa accident resulting in a fatality, the police typically perform a very detailed investigation to determine what happened.
The article underscores what is pretty easy to see on its face if you drive by that intersection a few times: everyone in the area viewed a fatality at this intersection as a «when a fatal accident happens» situation.
Although truck accidents account for a smaller percentage of the total annual accidents and fatalities, they can and do happen.
While most of the fatalities happen on SR - 99, a few others within the city have had tragic accidents.
A very high percentage of the accidents happening throughout the county lead to injuries or fatalities.
Out of the traffic accidents in the county, more than 1,700 are alcohol relates and about 200 fatalities happen yearly.
A large percentage of the accidents in Broward County lead to injuries and about 200 fatalities happen from accidents on a yearly basis.
Over 25,000 traffic accidents happen every year in Broward County leading to about 200 fatalities and many injuries.
A high percentage of the accidents within the area lead to injury and about 200 fatalities happen within the county every year.
More than 26,000 traffic accidents happen in Broward County every year with hundreds of fatalities every year.
Just about every accident leads to some type of injury and about 200 traffic fatalities happen years in the county.
Many of the accidents end up causing an injury and about 200 fatalities happen on the roads of Broward County every year.
About 6,500 accidents happen every year in Volusia County with about 125 fatalities caused by these accidents.
Out of the many accidents happening here every year, about 38,000 will involve injuries with a few hundred resulting in fatalities every year.
This shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering all of the parties that happen, which led to 70 fatalities in alcohol - related traffic accidents during New Year's day.
Well, those still happen, and they are still responsible for many traffic accidents and fatalities.
This kind of fear is brought about because of the fatality of the accidents that could happen between a large truck and saloon or SUV «s.However, the laws on driving are so clear and if you join the colonial driving school, you will know how to share the road with large trucks and also the other important things that will help you remain cautions while sharing the highway with these motor carriers.
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